

Returning to his room taking the laundry basket to the laundry room.

Throwing in her clothes into the machine to wash, then take the mop bucket and mop and went cleaning the room.

Seeing the specks of blood that was missed out last night, Alex took care not to make noise while cleaning.

He opens the window so the breeze will blow through, allowing fresh air to circulates in the room.

Completing the cleaning, reaching to the door Alex turn around noticing her looking at him.

"Ah, I see you are awake," sitting on the bed next to her, "Now tell me how are you feeling this morning?"

"My foot pains a lot, by chance it has any pain killers, I could use to ease this pain?"

"Yes, Doc leave some for you but first you will have to freshen up, and eat something before taking the pills."

Hearing a horn Alex went by the window looking out, "Is that a door."

"Is it here already?"

"Diandra you order a door?"

"Yes, I noticed the front door had termites, so I had to get rid of it, later or sooner you would have to change it so as the men are here I order it one time.

You see if you have to get someone later on when they are changing it the might scrape the paint and it will cost you much more. Now, tell me is there any more packages in the delivery van."

"Yes, what are those?"

"It's the curtains, so that mean I have to be move to another room."

Turning around going to her, "But why, I have kept my promise."

Seeing how angry he was, Diandra pat the bed. As he sits down saying to him.

"There is no need to become angry, your room need to finish and with us in here, they cannot do any work in here. You want the work to finish on time right?"

Seeing the nod, "Good, but right now I need to use the washroom."

"Okay, I will help you," removing the covers, when she shriek, "What happen to my nighty? And why am I in your T-shirt?"

"You was unwell during the night and the two night clothes you brought were sweaty and soak."

"What is the length of this t-shirt?"

"Diandra what does that matter, I already see your body."

"I know, but please get me a towel to wrap around my waist." 'If only he knows what his hand and eyes do to my body, he won't ask.'

"Okay, seeing that you are persistent I will." Diandra examine her body when she was alone in the washroom.

"Was I so out of it, that I knew nothing what had occurred during the night? Oh my God, he could have raped me again?"

Closing her eyes as memories surface of the first incident, whispering a prayer.

"Oh, loving Father, I thank you for your divine protection. It seems as though Alex have changed a lot from then to now.

But Lord, what will happen when Saturday reaches and I have to leave?

Lord, when Champ see my foot in bandage he will cry and then Sam and Maria will want to know what happen?

I never revealed this part of my life to anyone, and I will like it remain this way.

Oh Lord there will be so many questions and how will I be able to explain how I feel about him.

Please Lord, if it is not too much to ask, let them be delayed just for a few more days."

Hearing Alex call out asking, "Diandra are you ready for your bath?"

"Alex, can you give me a few more minutes please."

Hearing her sniffling her nose, "Diandra why are you crying?"

"I am not crying."

"For God's sake Diandra, please don't lie to me?"

"Alex, can you tell me if Maria called last night?"

"I will check, if you recall Ken switched of your phone before he left. Diandra is that why you were crying?"

"Well, I was thinking when I return home Saturday and the little one sees me limping, he will cry."

"Diandra, you can remain a few days longer until your foot feels better."

"Sorry Alex, Sam wants me home when he returns."

"Diandra, whoever is this Sam, I am sure he will understand?"

"He will Alex, but I want to be home as well, if only they could delay just for a few days."

"Don't worry something will work out, now let me check your phone."

"Thank you, Alex."

Sitting on his bed, taking up her phone from the bedside table, hearing the voice message.

Resting down the phone once more, "Everything seems okay with her friends.

She is hurt, but hearing her concern for Sam and the little one. If she takes care of him as they say and she cannot read nor write then what does her duties entail.

Recalling Ken said she can read a few numbers, is it that she is home school by Sam? How much does she know or have learn?

In her need to get help, she was able to call my office, oh that is much better than nothing.

What I really want to know now is what is her job there?

I know something is missing and that is a very integral part of the clue, which will unravel this puzzle.

There is more to this Sam, and whose child is the little one?"

The sound of footsteps causes Alex to turn around, seeing her limping.

Rising up quickly Alex hurried to her, lifting her up, "You will cause your foot to start bleeding again."

She smells wonderful and her body felt clean and soft from the shower.

"I am having a meeting later so tell me what you want to wear?"

"Oh, something simple will do."

"Diandra, I need you to wear something passable."

"I don't have to be there Alex, so what is the use."

"Sweetheart, I know that but just in-case."

"Will you just get me a t-shirt and a tights please?"

"No, no, no, that won't do at all, your legs will be expose."

"Just give me what I ask for?"

Alex seeing how angry she has become, "Diandra, I am so sorry."

"So am I, now do you expect me to lie down the whole day in jeans, Alex, I will die with this heat in all those thick clothes."

"You are right as always, but before the meeting will you please pull on a jean?"

"Alex, I am not going to come out of this room."

"Never mind that, just do as I ask, please."

Getting the clothes for her to change, also bringing the jeans then leave her to change and went to get her meal.