
The Beauty's Comeback! What my Wife Says Goes

Walking in on her boyfriend and cousin having sex and exposing their plans to get rid of her... Shi Xue was heartbroken. Due to her shock, she knocked over a vase. Since the plan had been exposed... She is on the run for her life. Her dad passed away several years ago, and her so called family members were after her inheritance. After running for god knows how long, she was struck in the back of her head by a man dressed in black. "Hehe... I'm too tired from playing cat and mouse with you... since you are unconscious.. I shall drown you and have you die a more peaceful way." In this fateful night, the handsome man was out on his private cruise dealing with his "business" with the spies he found from his company. As he was staring at the ruthless torturous methods used on the spies to make them talk.. he heard .. "help... me." How much did she hear and who was she? Just when he was about to toss her off the cruise... he recognized her ... the coldness of his eyes melted away as he gently embraced the girl to his body. "Shi... Xue...?"

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209 Chs

Chapter 97- Dog food everywhere

Yu Rou: "That's a very obvious question mom! I never even graduated on my own! i failed most courses and you and dad had to buy my degree! it's all you two's fault that I became this way!"


Mother Xia trembled as she cried, "Mommy loved you so much. So much that I spoiled you in every way. I regret it. I should've thrown you out when you were 18 so you wouldn't be this clueless. how dare you turn my love into a reason for you to blame? are you even human?!!!"

Yu Rou: "mom.. I .. I just wanted my dream to come true. I've dreamt countless times since I was 9 to marry Zhi hei. I already had everything planned. I only wanted to pursue what I wished to achieve. You and daddy always taught me that I needed to use my own hands to get what I wanted!! That's what I'm doing. This is all taught by the two of you!!"

Mother Xia was very angry and heart broken from her daughter's words, "I can't believe this. You.. just.. shut up. I don't want to listen to you anymore. All your words.. just no. Stop."

Yu Rou cried, "Mom!!! How could you say this? Didn't you always love me the most??"

Mother Xia, "I did. and I gave you the best of everything. But I don't even recognize my own daughter now. Our family is all over now. Your father is gone. You are like this. How can I be such a failure?"

Yu Rou: "This... this is all this wench's doing! If she never appeared I would've married Zhi Hei! We would've been fine!!"

Shi Xue: "Even without my existence, Zhi Hei wouldn't have been yours. He's a love that you weren't meant to have. Stop blaming every one of your misfortunes on other's. Learn to pick up after your own shit."

Zhi Hei hugged Shi Xue by her waist and looked at her with gentle eyes, "Even if I haven't met you in the past, I would definitely find you in the future and love you over and over again. Without doubt. You'll always exist in my life."

Yu Rou: "unfair!!! this is very unfair!! You never hugged me that intimately before how come she can and I can't? What is there that she possess that I don't??"

Zhi Hei: "You're not her. "

Yu Rou's heart once again shattered into pieces. Her mother had already stopped talking and closed her eyes to rest her mind. Yu Rou finally... finally saw clearly who Zhi had loved. It wasn't a trick or a spell that she casted. It was all true. He loved her. He admitted it.

Yu Rou: "I can allow her existence. I wont mind! I just want to stay by your side... just by your side is enough."

Shi Xue: "Sorry, even if he is okay with it, I wouldn't allow it. You had your chances. You lost them due to your stupidity. You are not worth standing by Zhi Hei's side even as a friend."

Yu Rou laughed uncontrollably after Shi Xue said that sentence. "Since I can't have him, then nobody ... nobody can!"

After the bodyguards drew on her face, Yu Rou secretly took one of their pocket knives that were by their waist. She was waiting all along for a chance to be close to Zhi Hei. She knew his heart wouldn't be hers, so she can only make him disappear! Just like the teddy bear she wanted from the store when she was little. This girl took the last one and Yu Rou ripped the bear's head off. If she can't have what she wants then nobody deserves it either.

The distance between where she was sitting and Zhi Hei was close enough for her to reach him if she used all her strength to push herself up and hop to where he was. She used the side of the chairs as her support and her single leg to charge towards Zhi Hei with the sharp knife. Shi Xue reacted quickly and stood in front of him. She smirked as Yu Rou got closer. The moment she saw Yu Rou lifting the knife up in the air...


Yu Rou's body swayed and fell onto the floor whining in pain. Shi Xue threw a high kick aiming right onto Yu Rou's neck when she got close enough to be targeted. All along, Shi Xue didn't want to use videos and photos as a threat. She just wanted to use it to slap mother Xia and Yu Rou's face. She wanted to clear Zhi Hei's name. It was perfect since Yu Rou's leg was broken, she couldn't control her directions.

Shi Xue: "Phew, that felt so great to stretch. I don't know how obsessed one can be, but you belong to a mental hospital. If you truly love someone, you would wish them well. What your so called love really is, is your greed and jealousy. You believe that you deserve the best and others don't deserve better than you. That is why you kept saying you love Zhi Hei, but in reality, you love money and fame the most. If Zhi Hei wasn't handsome, powerful, or rich, would you still love him? If he lost in power and fame, became a nobody over night, would you still say you want to follow him? I care less about what he possesses, I love him for him. I would follow him till the world ends. I'm willing to dodge a bullet for him. But you? You only want to control him. You're a control freak."

Zhi Hei quickly carried Shi Xue to a chair and had Chen Mu check to see if she was harmed in any way. Although the knife didn't touch her body, she swung her leg pretty high up that it was inhumane. For a patient whose legs were weak just a while ago, it could've caused her some damage. Chen Mu sighed of relief when he found her still intact and nothing was wrong.

Zhi Hei could finally let a huge burden off his chest, he stroked her hair, "I'm a man. You didn't have to protect me like that. "

Shi Xue smiled beautifully, "But that's my body's natural instinct. I can't stand there like a stick seeing you get attacked. I'd rather get hurt than see you hurt. It hurts less when I'm hurt than seeing you in pain."

Zhi Hei's heart melted. He leaned in and kissed her roughly on her lips until she moaned painfully. He bit her lips too hard and made it bled. "You want to know how I felt when I saw you dodging in front of me just now?"

Shi Xue nodded slightly, *PINCH*

"oowww..... why did you pinch me? it hurts!!!" she pouted.

"It hurts?"


"But that pain you felt just now isn't even 1/10000000000th of how much my heart hurt to see you stand in front of me blocking the attack." He dotingly rubbed the pinkish flesh he had just pinched.

"Fine then! Next time I won't do that... I promise I'll help in some other way..."

Zhi Hei smiled and hugged this silly girl into his arms, "There wont be a next time.. because I will keep you protected well. Seeing that knife within your range of sight made my heart hurt."

Mother Huang's heart almost stopped when she saw the sharp knife aiming towards Zhi Hei a few minutes ago. She didn't expect Shi Xue, who looked so weak and fragile, to be so strong and fearless to block the attack for Zhi Hei. Not only that, she managed to beat the enemy to their end... too impressive. Mother Huang witnessed how loving these two love birds were, to feed dog food like this and become each other's top priority...

This love is indeed too beautiful that it blinds everyone. Hui Yan's eyes teared up when she saw how deep Shi Xue and Zhi Hei's love was for each other. She looked at the man (Shen Qi) next to her and whispered, "I wish we would become like them. Loving each other so deeply."

Shen Qi smiled and whispered, "You've been my top priority since childhood."

After hearing these words, Hui Yan wrapped her arms around his neck and hid her face on his chest. "You've been mine too.."

Father Huang saw these two pairs of couple in each other's embrace, how could he miss out this opportunity? He quickly walked over and hugged his wife. The old couple looked at their children all hugging their loved ones. Suddenly, they felt that they were really old. It's almost time to let them all go their ways. The Huang couple captured this heartfelt moment while smiling with full happiness.

These three couples made the half dead body on the floor puke blood from the stuffed dog food. Mother Xia looked in envy because she knew clearly that her marriage had never reached this point. This level of affection could only be in their definition of envy. Something they can never achieve in this lifetime or possible forever. Seeing these three pairs of love birds made the two woman on the floor turn sour. They can only see this rare happiness, but not obtain it.

Maybe this is the worst type of retribution. Being shoved in the face with something that you had wished for your entire life, but would never be able to obtain it...