

Walking into the kitchen, Diandra felt this closeness to him as though there was an attraction, 'I never felt that way for him before, so why is that?'

Thinking as she wash the few dishes in the sink, 'In all the years she must have only dreamt him about three or four times, but this time the dream was different, it felt so real.'

Going to his room Diandra bathe and change, knowing the men will come soon. Kneeling by his bed she prayed for the Lord's protection over his life.

Once again, she returns downstairs and made herself a cup of tea and a sandwich.

Six fifteen Diandra get down to the packing of the utensils, as she busy herself, her mind remain on Alex.

By the time the men reach she was almost done packing the boxes. Then she and Johnny sit with the catalog as they finalize the color of paint she had selected.

Also the covering for the chairs, and couches and the selection of mats she has chosen, so he could place the order early.

"Johnny, I want this work to be complete by next Friday, so I could return home."

"But Diandra, I thought you will be living here."

Johnny watch her turn away and heard her laugh, "No Johnny, I have my own secret dwelling place which I love very much. I have made a life for myself and I have a beautiful family waiting for me.

They are on vacation, so I decided to come and help Alex out. You see Christina is Alex's mom and she and I were good friends.

I live with them here for a few years, I know Christina likes and dislikes, that is the only reason I am assisting you."

"Okay, I understand but have you ever considering going into the business of designing, you have excellent taste and you match the colors so beautifully."

"Johnny, if only you knew me a few years ago? You would have said differently then, you might even be laughing at me like how everyone else did."

"How do you mean Diandra?"

"Please let us not discuss that now, and can you tell me how soon can we get these orders?"

"Maybe by tomorrow if I place the order now."

"Then do it and get a crew to work on the outside, one on the kitchen and any available hand put them on the hall, oh and Johnny I need someone to work on the cushions.

There are rooms upstairs that they can set up and work, also I have already packed all the utensils from the kitchen in boxes to move into the library, anything else I will be in the study."

Locking the door, Diandra busy herself with the project she began working on right before Maria and Sam left. She has hope of completing it within these few days while the men work.

Stopping to collect the lunch Alex send, opening the box in the study, it smells delicious.

Spanish rice, pepper shrimps, macaroni pie, and a fresh salad. Getting a plate she took a small portion, and store the remainders in the refrigerator for later.

Diandra then takes a juice and return to the study to enjoy her lunch.

After having her lunch Diandra check the men to see what progress had been made and whatever they need from the ground.

Working alongside them, assisting in whatever way that can speed up the work.

When five-o-clock bang, work atomically stop, these men were like robots just a little piece to complete and they stop.

Locking up, Diandra continue where they leave work in the kitchen, she took it upon herself to complete it, hoping by tomorrow she could start repacking the kitchen, as soon as they bolt up all the cupboards.

Moving the ladder as the painting was completed in the kitchen and started on the hall wall outside of the kitchen.

Having her earplug on and her phone in her pocket, she hum along as she busy rubbing the wall.

Diandra was so caught up with the job at hand, that the time just slips by unaware of the hour.

Shifting the ladder when her stomach grumbles, checking the time thinking it was around seven, only to see it was ten-fifteen.

Reheating the remaining lunch she eat then went to Alex room and wash her hair, because of all the dust.

Drying it as much as possible with a thick towel, then wrap it with another large towel and lie down in the bathtub enjoying the warmth of the water.

Allowing the bath oil and spices to soak into her skin. Thinking, 'This bathtub is much larger than the one in the cottage.

I should install one in my room and move that small one to the guestroom, but this is luxurious. Knowing she was alone and she could stay as long as she want, Diandra close her eyes and relax.

When the clock strike eleven, she slip the stop cork out with her foot, and step out the bathtub. Unlocking the door and walk out the bathroom.

Smelling the aroma of the bath oil and spices and his shampoo, it fills the air as the bathroom door opens. "I see you are finally done."

Looking to see where he was, Diandra grab a towel from his wardrobe so quickly, and wrap it around her. "Why didn't you knock on the door or call when you came home."

"I did, but I got no answer so I decided I had no choice but to relax and wait."

"I am so sorry, and you must be tired and want to bathe and go to bed."

"It is alright, I only came about ten minutes now, so I slip my shoes off to cool my feet."

"I was worried about you, and I never knew you work so late."

"I was just holding on for one of my Sergeants, as he went with another officer who was in an accident."

"Did he get hurt while on duty?"


"Did he get hurt bad, Alex?"