

Looking at the time seeing it was already half eleven and the alarm was set for six.

Going to the bathroom taking out his clothes Alex took a bath.

Recalling clearly the words Sam said a week ago, 'Just bear a little while again with me, and everything will be fine. 'He had it all figured out.'

Alex, still cannot believe it but he has his family, "Oh God, we are together.

I know they haven't revealed everything to me. and now I don't have to beg her to come to my bed.

I don't have to hide my marriage from the world, but oh God whoever it is that is threatening my life, am I now going to put my family at risk if I take them home?"

Getting under the covers taking her in his arm, Alex closes his eyes feeling his body coming alive.

Slowly easing his hand down to her tummy not wanting to wake her.

With his eyes close whispering word of prayer and blessing upon his unborn baby, when the baby moves under his touch.

Alex felt like shouting, he even wanted to wake Diandra to share this joy, but then he thought if he disturbs her rest.

She might wake up thinking something bad has happen. I will tell her in the morning her rest is more important.

Rising early enjoying the way she was cuddle up in his arm.

Alex relaxes holding her close to him when he felt her kiss his hand. "You are up early."

"Yes, too early." As she snuggles up to him, pulling his hand over her, then the covers.

"I could still catch an hour and a half rest." Lying with her for half an hour hearing her snore.

Alex shifted out the bed quietly, then dress and leave the room.

Taking the door key and van keys, then lock the door and walk up the road to Sam home. Happy that the van wasn't in the compound. Reaching the van unlocking it, then return to the house.

Alex took his bag and walk up the few steps, entering the room she wasn't in the bed.

Thinking she must be in the kitchen but then the sound came from the washroom of her vomiting.

Hating to hear people vomit because it makes him want to vomit but he ignores his feeling and went to her aid.

Rubbing her back, "Is it like this every morning?" Seeing her shakes her head but she leans over the face basin for support as she rinses her mouth.

"Are you done?" When she nods her head, Alex allows her to walk but his mouth started to spring up water.

Spitting on the face basin then hurry and get his toothbrush from his bag and brush his teeth. Going to her by the bed she looks so weak and worn out.

Unable to imagine how she has been managing by herself and having to move around to attend to Champ in this weaken condition?

Is that why Maria asked her to move in with them. They are truly good friends taking so good care with her.

Seeing the way Sam pamper her I can't imagine how he must treat Champ. It seems Margret and Natalia adores him as well.

From what I observed, Maria love Champ very much, but I haven't seen Sam with him.

I am sure he does the same with him. "Tell me, what can you eat and drink?"

"Only milk staying down."

"Okay, let me get some for you, how do you want it warm or cold?"

"Warm thanks, and please make a cheeze sandwich for me."

"Okay you relax, and let me get it for you, I will be back in a jiffy."

Hurrying out the room his mind hit a hundred and eighty degree, 'If it is this bad with this baby how was it when she was carrying Champ.

She was all alone in a strange place.' Recalling the story with the two plant. 'Maybe she had met Sam and Maria in the early stage of her pregnancy.

Now I am here for her but she won't be leaving until Sam and Maria has organize and arrange everything.

Oh God, and I cannot remain with her; I have to be in the job site. I must speak with Maria and Sam and see what we can arrange.'

While packing the tray the doorbell rings. "Was she expecting someone, it is only quarter pass six."

Opening the door seeing this elderly gentleman and this child about eight years standing at the door, they look so tired and their clothes look a bit dirty.

As though they had slept on the street. The odor wasn't nice either, but they needed help. "Good morning can I help you?"

"Uncle, can I get something to eat?" Taking out his wallet Alex give the elderly man twenty dollars."

"Uncle please, there isn't a parlor open this early."

Alex saw the tears and said, "Come on in and let me see what it has." Entering the kitchen once more knowing there was only two more slices of bread.

Making two cups of tea and the last sandwich. 'Now, I will not have any bread to fix her a sandwich. I will just have to give her the milk, then go and get bread for her breakfast?'

Alex takes the tray to them placing it on the table then invite them to come and take a seat.

They had only taken the second mouthful when she calls me, "Alex what is taking you so long?"

Turning around looking up towards her room seeing her standing by her door.

She looks much better than when I left her, when she said in such a sweet tone, "Hello!" watching as she slowly walks down the stairs,

Bending in front the child asking him. "Are you all right?" Then she turns and ask," Alex, who are they?"

Realizing she have never seen them before, he said, "Sweetheart, they are just passing through and needed so breakfast."

Alex heard when she asks the child, "Would you like another sandwich?"

Noticing the child smile as he nods, thinking, 'Dear Lord, there is no more bread so how will she get bread to fix another sandwich.' He follow her into the kitchen thinking, 'I better go and get bread.