

Hearing Champ laugh Diandra brush the tears away, missing him so much. "Now it will stop hurting and don't give trouble, and be a nice boy for grandma and grandpa, now give grandpa the phone."

Hearing Sam, "Hi Sam, I miss you very much, but I don't want you to worry about me, I will be okay I just want you to enjoy your holidays, and Sam, Ken is here if I need any help with anything, I will let him know.

Yes, he told me you said that when I spoke with him this morning, and Sam will you tells Maria that when she calling me, this hour will be a good time, because I am planning on visiting a friend."

Laughing hearing him began quarreling, "Sam will you just stop that and relax, you told me to go and have some fun, so I take your advice, and yes I will be very careful, so I don't want you worrying about me."

Hearing Margret voice, "Hi stranger, I am lonely without them, but you already knew that, but never mind I will be fine it is just two weeks.

You will, oh that will be so wonderful, then I am looking forward to your visit. Can you speak up I am not hearing you?" Looking at the phone seeing the battery power off.

Leaning her head on the front door as the tears flow, "If only they know how miserable I am without them?"

Hearing his footsteps approaching, Diandra quickly wipes her face and stood up. "Are you all right Diandra?"

"I am good, why do you ask?"

"Then come along, I see you bring the leftovers you prepared for lunch, so let us eat, that food was delicious and we can't waste it."

Alex observed as she takes a step into the house, she took some deep breaths, then he heard her groan in such a mournful sort of way.

Looking at her face the way she was pink, her face becomes pale slightly losing the color. 'I never thought this would be so hard for her?'

She keeps looking around as though she was soaking in everything. Admiring how she slowly walk and touch the portraits and the special painting that mom had loved, in a sort of worship and so reverently.

Realizing the difference between her, and Roxanne immediately. She worships this house and the things mom love.

Following her to the kitchen as she passes her hand over the counter, hearing her say, "In all these years you haven't change anything."

Having no words to respond to her, seeing how she was looking at everything as though she was paying homage, 'Did she love this house so much?'

Taking two plates and rinse it then wipe the plate resting it on the table. Reheating the food and rest it on the table. "Diandra, comes and sits down, tomorrow you will view the entire house."

When she did sit down her shoulder sag, Alex felt such pain in his heart seeing how sad and broken she was for the way he had treated her.

No one has worship this house the way he see Diandra did at that very moment.

She took very little food but she still didn't eat it out. When she did get up and went looking inside the cupboard, she took out a small pot. She washes it and full some water and lit the stove.

Realizing she was going to make tea when she took a teabag from the box. "Diandra, do you want milo,"

"Yes, but I didn't bring any with me."

"Diandra, I have a pack inside the pantry."

Observing she took it and only made herself a cup of tea not even asking if I want any and walk to the back door.

Noticing as she rests the tea on the window ledge and opens the door, then she went out to the back veranda.

Thinking she was going to relax there for a while, but she took one of the chairs and went out to sit under the stars.

Inhaling the fresh air, wanting to be alone but then his footsteps came not too long after. 'I know he keeps looking at me,' when he said, "Can I join you Diandra?"

"This is your place Alex, you can do whatever you wish."

"Please, Diandra, let us not be like that, if you want to be alone, I will leave and go elsewhere the house is big enough so we can stay in separated sides."

"I don't mind, it is just so hard for me, this was what I was dreading, but being here makes me realized she is gone and life has to go on."

Placing a chair next to her watching as she holds her cup with both hands and sips her tea slowly as she looks at the stars.

Hearing her say, "Look at that group of stars," as she points her fingers indicating seven stars together, "They are a family, one day I hope to have a big family like that."

Seeing two stars close to each other, Alex glimpse at her, it seems she was looking at the same two stars when she pointed, "Look at them, they are a loving couple."

Then he notice she wipe her face and point to one star far away and said, "That is me all by myself. It is lonely and quiet but it has its benefits at times.

I can wake up when I want, and go where I want, and enjoy the peace not having to quarrel with anyone, these few days in the city should be exciting."

Turning to look at him asking, "What time will the workmen be here in the morning?"

"I can't say exactly but I am hoping very early as the designer said, but Diandra it does not matter, all they need is someone to be here."

"But someone has to be here to open the door and gate for them?"

'You are right, hopefully by seven but you can just rest."

Rising up she picks up her chair and said good night and left him staring after her.

Diandra takes up her bag and went into his office and sit down combing out her hair.

Having to stop so many times before finishing, because it was tiring for the length. Completing the plaiting then open her bag taking out a long scarf and band her head so it won't be crumpled up.

Alex stood by the door wanting to knock when he heard her said, "I hope you know that being here is becoming very hard for me?"