
The Beauty Behind The Demon Mask

A strong kind and assasin girl who lives in a hidden village.... She touch the demon mask and unfortunately the mask accept her as its master...the demon mask its self is the old demon queen who passed away... Maple and her friends are gonna take her evil sister who is now the evil queen..... But on her journey she will meet a strong young cold and kind boy that will make ...the strong and cold heart of maple beat fast... will the man gets to win his heart... Will they succedeed on it...read to know hope you like it everyone...

TheButterfly · Fantasy
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6 Chs

The Demon Mask

"Lets start...

" Anciet time ago , From a small village , The "Vermily village" on where the legend of the demon mask came from.

"A ray of light from above the night sky shines

directly inside the cave where the demon mask was hidden.

"It was reported to the central city of " Veronicanisya"

"It was said that after the mysterious light the legendary demon mask was missing. No one believe what the villagers says... because the legendary mask was so powerful and no one has succeeded taking it...

Everyone who tries are burned to ashes.

" The head of the city was so angry after hearing the report.

"His name is "Shane Connor Liang" his been longing for the power of the demon mask.

Everyone in the city was curios on why does Connor wants the power of the mask when he is already powerful enough to do anything.

Liang: and now that the mask is gone demons from all around the world will come and find that mask after sensing its power...

"After hearing the report he punished the villager elders for letting the mask disappear.

" In a hidden village "The Shadow Village" on where a gourgeous lady lives.

"Her name is "Maple chan" she is very gorgeuos that many men has fallen in love with her...

"she is indeed beautiful but also strong ... shes stronger than men .... no one has ever succeeded defeating maple in a hand on hand combat. she is an secret assasin.

"She went at the Vermily village to catch a boar ..., unfortunately the boar lead her to the cave on where the demon mask was hidden.

" she wouldnt notice the demon mask but then the mask glow as if its master was arround.

"Maple got curios ... so

Maple: hmm what is that crazy blinding light ... ohh its a mask and why was it glowing

what if i touch it , well nothing will lose if i touch it...

" Maple touch it but as soon as she touch it a ray of light shoot from the sky... directly to the mask and into her body...

"she got shock when the she transformed ... she is now wearing the demon mask and wearing a dazling powerful fighting outfit.

" maple got shock for everything that happen and past out.. the mask acts on its own and teleported maple to the shadow village.

"Maple woke up and thinking it was just dream ...she just do her everyday work.

Maples a hunter, farmer, and an assasin.

" She and her bestfriend Kyle shank .... they were bestfriend since childhood ...they are always together when hunting.

*while in hunting*

Kyle: hey maple.. looks like somethings bothering you

Maple: umm it was just something about the mask i saw yesterday.. it transfrom me but think it was just a dream but it felt so real.

Kyle: wow thats so amazing transforming haha nice

Maple: well will just ignore it..

*a big roar a big foot steps coming from the mountain and walking fast towards them*

Villagers: WHAT WAS THAT!!!


Kyle: What a demon??


Kyle:Ma-ma-Maple a DEMON IS HERE...

Maple: Darn it its so big and powerful im not good enough to take it down..

*something shines insides maples bag*

Kyle: Maple your bag is shining

Maple: what my bag is shinning

*opens the bag*

Maple: its the mask from the cave yesterday..

Kyle: so that was the mask ...wear it Maple maybe that will help us

*Maple wears the mask and transformed into a great powerful fighter *

Kyle: ahhh its blinding... WWWOOOOWW is that you maple

Maple: yah its me... now how do i take this demon down.

Mysterious voice: just fight you can do it ... and your power will be awaken..

Maple: who are you ..show your self

Mysterious voice: youll know soon first take that monster down...

Maple: okay

* Maple draws the sword and jump veryhigh.. she runs fast into the body of the demon and jump infront of the demons face and she slice its head off...she lands like a feather from the sky..

Kyle: wow you really did great maple thats so amazing..

Maple: yah i know i cant even believe this...

but kyle i want you to keep it a secret about the mask ...

Kyle: Why??

Maple: because maybe some of the people might steal it and use it for bad doings especially that demon ...

before i sliced its head off it spoke and said give me that mask i want that mask i want to be powerful ...

Kyle: what so it means the mask is powerful and most of them want the power of the mask.. so what do we do then

Maple: i dont know maybe keep it a secret for a while.

Kyle ; okay

*they both walk home*

they got home ... the villagers ask them where is the demon why are you still alive ...they explained everything but no one believed them until peoples keep shouting....



Elders: im really sorry Maple and Kyle but you need to leave.

Maple: ohh okay we understand well just pack our stuff.

Kyle: yah ...

* they pack their stuff and leave the village*

they dont know where to go they just keep travelling and travelling ...but before they leave the elder said something to Maple

elder: Maple your father isnt dead...

Maple: what!!!.... but i thought he and mom are dead.

elder: nope he left you in the village because he doesnt have enough money to take care of you. But i think you can find him in the vermily village...

Maple: ohh okay thanks for everything

elder: its nothing ...goodbye

They found a cave to stay for the night ....

kyle: maple where should we go now

Maple: i dont know but i think will go to the vermily village and find my father

Kyle: ohh okay


They arrived to the vermily village ... and Maple is getting uncomfortable because all the men are looking at her with desire.. while his bestfriend is laughing on what is happening...

Maple: Shut up its not funny

Kyle: hahahahhaa okay okay hahhaha

Maple: tssk.. i just want to pierce there eyes ... its so annoying

Kyle: there there calm down..

so they travel around finding place to stay for the night... no one want them to stay ..every woman depises maple because she attracts man... and they are afraid that Maple might steal their wife or boyfriend... but good thing theres a good young girl who let them stay in ...Maple saved this girl in the market from a theif .... the girls name is sunshine... she was very kind and soft hearted girl.....

sunshine: umm ehh Maple thanks for helping me at the market

Maple: that was nothing well this boy over here is my bestfriend his name is Kyle

Kyle: hi

sunshine: ehh h- hi... well Maple why are you here where did you came from

Maple: we came from the hidden village ..shadow village

Kyle: and were banished from the village cause they thought we were demon.

sushine: why would they say that

Kyle: cause i demon attack our village then... we defea--

Maybe: a mask girl came and save us...

Kyle: yah a mask girl..

Maple: ( stares at kyle .. telling him to shut up)

Kyle: hehe then after it was defeated we came back to the village ... they suspect as that we are demon cause we came back alive...

sushine: ohh thats so rude.. well you can stay here for the how long you needed

Maple; really thanks

they were going to sleep when she remembers that she is also here to find his father... .

Kyle: maple what was your fathers name again ..

Maple; his name is Arthur Chan

sunshine: did you said Arthur chan..

Maple: yah... Arthur Chan why

sunshine: he is the man who take care of the demon mask ...but then the demon mask was missing and he was punished by the head of the city .... i dont know where they take him but if you want to know more i think you should go to the veronicanisya city

Maple: ohh okay... but how come the demon mask was missing...what is this demon mask

sunshine: what you dont know... this mask was a powerful mask that everyone desires its power ...even demon got attracted to it... it is hidden in the cave and it was sealed but then ..one night after a bright light shines from the sky the mask was missing...

* maple and kyle got shock look each other*

Maple: is that so...well im going to find my father and save him ...i have a lot of question for him

Kyle: ohh well..lets just sleep and will go and find your father...

Maple: yah ... goodnight everyone

* morning*

Maple borrowed a mask from sunshine to hide his face and avoid people looking at her

They went out early ... and theyre heading to verocanisya city.... and theyre going to find her father ....

while they are travelling they came across a mysterious man ... he looks so powerful and looks like ready to attack them... but before that... the man said that he is Lancelot Tiesu from the demon realm loyal knight of the queen Akira Curtney....

Maple: tssk did i even ask who are you...

Lancelot: why you..

Maple: who cares just get out of the way were going to the city

Lancelot: I wont im not gonna let you go

Maple: why not...

Lancelot: i sense something powerful in you this powerful aura is familiar and im gonna see why you have this aura...

* jumps into Maple aiming for the head*

Maple weared the mask as soon as she avoided the attack of lancelot... she transformed

Lancelot: arrgghh its blinding.... WAIT WHAT.. THE DEMON MASK was taken but ...but thats impossible... if its true i want it ..give me that mask

Maple: not gonna happen

"She direclty dash towards him like a lightning then pointed his sword at lancelots neck... Lancelot tried to attack Maple but failed ...Maple is so strong he cant even defeat her on a hand on hand combat ...

" He said how did you get that mask... how no one has ever succedeed taking it but how

Maple: why in the hell would i tell you..were going now im not gonna kill you.. see yah

"Lancelot trembles in fear but also shock on what he see and happens...

Kyle laugh at Lancelot that makes Lancelot mad and irretated...

" Maple and Kyle continued travelling .... they only just rest for a moment .... Kyle got shock when Maple shouted....

Maple: GET OUT LANCELOT would you stop following us...

Lancelot:.ohh my she noticed me....

Maple: why are you here...

Lancelot: well i just want to... and can i know your name and can i see your face..

Maple: that wont never gonna happen... now get lose

Kyle: yah get lost... loser

Lancelot: damn you... you weak

Kyle: ggrrr

" They both stare each other angrily... maple is about to draw her sword... then Lancelot said that no need to draw your sword ill leave on my own...

" Lancelot leave ..... Kyle shouted... hahah go home you loser... hahah

Lancelot: blleehh shut up you moron

Maple: could you two stop fighting

Kyle: he started it... hahhaha

Maple: just ignore him

"Maple and Kyle continued theyre journey ... they came acrossed many monsters and demons in the way... but none of them can stop Maple ....

Kyle is also a sword expert but he doesn't have enough power to defeat a demon and so he just help Maple at fighting.

" But Lancelot kept on tailing Maple and Kyle from afar.. thinking Maple wont notice but Lancelot always get caught by Maple far or near.....

" And so theyve reach the city of veronicanisya...