

Hearing her ask, "Johnny how were you all able to enter inside the compound this morning?"

"I was here before boss leaves for work this morning."

"And how did I reach on the couch?"

"When I came, you were asleep there."

Diandra seems confused when she asks, "Then who moved the couch?"

"Frank and I did."

When she said "Thanks," and walk away

Diandra returns to the study and lie on the smaller couch. Feeling so confused and puzzled, as she lie down on the study couch, pondering within her heart, 'So how did I end up on the hall couch?"

With her eyes closed as a flash of Alex and she lying on the couch, 'Was I dreaming that? But when I woke up my hair was in a mess, just as he said in the dream.

When Diandra get another flash of what had happened her eyes flip open, seeing what had transpired between she and Alex.

'My God, it wasn't a dream,' feeling her lips, 'It did happen, Alex and I was kissing, this is getting out of control. I am going to get hurt a second time, only this time it will be completely different.'

Closing her eyes once more coming to the realization, "I look forward to seeing him every day. He has changed so much, and has even become more mature and responsible.

He is more handsome and did he really mean it when he said he will only buy groceries if I return. But I have my own little family and they need me just as I need them.

What will become of Sam and Maria when they cannot see Champ.

With everything jumble up of what has been happening this past week, she was being distracted so much, that she didn't have time to miss Champ..

When suddenly the thought struck his mind, 'Oh Father, have I fallen in love with Alex and forgotten the ones who had help me out of all my calamities and distress?

Those trouble days when I was lost and fumbling from one destination to another.

Feeling so trouble in her heart, Diandra prayed, "Heavenly Father, I cannot be unthankful and ungrateful to the people that stretch their hand in the point of my need, help me as soon as this week is over, so I can return to my home."

Feeling her inside shattering as she whispers, "Lord it was very hard when I left this house the first time, but now I will need your help to endure, give me your strength to go through this time.'

Drying her face knowing exactly what she had to do, then step out into the hall, noticing all eyes were on her but Diandra ignores their glaring and speaks to Johnny, "Will you be working tomorrow?"

"No Ma'am it's the Sabbath, I don't work on the Sabbath."

"Oh, I see, I know Jesus is Lord of the Sabbath, and He performs lots of miracles on the Sabbath, but if you cannot work I understand. We all have our own belief and understanding of the scriptures."

"Don't you keep the Sabbath Madam?"

"Please explain to me what you do on the Sabbath?"

"Well we don't work, neither cook, we attend church."

"So who attend to the animals or do they fast also. Or do those who keep the Sabbath don't rear animals?"

"Yes, we have animals."

"Is that work?"


"So what happens to the animal or the person that works on a Saturday, or if the children get sick do you wait until the Sabbath is over to take them to a doctor?"

Seeing him just look at her then said, "If I recalled clearly Jesus said if your animal falls into a ditch will you leave it there to die?"

Johnny looks at her, "No Ma'am, we save the animal if we can."

"Is that work or not?"

"It's work Ma'am."

"So if these things were to occurred, you will be breaking your Sabbath?"

"I supposed so, but what do you believe in Ma'am?"

"I believe that Jesus Christ died for me so I could live, we are all His children and are saved by grace, which is His unmerited favor.

Johnny it's favors we don't deserve but was provided for me. Living by faith and believing that He has redeemed me from the law and His blood washes all my sins away and makes me whole.

Johnny when you break one law you break them all, but in Christ, I am free from the law and safe under His covering of grace.

I remember once you asked me a question when I told you if you did know me four years ago.

Johnny, I am giving you permission to ask Alex about my life, he might be able to explain better than I. If he says no then tell him I give you the okay to ask."

"What do you want me to ask him, Ma'am?"

"Ask him what was my age when he last saw me, and what I can do from what I cannot."

"Ma'am, I don't want to pry."

"You are not prying Johnny, I am giving you permission to ask him anything about my life.

Now how about we get cracking, this work must be completed by next Friday. When you come Monday get a few more workers, however much tiles could be completed today, do it."

"Ma'am the kitchen area will be completely blocked off for tomorrow."

"Never mind that, put another man to work with those two."

Before the men finish work for the day, Diandra had the men clear everything from the library and rest it in the study.

When they closed work for the day Johnny told Diandra he will check Alex Sunday.

When everyone was gone she locks the front door, and where ever it was passable she check on the work that was completed.

Thinking, 'They have done well only the front of the house and the rooms upstairs have to be completed, the laundry room downstairs and the piece of the hall to tile.

I will work in the library over the weekend. Recalling Johnny said Alex will call so she waited.