
Chapter 1: Corpse Incense

My name is Li Yang. I was born on October 15, 1987. This day is the next Yuan Festival, Shui Guan Jie. It was supposed to be a good day. But my dad said that day was the most difficult and terrifying day of his life. Suffering. It's my mother's labor, screaming from morning to night. Scary, is a coffin, rushed into the home for no reason. No reason is not exactly accurate.It had been raining heavily since the morning of that day, and by the evening, the river had not reached the doorstep. Everyone in the village moved to the higher slopes early, but my family was trapped because my mother had a hard time giving birth. By 10:00 at night, my mom was screaming herself hoarse. The midwife from the next village came out to prepare my father. At that moment, a flash of lightning tore through the darkness, followed by a burst of thunder. When the thunder fell, my cry came from the room. But before the family could rejoice, the door burst open with a loud bang. A black coffin was washed in by the river, quietly lying in the courtyard. In the face of the sudden coffin, my grandmother froze for a few seconds, shouted abuse, picked up the pole in the yard, and chased my grandfather. My grandmother had a simple reason for chasing my grandfather. Because I wasn't supposed to be born on this day. It all started back in the early days. My grandfather went to school, is a rare cultural person in that era, is also recognized as a promising young man in the village. But later I do not know where he got a book on feng shui numerology, since then grandpa's temperament has changed, walking and eating with the book.The farm work at home was also desolate, and fell to Grandma. A few years later, grandpa learned a half-master, and thought of showing people feng shui fortune telling. In modern terms, my grandfather is both a vegetable and a fun-loving person. As you can imagine, within a few years, it became infamous, even free help, miles around the village is not able to avoid. So my grandfather took the idea to his own ancestral grave, it is said that in more than a year, he moved the Li family ancestral grave eighteen times, so that several uncles broke off relations with him. Until my mother was pregnant with me, grandpa changed sex, did not show feng shui fortune telling, stayed at home all day, God, God, do not know what he was doing. When my mother was due to give birth, my family only knew that my grandfather had been counting my birth date and said that he would choose a good day for me to change my life for Lao Li's family. To do so, he ordered two doses of oxytocin from the city. Grandpa may be an asshole, but he's still the man of the house. My father and my mother could not defeat him, so there was the matter of grandma chasing grandpa. The fight goes on, the fight goes on, the coffin in the yard goes on. Since ancient times, there has been a saying: the cat comes to the poor and the dog comes to the rich, and the coffin door is closed for three generations. Therefore, when things like coffins are needed, the host family will fetch them themselves. Even if the coffin shop has a door-to-door service, it can only be delivered to the door, not the door. Well, now the casket is straight into the yard. And that coffin, it seems to be an ancient coffin washed down from the mountain. Inside, it's not empty. When the family was at a loss, grandpa smiled and said that this was a water coffin to send his wife, and I would be a rich man in the future.In my father's words, Grandpa was so mad and so full of strange things that the whole family could not abide him, and finally left the coffin and put it in Grandpa's room. Fortunately, nothing bad happened at home, and the existence of the coffin was gradually not mentioned. But because of this, grandpa and grandma slept in separate rooms. When I was five years old, my father wanted to have a second child, so he let me sleep with grandpa. That's when I realized that Grandpa would worship that coffin every day. And a few days after I moved there, Grandpa coaxed me with a piece of candy, put a red cloth on my head, and banged it three times against the coffin. I was so young, I didn't know what to do, just for fun and candy. By the time I realized how ridiculous it was, the die was cast. Besides, Grandpa taught me things from his old book. This teaching is ten years. This year, I am fifteen years old. Grandpa is getting old. Gray hair, cloudy eyes. I know his days are numbered. As for how I know, of course, I learned from that book. But I couldn't tell them. I kept it from my family. In the last days of his life, Grandpa spent a lot of time alone in his room, saying strange things to the coffin.