
The Beauty's Comeback! What my Wife Says Goes

Walking in on her boyfriend and cousin having sex and exposing their plans to get rid of her... Shi Xue was heartbroken. Due to her shock, she knocked over a vase. Since the plan had been exposed... She is on the run for her life. Her dad passed away several years ago, and her so called family members were after her inheritance. After running for god knows how long, she was struck in the back of her head by a man dressed in black. "Hehe... I'm too tired from playing cat and mouse with you... since you are unconscious.. I shall drown you and have you die a more peaceful way." In this fateful night, the handsome man was out on his private cruise dealing with his "business" with the spies he found from his company. As he was staring at the ruthless torturous methods used on the spies to make them talk.. he heard .. "help... me." How much did she hear and who was she? Just when he was about to toss her off the cruise... he recognized her ... the coldness of his eyes melted away as he gently embraced the girl to his body. "Shi... Xue...?"

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209 Chs

Chapter 181- The baby is...

Zhi Hei accompanied Shi Xue to do her pregnancy check up like always. During her previous checkups, the couple only asked about the child's health and nothing else. As long as the baby is healthy, that is all they were concerned about. This time, they could finally know the gender of their child.

The gynecologist smiled and looked at the loving couple, "Congratulations! Mr and Mrs. Huang, you two are having twins. According to what we have here, you have a boy and girl."

Shi Xue was stunned because she didn't know twins ran in any of their families. At the same time, she felt really happy because she wouldn't have to wait an extra 9 months for another cheerful angel to be in her arms. Zhi Hei was happy, but worried at the same time. He was excited for having both a boy and girl, but he didn't know whether she could handle the pain. His heart aches knowing that she is enduring during pregnancy. He already couldn't imagine her giving birth to one child in pain... now there is two..

"Are you not happy?" she asked after seeing him in a daze.

"Of course I am happy! I'm just worried about your body!"

"Haha, silly, I'll be fine. Seems like we will have a large family soon..hehee"

"Would you two like to listen to your babies heartbeat?"

Both of them nodded with a huge smile on their face.

When the couple took turns listening to their babies heartbeat, their eyes turned watery.

"o..our babies heartbeat haha.. it's beating so fast."

"Don't worry, baby's have faster heartbeats than adults." the gynecologist answered.

"nn..nn.. this feeling is so wonderful.. I have two little ones inside of me.."

The couple hugged each other and happily shared the news with the rest of the family. When Qian Ling, mother Huang, father Huang, Hui Yan and Shen Qi got their message, the group chat instantly exploded with messages of congratulatory stickers.

On their way home, Shi Xue rested on Zhi Hei's shoulders while his arm circled around her waist.

"Are you tired?"

"Nope.. I'm too happy to be tired today. Just thinking that in a little less than 4 months later, there will be two babies in our arms crying for attention makes me feel that all pain and endurance is worth it. They're too precious.. so precious that I have beyond words to describe this type of feeling. Every little movement shows their liveliness and their growth. Haha... I can't believe we will be parents. It feels so amazing... too great to be true.."

"To be honest, until i heard their heartbeats today, I finally realized that I have a very very important role in the future. I have to be a great husband, which is a given. Most of all, I have to become the best role model for our daughter to look for, in a husband who will dote on her like I do to you and our son to dote on someone else's daughter. I always see you smiling happily when you rubbed your stomach. As much as I enjoyed those moments with you, I never felt it physically so I didn't feel as close as you do with our children. When I heard their tiny heartbeats earlier, I finally felt like a father. Their hearts felt like it connected with mine. It is an extremely blissful feeling to have.. Xue..Thank you for making me the happiest man alive."

"no... I should be the one to thank you for finding me again. Thank you for having faith in our love and planning everything carefully since I got pregnant. I love you so much."

"I love you and will continue loving you forever."

Shi Xue's appetite improved along her pregnancy. She started having more preferences for different dishes and would eat more each time. Seeing her eat contently made Zhi Hei really joyful. 'She can finally enjoy more food. Our little ones, please give your mommy an easier labor."

After finishing three bowls of pig bone soup, she wanted another serving of it. While she waited for her soup, she finished the stir fried chicken and broccoli dish in front of her.

"Slow down, slow down. You're going to choke. Nobody will take the food away. You can eat as much as you want."

"I know.. but I can't stop eating. I just want to eat more and more. I'll get so puffy after I give birth.. sigh how much effort would it take for me to get back my original body I wonder..."

"Haha.. it's alright. This is because you have two little ones absorbing the nutrients. You need to eat more to have enough strength to give birth to them."

"nn.. you're right. Only 2 more months.." she brushed her stomach lightly.

After dinner, the two went for a mini walk around the house. The gynecologist suggested that she should do more walking exercises or simple yoga positions to make her labor easier when it comes.

"Look, another full moon! So many stars in the sky too.. What a pretty sight."

"Yep. Years ago, we met under the starry night, years later, we are already married and having children soon."

"Mhmm... soon.. our home will be filled with liveliness."

In the middle of walking back to the house, Shi Xue touched her stomach and chanted, "B..bathroom!!"

"Does your stomach hurt?" He quickly carried her in his arms and carefully watched his step as he rushed back to their room.

"Baby.. baby! Don't kick mommy's bladder. Don't kick too hard either..The two of you be more obedient please..." she rubbed the areas where kicks were most painful.

Zhi Hei managed to bring her to the bathroom before she peed on herself. He wiped the layer of sweat from his forehead, "Phew... this bun and bunny really don't know how to dote on their mother. I'll have to teach that to them first when they come out."

After using the bathroom, she felt much better and went to bed. "Their kicks get stronger and a bit painful. Sigh, you two... mommy can't always make it in time using my luck. What if I pee myself in public from your fun exercises hmm? your kicks or fists better be you stretching and not fights okay? Be good..."

Zhi Hei rubbed her stomach until she fell asleep. He whispered, "You two better not cause your mommy too much pain during labor. She's going through such hard times for both of you."

Maybe the babies heard their daddy's warning, they avoided kicking her bladder area when they exercised.

Mass release will come very soon... maybe after another chapter or two. Thank you for reading!

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