

Once more in his room he pull on a boxer. Alex thought, 'She always seems to know when something like this is going to happen.

This is the second time she told me she dreamt I got shot. I know her dreams come true, then I am sure she got a sign when I was targeted, after she left?

Lord, what I want to know is why I am being shot at? Who is the culprit that is behind these attacks?'

Stroking the bandage in his left hand, 'The doctor was right, the bullet had just cut about an inch of flesh.

If I didn't fall when the first shot hit my vest, the second bullet would have hit directly in the middle smashing up my bone. It happen so quickly, oh Lord were there two shooters?

My God we only caught one of the shooter. Now I know my life is still in danger, because those bullet could not come from one gun so quickly. Unless the shooter had two guns.

I must query concerning this matter. I must Thank God, my officers were on the alert, and Gomes were fast, chasing after the shooter without getting hurt.

I must visit that individual and ask why I am being targeted? And get a copy of the Police report. Now I need to get some rest and I need a pain killer, this hurts like hell.'

Whispering a prayer, "Father, thank You for saving me from death, Lord, what would have become of my new found family?

Lord I beg You to please help me to know the reason I am being shot at, because I am scared for my life, and now the lives of my family that is with me. Lord I am certain they will also become a target.

I need my family near me to keep me sane, so please Lord protect us from every unseen danger ahead. And Lord, I give You thanks again in Jesus name. Amen."

Alex search for something to release the pain, getting the last two pain killers that was prescribed for Diandra injury. He drink it, then went and lie down once more.'

With his eyes close unable to stop thanking God. When a vision of the hole in the jacket flashback. 'Thank God, I discarded that jacket. If I had kept it when Diandra came she would have suspected the shooter was targeting my heart.'

Resting a pillow so the hand will be level to the shoulder hoping the tablet will ease the pain.

When she enters the room, she looks so worn out. Knowing for a surety that she must never know exactly what happen.

She already looks rattles up when she saw me at the hospital. Sam and Maria won't like if something happen to the baby. Turning so she won't realize that the wound is paining.

"Alex, what is wrong, are you in pain?" Sitting on the bed next to him. "Come son, lie next to your Papa."

Stroking his chest Diandra whispers to Alex, "You can tell me what happen?"

"Can you squeeze my head; it hurts so badly."

Sitting closer to his head Diandra massage his head. Looking at him with his eyes close, Diandra suspected then, 'He is definitely avoiding her questions;

I need to know exactly what happen today and is there more to this accident? I need to find out.'

When the two of them falls asleep, Diandra get the prescription and lock his door so if Champ wakes up, he won't leave the room.

Grabbing her purse after she call for a taxi, then lock up and wait.

Walking into the reception area in the building, when the others secretary saw her, they point to Alex office.

Diandra knocks on the door then waited for a respond, hearing to enter Diandra, opening the door then steps into his office seeing Melissa taking notes as Sergeant Gomez dictate for her.

When the Sergeant stood up asking, "Madam is the Boss okay?" Thinking, 'I never thought she would left his side, especially the way she was worried and so anxious at the hospital.

Now she is here, I wonder what is the matter? She doesn't look worried now, but all she said was, "I will like someone to collect this prescription for me please."

"Madam, I will get on it immediately."

"Thank you, Melissa, and will you give me a few minutes with the Sergeant please?"

"Not a problem Madam, but is Boss alright?"

"He will be as soon as I get those medication to him."

"Okay, I will hurry."

Gomez watch as soon as the door was close and she turn to face him, wondering at that moment if she was short on cash, is that why she came here?'

But her words startle him for a moment when she said as she leans on the desk and look at him, straight in his eyes. He could see she was very serious.

Hearing her saying in a stern voice, "Sergeant, I will like the honest truth, Alex is not saying anything, and he believe if he hides the truth from me, we will be protected.

If he is under the influence of his medication, and I don't know what is happening, how can I help him or keep him safe and my family?

I am sure you know what I am saying is true, so please enlighten me? I need to know exactly what is happening and why is he being shot at?"

Listening to what he was saying but just to make sure she didn't miss any thing, she had secretly voice record the report that was given.

Thanking him for his honesty, Diandra turns to leave when she said as she turns, "Sergeant one other thing."

"Yes, Madam anything."

"Sergeant, is this the first incident of him being shot at or was there other incidents? Example, when that other officer was shot, was my husband the target?"

Getting no response, Sergeant, is my husband life still in danger?"


"Has the shooter revealed any reason for targeting my husband?"

"I will be going to the station in a while to get a report."

"Will you keep me abreast of any new information? I need to know if this is finish or if we still have to be on the alert. Oh, Sergeant I will appreciate it very much if he doesn't know about this meeting."