

Opening the door Roxanne walks inside, "Oh darling this is so wonderful. I have waited patiently for this day to finally come.

Alex in the six months we have been dating. I thought you will never invite me to your home to meet your mom? I am so happy, but tell me Alex where is your mom?"

Ignoring the last piece of her question, Alex reply. "Roxanne, I am tired tonight, and it seems a bit too noisy outside.

I thought we could just have a quiet nightcap and relax. So what would you like to drink Roxanne, brandy or coffee?"

"A brandy sounds splendid darling." Roxanne respond, thinking, 'This house is unbelievable.

From what she have heard, Alex never invited anyone inside his home, so I am very fortunate.

Maybe Alex might propose to me tonight? Oh God that will be so wonderful.'

Taking some deep breath knowing, 'She have been waiting for this day, since they have met and it is finally here.'

As Alex attends to the drinks hearing her saying,. "I was really hoping to meet your Mom tonight darling."

"Sorry to disappoint you, Roxanne, but as you can see she isn't home at this immediate time, it's just you and I, so you can just relax and enjoy each other company."

Observing the way, she keeps looking around and how she touches the portraits, and the vase, as though she was evaluating each item.

"Roxanne, is everything all right?"

"Why do you ask, Alex, I am just admiring your home it is so huge."

Thinking to herself, 'If only I could get my hand on one piece of the painting. Then all my problem will be solve and I will be debt free.'

"Alex, these items would look magnificent, if the house have a complete make over?"

"You might be right Roxanne, and I might just take your suggestion into consideration. I was observing the way you keep touching each item.

It seems as though you are estimating or evaluating the prices for the items, or are you putting a price tag."

"Alex, I could not help it, but notice these are special pieces and are very costly. Oh, and that vase is a very unique piece Alex."

"As a matter of fact, they are all very unique pieces and very old. They are worth a lot so please don't touch anything because they are irreplaceable."

"Alex, I understand but this house needs a woman's touch."

"I believe you are right but it has to remain so for a little while longer.

This is how mom left it, so it will have to stay this way until I am ready to make any change.

You see Roxanne's my mom has selected those special pieces which she love very much and she doesn't trust anyone with it.

So please do me a favor and come and sit down, before you make a mistake and cause any of those vase to fall and brake?"

"I am not a clumsy child Alex so tell me, Alex, where is your mom?"

Seeing the smile, Roxanne ask, "Alex. did you bring me to your home because she isn't home?"

"You could say so Roxanne, and no I brought you home so I can get some peace and quiet."

"Alex, I can see she is not home, so where has she gone?"

"Will you please stop all the questions, it is giving me a headache?" 'Boy, why is women so inquisitive, and why all the question?

Although he try changing the topic, she seems so determine and persistent?' Noticing the pain on his face, Roxanne thought this is the perfect opportunity.

"Alex, you mean she is dead, oh my God Alex why didn't you told me that before?" Hurrying to his side but he walks away.

Unable to believe the way she said it, 'So remorseless without any sensitiveness or emotions for his loss. This is so disturbing but then, I should not be a bit surprised.

In-fact I should have expected that from her. Knowing she is heartless according to what her friends had said.

"Yes Roxanne, my mom is dead."

Holding his hand in hers, "Alex, then what is the purpose of the house remaining in this dreary condition. Honey. we could fix it up real pretty when we get married.

How about we make some plans of the changes you want?"

"Roxanne, changes sound really good. And now you have given me a very good suggestion. I just need some time then I will put some plan into place.

And Roxanne, did I do or say something that gives you the impression that I want to get married?"

"So Alex, tells me something, don't you want to get married?"

Looking at her then releases the hold she had on his hand and gives her the brandy.

Alex, then went and lies on the couch. "Aren't you having a brandy, Alex?"

"How long did you say we were dating Roxanne?"

"Six months we are dating Alex, and it seems as though you don't even care about me?"

"We are friends isn't that enough? And one other question you ask. If I am not having a drink, but it seems as though what I eat or drink doesn't concern you?"

"Alex, why do you say such a thing? You know I care a lot for you, is that what you want to hear?"

"Not exactly Roxanne, but tells me almost every evening when I am off duty and we had dinner together, when last did you see me consume any alcohol?"

"Alex, I enjoy being in your company, I don't pay attention to what you eat or drink."

"You are right Roxanne, what does it matters when you could get good company, but for your information, I gave up drinking a few months now.

And please take a seat, it seems as though you are restless."

"As a matter of fact Alex, I am in a way after hearing what you said. I have waited for this day for so long, and what you said earlier is very disturbing."

"I am sorry Roxanne, I cannot recall exactly what I said. We had talk about so many things. Please tell me what did I say that disturb you so much?"