

Holding Diandra hand as they walks to the van. Turning back Alex notices how they were all looking at he and Diandra.

Doing as the visitors did, he lift his hand and wave to them. Noticing Diandra smile, "What is the joke?" Alex asks.

"Oh, I know they are all looking at us."

"But how did you know that?"

Holding his hand reaching to the van, "I don't have to look back to know they are looking at us, I know my family."

Helping her to sit comfortably in the van then get in behind the wheel.

Diandra looks at him, thinking, 'He has change so much since she left Brixton these last few months, Now it's only a matter of time before we are together.

With us being apart it has made us stronger and more compatible for each other.'

Recalling that first separation, 'How difficult it was, having to struggle without money, until he send his first allowance and finding her way around.

When Sam found me, I was so frustrated and confused, I seems as though I had lost the will to live but Sam love and care had change my entire life forever.'

Memories flooded back of how difficult it was, 'At first when Sam started to teach me to read and write, it was just for survival, but then I had a hunger and desire to learn more.

With Sam being a retired principal he made arrangement for I to write exams, sometimes he would arrange more than five exam per term.

Being my coach and seeing my desire to move forward he, pushes me which I appreciate very much.

I wanted to make him proud so I made day and night one studying for those exams.

I made the extra sacrifice, when he got sick, I used to read the bible and read stories just as how Christina used to navigate her stories to me.

At that time I had no idea Sam had a radio station, he started to record me repeating the stories, then he and Ken began playing in on air.

My stories started to make money and Sam radio station began to progress .

When Ken started to received call, in his call in program, he began opens the line more regular. Hearing the remarks inspired me to begin my own writing.

My story of Princess Pretty brought in much revenue to the business. Then the opportunity came to enter the Story telling competition.'

Recalling how scared she was at first, placing third, then with much coaching from Sam.

I place first at the second competition, and after that we began travelling accepting the invitation to compete which brought fame and fortune to Sam, Ken and myself..

Today, because of Sam and Maria, I made myself someone, because of the many sacrifices they made for me. Now they are my family and I will do anything to stay near them.'

Closing her eyes holding back the tear, whispering a word of prayer and thanks. "Lord if Alex and I had remained together.

I would have never discovered the many talents that You have instilled inside of me. Thank You, for now, I know all things does work together for our good."

Recalling that terrible night, "You have used that evening to separate us. Hearing Alex saying how Joash draw his attention back to want to see me.

Lord, You, are so amazing, blessing my son, You give us that precious gift which has draw us back together, and he has touch so many lives."

Turning towards the window as the tears seeps through her eyelids, when Alex held my hand, "Honey, what is wrong?"

"It is nothing much, just a slight headache."

Seeing we was park at the step entrance and the van was switch of already, 'How long has he been watching me? And why didn't he say anything until now?'

Looking at him, when he said, "Honey, can you recall that Sunday you were at the supermarket?"

"Yes, why do you ask?" Wondering, 'What was he thinking about, and why does he look so confused himself. Was he also lost in his thoughts, thinking about us?'

"Can you remember the two person you bought the meal for?"

"Yes, but I didn't know them." Alex saw how confuse she were when she said, "Alex, they just told me they were hungry, so I went and bought them breakfast, but how did you know that?"

"Honey, I was at the carpark waiting to get a park when you came and hand them the bag, and give them twenty dollars."

Diandra notices how confused he really was, wondering, 'What was the point he was discussing that episode, it was some months ago?'

Asking, "Alex why are you thinking about that now?"

"Sweetheart, the same way those two people disappear that morning, the same thing happens this morning."

"Why do you say that?"

Diandra notices the way he scratch his head, "How do I say this for you to understand my confusion?"

Holding his hand, gently stroking it, "Just tell me what is so confusing to you."

"Sweetheart, that morning before they had approached you, they had already came home ringing the gate bell.

When I came from work and heard their plight, I give them the breakfast I bought for us.

When I park the van seeing the drink, I rush outside where I leave them sitting on the pavement to eat, but they wasn't there.

I look up and down the street, and they were nowhere in sight, then I saw them with you at the supermarket, and they disappeared the same way.

That morning it happen twice, so I thought I was overworked and was imagining thing, but this morning I was sure I had seen it happen again?"

"Alex sometimes our faith is being tested, you see when I learn to read and write, I made a promise to myself, though matter how a person appearance is, and they come to me for help I will not turn them away empty handed.

If God choose to test us this way so be it. The important thing is when His angels came, we did not turn them away, we were able to feed and care for their needs. Wasn't they happy when they left?"

Seeing the nod as he alights the van then came and open the door for her. When he said, "Do you really believe that they were angels that visited us?"