
The Beauty's Comeback! What my Wife Says Goes

Walking in on her boyfriend and cousin having sex and exposing their plans to get rid of her... Shi Xue was heartbroken. Due to her shock, she knocked over a vase. Since the plan had been exposed... She is on the run for her life. Her dad passed away several years ago, and her so called family members were after her inheritance. After running for god knows how long, she was struck in the back of her head by a man dressed in black. "Hehe... I'm too tired from playing cat and mouse with you... since you are unconscious.. I shall drown you and have you die a more peaceful way." In this fateful night, the handsome man was out on his private cruise dealing with his "business" with the spies he found from his company. As he was staring at the ruthless torturous methods used on the spies to make them talk.. he heard .. "help... me." How much did she hear and who was she? Just when he was about to toss her off the cruise... he recognized her ... the coldness of his eyes melted away as he gently embraced the girl to his body. "Shi... Xue...?"

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209 Chs

Chapter 95- return the favor

Mother Xia tried to use the sympathy card with Shi Xue to protect Yu Rou from further harm, "She can't stand any physical pain anymore! Please don't torture her physically. Her face had always been the most important. Even a single pimple would make her nerve wrecked. But now, she was tic tac toed on!! Give her some sympathy!!."

Shi Xue tilted her brows one again, "Then which one you gave me sympathy when you guys schemed against me with poison? "

Mother Xia's mouth was left dangling... compared to Yu Rou's condition right now, Shi Xue almost lost her life! Not only that she also has Zhi Hei's child inside of her!

Xia Gu Yue finally spoke up, "You can do whatever you want with these two, they planned it all! M..my husband is Wei corps CEO. Please give him a bit of face and let me off. I promise what happened today would never be mentioned!"

Shi xue looked at Zhi Hei, "It involves business, I can't decide on that. If it affects you, I can let one maggot leave. She did only make that phone call and send out the poison..."

Zhi Hei's eyes constricted as he dotingly wiped off a dragon fruit juice stain off the corner of her lips. "Never worked with that company. Probably, never will either."

Gu Yue shivered in fear, "I... I..."

Shi Xue: "Why did you do it?"

Gu Yue: "They promised me that they would set up a company contract with my husband if I did it. They also said that for sure the child in Yu Rou's stomach is Huang Zhi Hei's so no matter how ruthless you guys are, you won't harm her baby."

Shi Xue: "The father of that child is not Zhi Hei. That's for sure. But even so, you did this out of greed even though you knew that it involved another innocent person's life. You're ethically and morally wrong. With this type of personality, I wonder what your husband will say or do...when he finds out how vicious you are."

Gu Yue chanted, "N..noo please not my husband! he can't know this!! If he does, his already not caring manner will become divorce!! please!!"

Shi Xue: "If you can ruin my life from a simple phone call and poison, why can't I return the favor and use my words in place of poison while I make the call to your husband? Compared to taking your life, leaving you physically unharmed should be better."

Gu Yue snickered, "He won't pick it up!"

Zhi Hei took out his cell and dialed "find this person's contact and connect me through quickly."

-2 minutes later-

Man: Hello?"

Zhi Hei: "Are you Wei crops' CEO?"

Man: "yes, and you are"

Zhi Hei: "Huang corps CEO, Huang Zhi Hei"


Man: "President Huang! Nice to meet you. What's the reason for your call?"

Zhi Hei: "I called to handle some personal matters. Your wife attempted to murder my wife."

Man: "W..what do you mean? My wife.."

Zhi Hei: "She didn't directly pour the poison into the food herself, but she persuaded another woman to do so. Your wife decided to team up and plan after my wife's life for the sake of a contract with your company. "

Man: "... I am very sorry for my wife's inconvenience. I hope your wife is fine and wasn't harmed from my wife's stupid actions. I'll be sure to give you a proper response."

Zhi Hei: "Sure. My wife almost died from the poison, luckily, my doctors were intelligent enough to save her. Or else, right now, it wouldn't be me talking to you about your wife. You would've gotten the news of a funeral already."

Man: "A..alright! I am once again very sorry! Don't worry, I will drag that bitch off her status as Wei corps mistress. She and I will have nothing to do with one another from now on. Would this be a satisfiable response?"

Zhi Hei: "I'll leave that to my wife to decide. But anyways, your wife will be sent back in one piece and well. Remember your words from just now."

Man: "Yes! Thank you for your time and letting me know of my wife's despicable actions!"

As soon as they hung up, Gu Yue's cellphone started to ring

Gu Yue's hands trembled when she picked up the call... "H..hello...?"

Man: "What did you do to President Huang's wife?"

Gu Yue: "I... it was.. my sister and niece's fault! I thought I could help to help you win a contract with Huang corps!"

Man: "The only thing you ever cared for is wealth, wealth and more wealth! Isn't it more than enough to be able to buy whatever you wished for and live in luxury? You ruined this for yourself. Gu Yue, let's divorce. I can't stand having an attempted murderer next to me at night time. I might be dead the next morning and wouldn't know how I died one day if I stayed with you even after this."

-Call ended-

Gu Yue's eyes swelled up and warm drops of liquid filled her face the next moment. "NOOO!!!!" Without her husband, and Xia family's backup.. she has no way of surviving by herself... "Ever since young, I had everything set for me. I didn't need to work or pay bills.... How will I ever survive...

Shi Xue glanced at Gu Yue's dispirited figure, "I've already done what you wanted. I let you off without any harm for the face of your husband. You lost your husband from greediness, I hope you will remember this lesson."

Gu Yue clenched her teeth as she stared at Shi Xue with resentment. She slowly reached into her pocket and then screamed "SHI XUE!! YOU RUINED ME!!!" and charged towards her..


Thank you so much for reading my novel and I really hope that you enjoyed it. Less than a month ago, I never thought that my novel would have so many viewers and votes. I was glad that I went for it and posted this novel! You all have no idea how happy reading your comments make me feel. Thank you so much for spending time reading my chapters. I'll continue writing and hopefully improve. THANK YOU <3

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