
The Beauty Behind The Demon Mask

A strong kind and assasin girl who lives in a hidden village.... She touch the demon mask and unfortunately the mask accept her as its master...the demon mask its self is the old demon queen who passed away... Maple and her friends are gonna take her evil sister who is now the evil queen..... But on her journey she will meet a strong young cold and kind boy that will make ...the strong and cold heart of maple beat fast... will the man gets to win his heart... Will they succedeed on it...read to know hope you like it everyone...

TheButterfly · Fantasy
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6 Chs

A Flower in the war

•| Outside the Central City |•

" The sun rises and now its the day of the big fight.. Maple, Lilya and Lancelot are about to enter the Central City...

" But before they could go inside.... they were attack by a magic flying fire ball....

" Lilya has cast a strong barrier... to protect them from spell attacks.. Lancelot was also a fighter and he is also contracted to a fairy named Hana Rei...

" Lancelot was going to attack all the knights... while Lilya will take on the mage

Lancelots fairy and Lilya is going to take on the wizards together..

" They killed every enemy on the way... its easy for them to defeat all the knights ....

" Bella was watching from the above... Maple notices her... after seeing Bella her anger filled his heart....

" She directly dashed above and towards Bella ... as expected Bella was strong and she is harder to take down this time ....

Bella: heh... whats the matter you cant break to my barrier isnt it... hahaha its stronger than before you know hahah.

Maple: i know that... and i know that your really powerful... and so im gonna take you seriously...

Bella: hahhaha okay.. lets see what youve got... Maple

Maple: tsskk... heaven and earth... dark and light demon mask lend me all your power and defeat my enemy....

" The sky turned black... and lightning are shooting everywhere ....

Bella: wow as expected from the mask it was really powerfull hah.. lets see what else does it got...

" Bella has summoned yato again... she used thunder ray to hit Maple but it didnt give any damage to her....

" Maple turned her sword into a bow ... and shoot a....


" Maple shoot the Hundred Dragon head... the one arrow turned into a hundred arrow but this arrow is not ordinary .... it resembles a head of a dragon and more powerful than a fire from a dragon attack...

" The arrows hit Bella...It broke down her barrier .... then Maple shoot a one fatal blow... it gives a direct hit to Bella that pushed her down to the ground...

" Maple flew down .... expecting she defeated Bella but she was mistaken...

" Bella got angrier .... a big explosion happen..it pushed Maple away...

" Maple felt that Bella changed and her power got higher... and now she is now more powerful than before...

Bella: hah... are you shock that im stronger now ..... hahah love my new oufit...its called satanya battle form hahhaha...

Maple: hah... you just transformed..thats all...

Bella Bring me back Kyle....

Bella: ohh so his name was kyle.. thats so cute ... well its to bad i think his gonna die hahaha

Maple: if that happens im not gonna forgive you... DIE BELLA !!!!!!!

Bella: hahha lets see if you can ... hahahha..

Crimson Ray...

" Bella shoot Crimson Ray towards Maple...

•| Crimsom Ray was a powerfull skill that only Bella and Redvered know how to cast it |•

" It took a direct hit to Maple... ..after that direct hit ... Maple was falling down...

" Lancelot saw Maple and direclty dash to catch her..... He caught her but unfortunately Maples mask weared off..

" Lancelot cant believe on what he saw ... he didnt expect that the moron she was calling and the strong girl was a beautiful lady that every man dreams to marry...

" Everyone was busy fighting no one notices that Liang was watching from the tower ....

Maple caught his eyes... after seeing maples face.... Liang shoot a bullet ray on Lancelot to let go of her but it missed...

" Lancelot avoided the attack like a wind that cant be seen...

"He brought Maple to Lilya to heal her...

"Unfortunately Liang joined the war... Good thing Lancelot defeated all the knatthis magi

and no ones gonna interfer... The bad news is his gonna fight Liang and Bella on the same time and yet he doenst have enough mana left to cast a strong spell...

"Lilya was healing Maple..., while Hana and Lancelot was fighting.... Lilya used up half of her mana in the battle and so she started to feel weak...

" Lancelot was planning on taking Liang first then Bella next... and so he attacked him

Lancelot: Fairy lights..SHOOT

"*Liang avoided the attack

Liang: hmmp you sure is strong but thats not enough to take me down... RAIN DROP BULLETS...

" It hits Lancelot very bad he can indeed avoid it but he doesnt have enough energy left and now Liang is about to cast FLOWER RAZOR...

"He saw Bella was about to attack Lilya and Maple .... Their barrier was to weak to hold an attack from Bella...

" On the right time Maple got consciousness and stand up... while Lilya was about to fall down to the ground Maple cast a healing magic....

" Maple got stronger and more fired up after being healed...

Lancelot was about to get hit by the attack of Liang

... and Maple doesnt have enough time before she could go and help Lancelot... But then someone showed up... and blown Liang away from Lancelot..

" A gergous lady was shinning in the middle of the battle field..... then she called Maple...

" Maple recognises the voice... it was aisha..

Aisha: Maple dont space out there were in a middle of a fight... common and were going to defeat them...

Maple: got it... Lilya heal Lancelot... Hana ill leave you all the enemy that was left...

Hana & Lilya: got it...leave it to us...

" Hana and Lilya did what Maple has instructed them... and now theyre gonna take Liang and Bella together...

Aisha: so its been so long Liang...

Liang: hahha i thought you forgotten about me..

Aisha: how could i forgot you... you killed mom you shouldnt be here ...

Liang: ohh common aisha... mom was killed by dad...


Liang: hahhaha.. well its already done what are you gonna do...

Aisha: Im gonna KILL YOU BROTHER...

Liang: you know that your no match for me... hahaha..your a weakling..

Aisha: Not anymore..

" Aisha dashes towards Liang and attack him with her magical holy dagger.... and Liang was fighting her with his magical staff....

" On the other side... Maple was preparing to fight Bella...

Bella: what are you thinking Maple... thinking on how to atta--

" Bella thought Maple was infront of her but she was wrong... it was an ilussion and the real Maple was behind her...

" Maple sliced Bellas back with her sword... it gives a big damage to Bella.. But her wounds got healed authomatically...

" Maple continued attacking Bella but every wound she gets ... always get healed right away...

Bella: is that all you got..

Maple: Darn it... it looks like you dont get any damage...

Bella: or maybe your just to weak.. now its my turn... SHOOTING STARS..

" A thousand light are falling from the sky .... and it was attacking Maple ... she dudges all of them... Maple attack Bella from infront thinking that would damage her... but she was wrong it didnt give any damage

"Maple keep on attacking Bella but she only got healed over and over again...

" On the other side Aisha and Liang have the same strength ....no one can predict who can win...

Liang: you really have gotten stronger...but not strong enough to defeat me...

Aisha: i dont care...Im gonna avenge mothers death...

Liang: hahaha is that so.. but your not even a match for me...

Aisha: tsskk just wait and see.. Bloody Moon...

" The moon appeared in the sky and absorbed all the blood of the dead... after collecting it...

the moon shoot a thousand magic blood balls towards Liang....

" Liang was indeed strong he avoided all the attack ... he was so foccused on avoiding the magic blood balls and forgotten about aisha...

" Aisha took the advantage of it and attack Liang from the back... She stabbed him ... before she used her dagger she cast a poison spell on it... a high leveled poison magic The Dark Poison Ivy...

" The poison was this running in the blood of Liang... and this poison cannot be removed by any antidote ... it can only be remove by the person who cast it....

Liang: Darn you Aisha youve put a poison in me ... and its the Ahh the dark poison ivy....

Aisha: your really smart brother... but your not gonna live for so long... .

Liang: tssk.. arrgh... the poison is spreading..

Aisha: dont worry the poison will kill you after 3 days..

Liang: argh... remove the poison Aisha...

Aisha: that wont happen...

" Liang tried to escape and teleport away from the city but aisha stop the teleportation magic.... Liang was almost killed but then someone interfer and jump from the sky... it carried Liang away from the city...

"Aisha tried to stop them but she failed the intruder avoided it...

" Maple are busy on battling Bella... and now that Liang was not here...

Aisha planned on following them but she chooses to stay and help Maple....

" Lancelot was still being healed by Lilya...

Lilya almost runs out of mana for casting a high leveled healing magic... she cant take it anymore it feels like shes gonna colapse.. but then Aisha came and help her... she healed Lancelot... and restored Lilyas mana...

" Maple was getting exhausted fighting Bella..

she keeps wondering and thinking on why

bella doesnt take any damage....but before she could think what was bellas secret ...

" Bella fleed from the battle ...

Bella: hahha.. well still thinking whats my secret... hahha.. well think about that another time... im going now hahha see yah...

Maple: Comeback here Bella... tell me where is kyle... you bitch...

Bella: hahhaha.. go and find him yourself hahahhaha.. moron... and get a little more stronger so that on our next battle it wont be boring...hahaha

Maple: aarrgghh bella COME BACK HERE BRING ME BACK KYLE...


" Maple collapse after the big fight ....she was so exhausted ..., she used up all her mana...

" Aisha carried Maple near Lancelot and Lilya....

"Hana is a strong fairy she... finished all the left enemy but some of them fleed away..

" She came to Lancelot waiting and for him to wake up...

Aisha: well lets get out of here first... ill take you to my place ... ill heal them there and you can rest in there...

"Aisha teleported them to her house... in the sky realm..