

Alex follows the sound to the back of the house, seeing the men at the top, while some were sanding the wall, it had others painting.

Seeing Johnny, and Diandra was next to him up on the scaffold, "Diandra, my God, get down from there immediately, Diandra, I am speaking to you, come down this minute."

"Don't you have a job to get to?"

"Never mind about my job, you come down here right now, these men are professional and they are wearing their safety gears."

Reaching the ground Diandra notices how angry he was, but she wasn't afraid of him, how she used to when he used to raise his voice on her.

"What is wrong with you? Supposed you fall and damage yourself?" Turning towards Mr. Alvin, "If I ever see her up a scaffold again? I am going to stop all work, you hear me?"

Diandra was annoyed with him, "Now you listen to me this is not Johnny fault, he told me not to climb up.

I am alive today because I learn to climb trees, that is how I survive for years. You should know that neither I am afraid of heights."

When he was going to respond she said, "Alex, today I would be dead if I was afraid. But you are right, I should not be climbing, if I get hurt who would take care of my family?"

Diandra ignoring him and his questions, "Well never mind, I will leave, and please don't sound as if you care?"

"But Diandra, I care what happens to you?"

"Yeah right."

Seeing how angry she was as she walks away, saying to Mr. Alvin, "Please be stern with her, she is very excited being part of the decisions, but I don't want her to get hurt."

"I understand Mr. Mellford."

"I was wondering when you finished work for the day, who does the cleaning up?"

"The Madam does Sir."

Alex walk around where the men were working, seeing them at both sides of the house busy. Realizing Johnny must have brought more than one crew.

In the kitchen, two men were bolting up the cupboards. 'I only hope they finish by next week Friday or I will really be in a plight

Reheating his tea and sandwich she has prepared Alex eats, seeing the pile-up of plates on the desk he rest his also.

Noticing they had unbolted the sink he had used last night to wash his plate and cup. Wondering, 'Does she fix breakfast also for the men? Well, today the kitchen sink will be bolted up.'

It was after nine when Alex hustled to organize for work, ensuring that his bulletproof vest was properly secured as he button up his jacket.

Knocking the door to his study, "Diandra!" He calls turning the handle then step inside. Her hair was on the floor as her back was towards the door and she was asleep.

Fixing her comfortable, Alex switch on the fan to cool the room and cover her. Locking the door he then went and inform Mr. Alvin he was leaving for work.

In his office, Alex pulls out all the contract files that need to renew and place it into his briefcase. When Melissa steps into his office and closed the door, "Yes Melissa."

"Boss, did I hear right?"

"And what did you hear Melissa?"

"Were you target practice yesterday"

"Who told you that?"

"Never mind who told me, is it true?"

"I am not sure."

"Look Boss, please be careful, you must be mashing someone's toes for them to respond so drastically towards you."

"I will be careful, and thanks for the concern."

"Boss, are you wearing your vest?"

"I am."

"Good, I have arranged for two EC to ride with you for today."

"But we don't have any available officers."

"Don't you worry about that, I already arrange it, and they are waiting on you outside."

"What will I do without you?"

Seeing Sargent Gomez waiting outside of his door as he steps out. "Is something the matter Sergeant?"

"No Sir."

"Weren't you supposed to be in any particular location today Sergeant?"

"No Sir, it's my day's off, but due to what had occurred yesterday I am here to escort you to ensure that those contracts get contracted."

"Thank you Sergeant, and Melissa you can keep one of the EC with you here, Sergeant Gomez will be riding with me."

Alex saw the young man that saved his life yesterday in the registration section, going to him, "How are you feeling this morning officer?"

"Not too bad Sir."

Seeing his salute. "Relax office, I must thank you for protecting me, if at any time you want to rest? Tell Melissa and she will direct you where you can take a lie down."

"Yes Sir."

In the van, Alex said, "Sergeant Gomez, I want you to see that Officer Johnson start training to become an E C as soon as he is better, he has a good eye to detect danger."

"Yes, Major."

Visiting all the locations where contracts needed to renew. When it was half eleven Alex called Melissa instructing her to order lunch and send it to his home, and ensure that it has macaroni in the lunch.

Sergeant Gomez looks at him, "Sir!"

"Yes, Sergeant."

"Sir, are you feeling ill?"


"Sir, then why did you ask Melissa to send your lunch home?"

Noticing him smile, "I have some work taking place at my home, and a friend is there to monitor the workers and the kitchen is inaccessible at the time."

"I see."

After six Alex was entering Melvin Street when he notices a black BMW driving away from the front of his entrance, and Diandra was standing at the gate looking at the car as it drives away.

Whispering, "Who could that be? Sometimes the ground seems solid between us, then something happens and the ground becomes shaky.'

Driving into the garage, having no idea if she will speak with him, from the way she was angry with him this morning. Alex decided to wait and see what will be her reaction to him being home.