
The Beauty's Hidden Beast

In a twist that not even Yaya could have predicted, she's suddenly smack in the middle of Nivi's latest obsession: a world brimming with beast-men. No, not just your average hairy dudes, but handsome men with actual animal features. Determined to navigate this bizarre reality with her sanity intact, Yaya hatches a plan as pragmatic as her wardrobe: rehome these too-good-to-be-true "book husbands" to the one person who's always dreamed of such romances─Nivi─her best friend. !!! TRIGGER WARNINGS !!! 1. Yaya and Her Males: The relationship between Yaya and her future males will be far from an idyllic love story. Instead of healing each other wounds, they might just be opening new ones. It will get better along the way, I think... I hope. I'm here to present you a story, not a lecture on how to be a decent human. Feel free to criticize and judge my characters, whether in your mind or through the comments. If you spread awareness in my stead, that would be even more awesome, hehe. 2. Yaya vs. BQQ: If you thought BQQ set the bar for treating her males shitty, wait until you meet YY. You'll know what I mean once you dive into this novel. Feel free to form your own opinions about her─whether it's disdain, frustration, or outright disbelief. Defend your biases, embrace your reactions, and let out your inner rage, rawr. 3. Yaya: Her purpose isn't to be relatable. Not for me, not for you, not for anyone. But, feel free to explore her thought pattern and see the world through an entirely different lens. 4. Yaya vs. Nivi: Someone mentioned that Yaya needs Jesus, lol. In Yaya's world, Nivi is her Jesus. Just a small reminder for the readers who will decide to stick to the story: Those of you who keep up with the latest updates actually have the power to control the course of the story. So, instead of waiting for a stockpile, being active as soon as there is an update kind of pays off. It also motivates me to push out a new chapter faster *winks*. A/N: It's a fanfiction based on the "Beauty and the Beast" world.

ChubbyLiv · Book&Literature
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68 - Naughty Girl (3.3k words)

YaYa's POVWithin Gold's bubble, I pulled out the luminescent pearl necklace I received from Muir, but even it could not penetrate the ocean's darkness.If it weren't for Vick's and Curtis's ability to teleport to me, I'd probably be panicking by now. The ability to summon them gave me a strange sense of safety. It was the kind of comfort I hadn't felt for a long, long time.A short while later, we appeared inside the cave where Jean used to stay. It was lavishly decorated with seashells, colorful corals, and luminescent pearls.In the middle was a giant clam bed. There, a person with long red hair, green eyes, and a very pale complexion lay in wait. Her body was curvy and supple, like a young woman in the prime of her youth.Gold mentioned that when they traveled back, she didn't even realize that they weren't from her own tribe. She didn't seem to miss her previous males, and even seemed excited to move out to a new place.Upon our arrival, Bluepool placed down a plate of dried fruit and immediately ran to our side. "Mandy, Mandy, come see who's finally here!""Gold?!" Mandy quickly got up. Her legs wobbled, but she didn't fall over as she ran towards the stern male. "Why aren't you happy to see me like others?" she asked with a beautiful smile, completely unfazed by his rejection, "It's the first time someone doesn't want me. I like that. Why don't you become my next mate? I think I will like you better than any other merman."Everyone's faces dropped."It's like history is repeating itself... Gold was chosen again..." the elders muttered and shook their heads, "Bluepool, you are our tribe leader now. What should we do?""Well..." Bluepool rubbed the back of his head. It was easy to tell that he hated his role as a tribe leader. The mermen were not only putting pressure on him about their mating rights and challenging him to fight for a tribe leader's position, but even Mandy's situation was something he was struggling to deal with. "I guess if that's Mandy's choice... and her happiness is what matters...""She will get bored soon enough," Gold interjected, "I am just something new, and her curiosity will wear off. When that happens, she will be looking for someone else... someone more warm.""That's not true!" Mandy's face twisted into a scowl. "I really like you!"Gold didn't seem interested at all. The wrinkles between his brows deepened, "I told you that I've already promised myself to the land female. Choose another─""No! No one has ever rejected me!" Mandy didn't listen. She wrapped her arms around Gold's arm and clung to him, unwilling to let go. "Where's that land female anyway? Why is everyone making such a big deal out of her?""Here." I stepped forward, "I'm the land female."Mandy's scowl immediately disappeared and was replaced by a look of curiosity. She clearly didn't expect to see a head-to-toe-covered female. Her gaze slowly went up and down my body as if measuring the competition. "So you're the female Gold is obsessed with?" She snorted, "Show me your face, land female.""I don't see the point, but as you wish." When I lifted my burka, she shrieked and buried her head into Gold's arm, not wanting to look."What kind of ugly monster are you?! Are all land females like you? If so, I understand why no mermen want you!" Mandy shrieked, still covering her eyes, "Go away. I don't want to contain your ugliness. It's disgusting!"I laughed in amusement. The ability to change my skin to match a frog's was a fun trick I had picked from Vick's spousal imprint. Because of my boys' 'over-amazingness', people started getting weird ideas that I was a beautiful mermaid or something. It was about time I cleared up that misunderstanding."You are right. I am a hideous monster," I said, turning around to face the mermen. "I don't know why Gold is so obsessed with me either."The elders looked as if they wanted to vomit. Bluepool's mouth was open wide with his eyes bulging. Gold just frowned and yanked Mandy's hands off him, pushing her toward Bluepool."Gold, you like that?" Mandy's voice was laced with disgust, struggling in Bluepool's arms, "I don't understand. She looks so scary. How can you like it?"Bluepool picked up Mandy and put her on the clam bed. "Don't be sad, Mandy. Gold is only interested in her because of her connections with powerful males. He doesn't really like the land female."Gold slapped his palm against the back of Bluepool's head, causing the male to stumble forward, "Don't talk nonsense."I lowered my burka, smiling. The truth was finally out, huh? I don't have anything against liars. People do what they do to survive, after all, but I'm not stupid enough not to notice when people are trying to use me.Bluepool looked up at Gold with his lips pouting, rubbing his head, "Do you really have to leave us? If you stay, I'll give you back the position of the tribe leader."The elders also encouraged Gold to take back his position.Without responding, Gold walked toward me. The closer he got, the deeper the wrinkles between his brows became. "Let's go." He led me out of the cave and into the dark water.I looked back at Mandy, whose gaze was fixed on us. "It was nice meeting you, Mandy. Take care," I said as I entered the bubble.She didn't say anything back, but her expression was enough for me to know that she was pissed off.· · ─────── · ⊱❈⊰· ─────── · ·From the mermen's reaction, Bluepool must have used his sound waves to convey that he was no longer the tribe leader and that the position would return to Gold, even though he'd be gone most of the time.Bluepool didn't care about the tribe like Gold. He wanted to try the position, but when he realized it wasn't just about authority and respect but also about responsibility and hard work, he wanted no part of it.Gold's expression was sour the whole time. He didn't say anything; just swam faster and faster, and I realized that he wasn't swimming up but rather straight.Once we left the tribe, we were completely submerged in darkness. I couldn't even see my hand in front of me, even though I held it right before my face.I pulled out the small luminescent pearl and let the soft blue light illuminate his features. "You know, I'm not the type of person who believes in vows and promises, especially from those who don't abide by the land beastmen's rules," I said, my tone icy and dismissive.Gold stopped moving, his eyes fixed on me. The darkness made his expression even more grim, and the shadows cast by the pearl gave him a sinister look. "Why would you think I won't keep my promises?""I thought it was obvious." I said, "You abandoned your position and are ready to sacrifice your life for a female you don't genuinely care for, even though you don't have to. Everyone with a common sense would think it's to use her to further your tribe's interests.""If you've known all this time, why are you not mad at me?" Gold's eyes narrowed, his voice dropping dangerously low. "Why would you leave your males behind, and agree to go with me to the deepest, darkest, ocean alone?"I laughed, "Who knows. Maybe it's the thrill of the unknown. Maybe I'm just curious. Maybe I'm an idiot. Maybe it's a combination of all three. I don't know."A moment later, Gold told me to hide the pearl and be quiet before vanishing. I scanned the darkness, but there was nothing. Absolutely nothing. It was just blackness everywhere. The bubble remained rooted to the ground, unmoving.I hid the pearl inside my pocket to avoid alerting anything and leaned against the wall with a sigh. "I'm really an idiot," I muttered to myself, closing my eyes. I wonder if this was the tactic the mermen used to teach their mermaids the fear of the unknown.I could hear a whale's occasional shriek or a giant squid's roar. My heart would pound at the thought of some sea monster sneaking up on me, and every time the water moved, I'd think something was approaching.I felt my spousal imprints tingling. The boys were probably telling me to teleport them to my side, or they'll be coming for me. They must have found out that I was no longer in the mermen tribe and was freaking out."Are you not afraid? Why are you so calm?" Gold's voice came from somewhere above."The idea of turning into a piece of fish shit after being devoured by one is way too entertaining for me to worry about other things," I replied with a chuckle."...""...""Why are you like this?" Gold's voice came again, but it was much closer this time. "This is what we give to our mermaids before mating. It's to ensure she gives birth to healthy and strong mermen, but I've noticed that it also changes the mermaid's appearance. Their bone structure becomes less masculine, and their skin becomes more supple and beautiful," he said, popping an item inside the bubble, "If you don't like the way you look, maybe you should take it. It might help."I picked up the crystal and used the pearl's light to look closer. It was an emerald. Could it also change the genetic makeup? I wondered as I inspected the small gem. It would answer why the mermen could inbreed without any negative side effects.The emerald I received from Curtis acted no different from a clear crystal. It made me think my body nullified the emerald's effects before it could work its magic."You think I'm ugly?" I asked."..." Gold's reply was so low that I had to strain my ears to hear it.Was it just the darkness and the isolation, or did he sound a bit embarrassed?· · ─────── · ⊱❈⊰· ─────── · ·Gold brought me to a small island next. It was really small. I could see the ocean from all directions, and it had nothing on it except sand and a few palm trees.I immediately stepped out of the bubble, enjoying the freshness of the air. The life of a mermaid was really dull: stuck in that dark water, not knowing what the outside world looked like, and with only a few islands that were not that inviting to hang out on.Gold followed me out, his face stern and emotionless as usual, "We never allowed Jean to visit the beastmen's land. We feared that she would be unwilling to return if she grew too attached. And if she did return, she'd struggle to readjust to her former life. It'll take a toll on her health, and she'd eventually perish."I sat on the sand, facing the ocean. "I see."Gold sat next to me. His body was a little stiff and uncomfortable. After a few moments of awkward silence, he finally spoke. "You've seen both worlds. Do you think there's a way to make a cold and dark world like ours warmer?"I hummed and leaned back, looking up at the starry sky, "What kind of warmth do you mean? Warmth in the soul or the body?""Both," Gold replied almost immediately, as if he had been thinking about this for a long time."I plan to settle near the hot springs after we conquer the colossal's territory," I said, "I wouldn't mind if you built a holiday resort for your tribe there. The mermen might find the humid environment safer and more comfortable than the dry lands, and your new mermaid might appreciate the warmth of the hot water. It will be so hot and steamy that she might even welcome the cold ocean after a long stay there. She will also have a chance to meet females from the peacock tribe, and maybe even make a few female friends."Gold was silent. He sat there, unmoving, with his eyes closed. I wondered what was going on in his mind. Was he considering my offer? He suddenly opened his eyes, his arms reached over, but I reacted faster.I grabbed his face and slammed him to the sand, my fingers ready to poke his eyes out, "What do you think you're doing?"His eyes widened. He stared at me with shock and disbelief, "I...There was a small sand crab on your shoulder," he stammered."Did all the lying get to your head?" I sneered and pressed him harsher against the sand, "I'm not as stupid as your mermen. You can't fool me that easily."Gold looked to the side. I heard his heartbeat quickening. The longer we were like this, the redder his face became, so I threw him into the ocean to cool off.I sat back down, watching him as he tried to collect himself. It was the first time I've seen him so flustered.Gold climbed back onto the shore and stood a meter away from me, his expression still flustered. "It's not because of your connection with your males," he said, sitting a distance away. "You never stay in one place for long. Once you leave, I'll have no way to find or contact you. Your knowledge and insight are invaluable to me. Therefore, I want to travel with you, learn from you, and become a better tribe leader for my people. Since I'm a mated male and can't leave a spousal imprint on you, I thought if I offered my guardianship and gained your trust, you would be more willing to share your secrets.""My secrets, huh?" I snorted, "What makes you think I have any?""I'm not that easy to fool either." Gold's lips curled into a small smile, "I've heard stories from the elders, about females gaining powers from their male's spousal imprints," he said, probably suggesting that I used my boys' powers to toss him into the ocean or my camouflage ability to look scary on purpose."They are coming," I said and looked up.Muir was flying straight toward me, and before I could open my mouth, Vick and Curtis jumped from the water, and they all pounced on me, knocking me to the ground.Bart approached me with two baskets of cubs. A small scorpion stuck to his head before shifting back into its human form.Mitchell saw the brawl and immediately joined the fun, but I kicked him into the ocean."What is going on here?" I asked Bart, waving him away.Bart placed the baskets on the sand, "They were bored waiting for you and decided to race each other," he explained before jumping into the water to save Mitchell.Muir lifted my burka, "Vick said you tapped into his spousal imprint to make yourself ugly. Is that true?"The trio looked at me in anticipation as if waiting to kiss a frog, so I showed them.They widened their eyes. Curtis even tried to lick my froggy cheek. Muir followed by licking my other cheek, but Vick pushed them both aside, "I want the first kiss."I was about to say no when he also changed his skin into something similar to a frog. He stuck his tongue out, and I couldn't help but lick it.Muir and Curtis sulked as they turned around, each taking my hand to play with while guarding us from curious onlookers with their bodies.Our kissing wasn't the most silent and private activity. The sound of slurping, sucking, and the wet smack of our lips echoed against the sea waves.Curtis and Muir were still holding my hands, and I think they were getting turned on by our sounds because they were trying to rub my hands against their groins.I could feel Vick's erection pressing against my stomach, and the thought of doing it under the starry sky was enticing, but there were too many outsiders nearby, so I stopped the kiss and got up."Listen up, head male. I've got an issue with having Gold as my guardian," I said, licking my lips, "It's already enough that Bart is listening to us having sex, and now you're telling me that there'll be another eavesdropper? I want to have my private moment in peace, alright?"Bart poked his head out of the water, blushing furiously as he dragged Mitchell out. "It's alright. I'm used to Rosa's mating with other males. It's nothing," he mumbled, his face still flushed."And that scorpion," I pointed at Mitchell, "Is a pervert. He was in his bug form when I caught him entering our tent from below the ground. Can you believe that? He wanted to watch me and Curtis fuck. while. in. his. bug. form.""You foul female stepped on me before I could see anything! You are the one who's perverted, not me!" Mitchell retorted, frowning when everyone burst into laughter, "Who is interested in your dirty feet?! I just wanted to see your face!"I tossed my cloak and burka at Vick before facing Mitchell, "Oh? Then come here and have a look. I'll make sure you won't be able to see any faces beside mine for the next few days."Mitchell cracked a wide smile. "Then I'll make you regret stepping on me." However, when he saw my frog face, he immediately froze.I rushed forward and kicked him to the ground. He fell back, and before he could recover, I stepped on his face hard enough to leave an imprint of my shoe on his cheek, "How's the view? Is your curiosity satisfied?"Mitchell disappeared in the sand. I jumped back, avoiding the hand that burst out from under the sand. "It doesn't make sense," he growled in disappointment, his head resurfacing from the sand, "What's so special about you? What makes you so attractive to them?""If you find out, let me know," I replied, crouching down. I traced my foot imprint on his cheek before squeezing his chin, forcing his gaze on my lips. "Why don't you try to find out why they just can't seem to stop kissing me first?""Is that a spousal imprint?" Mitchell's eyes landed on my tongue."Mmhm," I answered, sticking my tongue out, "Wanna taste it? You can have a lick. I don't mind.""No. No. Absolutely not." He shook his head vigorously."You were so eager to see my face," I laughed, letting him go, "but I guess it's just too much for you to handle.""You foul female, what did you just say?" Mitchell hissed, his voice low and dangerous as I narrowly dodged his advance. "Are you saying I can't handle a lick? Come here! I can eat you whole and still have room for dessert!"Vick's spousal ability was too fun to use. I could see myself abusing it on others all the time, especially on Mitchell. It's a pity I couldn't maintain it for long.When I went to retrieve my cloak and burka, Vick held onto them tightly, seemingly waiting for the effect to fade and show everyone my true face."I'll walk around naked if you don't return my stuff," I said, tugging at my top to reveal my stomach."You are such a naughty girl today," Vick pulled the burka over my head, "Are you that happy that I'm back?""A little bit," I said, unable to suppress a smile, "Yes."╔═══ Author's note ════╗Dang, the sea of red flags that managed to gather in one tiny island, I can't. 🤣🚩I'm so curious about what is going through all the males' heads as they deal with YY. 🤣╚═════════════════╝