

The beginning of the third week in July, Alex was shocked getting a visit from Ken with a letter, inviting him to a dinner on the last Saturday in July at six pm.

He said that arrangement will be forwarded to him, and the meeting place will be finalized.

Resting the letter aside Alex became very concerned, wanting to know exactly what was going on.

Three months has already passed since Diandra left his home, so why now, has something happened to her?

And why is Ken being so secretive about the dinner?' "Oh my God, I know something is definitely wrong and I need to get some answers very soon.

Oh God but where do I start and who do I go to? I have been searching for her and haven't gotten a lead, now this, what do I do Lord? Please help me to get a breakthrough."

Standing up Alex walk to the window, "Lord I know it was her that day, I had even waited at the bus terminal for over an hour, but she didn't show up.

As You know Lord, I continue visiting her home but she is never there, so where is she staying? I need to know."

Recalling the discussion with his teacher, 'I understand they don't trust anyone with the children personal information.

He knows that is why they aren't revealing any information about the child mother, and grandparents and the bus driver is doing the same.'

"Lord, it feels like I am hitting my head against a brick wall. You know I could not follow the bus because I am the last to leave the School compound after everyone leaves and the premises is secure.

Lord, my reputation is what at stake and it is what have my Firm flourishing. You also know I spent the weekend visiting every church in the area.

I know she goes to your house, but all my visit was at a complete loss, and it's the same with the child. It was like if she just disappears."

Alex thought of the doctor report which wasn't good. "Lord, if she doesn't get massage therapy, she will eventually end up with a limp permanent."

Pondering with what has been happening, "Lord, could it be she had visited another doctor elsewhere, and they recommend a massage therapist to her?

She is not stupid she knows that Doctor Ferguson will report back to me."

Thinking back to the many discussion they had about her friends, 'Alex know she said that Sam is a retired Principal, but what was Maria profession?

Why didn't I pay more attention to her? Now I have no choice but to wait on Ken and hope that the umpteen questions in his head will be clarify.'

As the days get closer o the dinner Alex was even more baffled, he was beginning to get frustrated because of his overthinking.

He wasn't getting sufficient sleep; and his brains seem overworked and nothing was unravelling.

Not even a message came of the place where the dinner will be held. All Alex hope for was to see Diandra. Closing his eyes, just the thought of seeing her give him a ray of hope.

Settling in his mind that very soon he will see her again, it will be just a few more days. Relaxing with the pile up of files on his desk. Due to the work at the pre-school there are so much files.

Taking the mails first, thinking, 'Now that the semester is over he could get some work done.

When the school broadcast began they had repeat the story of the Prince and the Princess Pretty.

The entire staff in the office was in his office listening to the broadcast. Sitting quietly listening to there comments when the broadcast finish.

Alex could hear the remorsefulness in their voices for the young Prince, but to hear them express happiness for Princess Pretty made him become with himself even more.

Melissa came and stood next to him asking quietly, "Boss, why is it you are so quiet?"

Looking at her grieving in his heart, then said, "I feel sometimes I am like the evil Prince."

"Boss, that is just a story it is not true so why are you feeling so melancholy, you are so kind and caring to your workers. You pay well and they all respect you a lot."

"Yes, I agree with you now, but there was a time before I take over the Company from mom, I was really a brute.

I was so full of myself, I never took other people feeling into consideration. When I used to go liming with my friends and took the Madam with me they used to say things to make me embarrassed.

You see, she used to just dress, never matching the colors, her hair used to always be untidy. She never knew how to have a proper conversation with anyone.

I used to always leave a party or dinner angry, thinking about it know, I was so young and foolish then."

Observing his face seeing him in such pain, thinking to herself, 'This story relates to his life. The Young Prince used to be so embarrassed of the Princess. She was illiterate her hair was always tangled up; she could not match her clothes.'

Putting her hand over her mouth as tears fills her eyes. Hearing the sob Alex look up noticing the tears, he immediately realized that she had figured it out.

Bending his head in shame as she slowly walk to the window. It must have been five minutes before he raised his head, hoping they have all left his office and he could be by himself.

Noticing she was wiping her face then it seems she took a few deep breaths before she just turns around, saying to the staff in a calm voice.

"Okay, that's enough lazing around, it is time you all get back to your desk and complete your work."


Alex was shocked, hearing the sternness in her voice, it was something he has never heard before today.

'Three and a half years she had work as his personal secretary and not once Alex she had spoken to the staff in that manner.

Well what do I expect, she is very smart and she is good with puzzles and solving them. And beside, I had already given her most of the pieces. So I should have known she will eventually figure it out.'

Looking at her face, 'Is she angry with me? She knows me so well, yet there are things I never revealed to the staff.'

Alex recalled the day when he told Melissa that Diandra is his wife. Thinking back to the shock that was imprinted on her face.

'Oh God, this look I am seeing on her face now, and her tone of voice which I have never seen or heard before, indicates that she suspected or figure out the story is true or it's my life story.'

When she took a few strides and look the door, Alex look at her once more when her voice rang out.

"Now Boss, tell me where I am going wrong or what I am missing out. Princess Pretty is Diandra and you my Boss is the Young Prince."

'I was right, it didn't take her long but it's because of my own fault she was able to put the story together.'

Returning his attention to what she was saying, "When your mom passed away, you could not handle the pressure of taking care of her, so you had that fight with her and you never once visited her until you had a need."

Seeing how disappointed she was and her outburst was not pleasing, Alex wanted to stop her from intruding into his personal life, but she was a committed worker and a good friend.'

"My goodness Boss how could you be so selfish, you are such a rouge, how could you do that to her. She had no one, I am so disappointed in you."

When she wipe her face, 'Alex understand what it feels to be disappointed in a person, when Diandra left him, he was disappointed and broken himself.'

Hearing her saying, "I now understand why you said you are no longer embarrassed of her. I really now see a clearer picture why she was hurting so much when I attended to her hair.

The scar you had give her, she was still carrying around with her and she is still afraid of you, but although she was hurting, she put aside her pain and fear and came to assist you in the time of your need."

Alex heard her groan wondering what she was thinking now, when she did speak," Oh my God, everything is becoming much more clearer now.

The madam never thought she would fall in love with you. Her plans was to leave that's why she didn't want you to tell anyone about her being your wife."

Looking at him in his eyes, "Now I know something happened between the both of you while she was at your home, what did you do to her that made her so angry."

"Melissa, please you have this piece of the puzzle completely wrong, most of the things you said is true but this time I didn't do her anything wrong, believe me.

I was so confused when she became angry, but now I know this was her plan ."

"What do you mean, Boss?"

"Melissa, Diandra had already plan to return to Longfield. Her intention was for us to never continue communicating although I had spoken to her many times during her stay of us coming together on weekends.

All she used to say to me was we will see, I haven't told you this but this last three months every day I went knocking at her door.

I know I was heartless when she left, knowing she could not read or write, she never asked me for a dollar.

It was only recently I thought if she had any money when she left, now it pains me so much the way I illtreated her. When it was a promised I made to mom to take care of her."

Looking Melissa in her face, "You know me better than anyone, and you have work for me from the time I take over this Security Firm.

I never had a problem when it comes to profiling people until I met up with Diandra again.

This last few months I could never guess what she was thinking or what her next move was going to be.

The two weeks she spends at my home was very confusing, but one thing I know for a surety is, she is in love with me and yes we spend one night together."

"So tell me how this story is related to your life?"

"Melissa, I believe Diandra write the story, but she didn't revealed the whole truth."

"Are you saying there is more to this story?"

"Yes, it is Diandra relating our life story."

"But Boss, how is that possible when she is illiterate."

"Melissa, I don't know anymore, I am so confuse that I can't differentiate what is truth from what is lie, even the right from wrong."

"Okay, so the story about the plant, did she say anything about the young plant to you?"

Being attentive to her question, Alex stood up becoming more focus to this new disclosure. "The story said there was a young plant whom she named Champion, how did I missed this clue she was giving me?"

"What do you mean Boss?"

"Diandra, knew I will be listening to the broadcast."

"But how Sir, have you made any contact with her?"

"No, but the first I heard this story was for her birthday, we listen to it at my home. That was how I started listening to the children broadcast.

It is not because I am working at the school. Melissa, Diandra is aware that I am listening to the broadcast, but the child is the reason why I am at the pre-school."

"Sir, are you saying that you had already suspected that the child is your son?"


"Melissa, I believe he is, his name is Joash but they all call him Champ. The morning I visited her I could not figure out why her eyes were swollen and was red and when she saw me she fainted.

It is only now I realize that she was crying the entire night, because she was missing him."

Melissa notices how he scratches his head, "Thinking about it now Melissa, when she fainted she thought it was the police that brought her bad news.

She never looked at my face, she just glimpsed at the uniform." Hearing him laugh, "I thought she came to help me out because of her love for mom, and the favor mom did for her.

Melissa, that is only part of the reason, now that I have some clarity and understanding, Diandra intention was mainly to get away from the house so she won't be reminded of him.

I am definitely sure he is my son, thinking about it now from that very first day I saw him, I thought of Diandra, and I had loved him, he has beautiful blue eyes just like Diandra."

"Boss, what you are saying doesn't make any sense, I am sure you would have seen somethings or have seen something indicating that a child living at her home.

It is not like she knew you was coming and hid all his belongings from you?"

"I agree whole heartily but she had two rooms in the house locked up, and I didn't have the opportunity to enters her room.

At the time I was just so glad she allowed me to stay the night, and it had nothing in sight to indicate or give me the impression that a child was living there."

"Boss, please be reasonable right now you are overthinking, and imagining things that are not there."

Melissa notice his confusion "You said that I am imagining or overthinking all of this about the child but I am just unravelling the mystery, piece by piece.

I had underestimated her but very soon I will know for definite exactly what is going on?"

"I don't quite understand what you are saying, so have you gotten a clue of her friends whereabouts."

"Not a clue, but a dinner invitation."

"Did the Madam invited you out to dinner, oh that is wonderful news."

"Melissa, I received an invitation from Beverly husband."

"What, when did that invitation come, I can't recall collecting such a letter."

"That letter came at my home, he doesn't know where my office is, but if you recalled he was home when Diandra got her foot damage."

"Alex, see her hold her head, is Ken, Beverly's husband?"

"Yes, Diandra and Ken is adopted by this Sam or that what she told me. He was the person that was unwell, so I believe Sam wants to see me and he ask Ken to extend an invitation to dinner.

I am not aware of the meeting place for the dinner as yet, but if Diandra is staying at his home he might not invite me there."

"Wow, just hold up one minute this is very confusing, I can now understand why you are always quiet with so many clues, and don't have any idea how to unravel it."

"Tell me about it, but I can't wait for the last Saturday to reach."

"Boss, I have a question," seeing him nod, "Why did you and the Madam fight?"

"That is a personal matter but please understand the separation was all my fault. During the two weeks she spent home, I have said sorry so many times and ask for forgiveness.

Now that you mention the plant, I realized that I was listening to the broadcast because she was locked in, but to someone it just a story but I now realized it is clues of her life."

"Boss, please, I know you want to meet her but trust me her friends won't let you get close to her, and will you be careful for me you know what happened two weeks ago."

"You could be right but I sense something is wrong and her friends are becoming worried."

"Why do you say that?"

"These last few weeks, I had been getting some unpleasant dreams that is making me very uncomfortable."

Turning away from the window, "Melissa I know you are very disappointed in me, but these incidents occurred over four years ago.

I have changed a lot from then to now, I am sorry if my ways offended you, but you are my only friend I confide in."

"I am disappointed, but as you said it was then, and we are here now with so much other things to be concerned about.

We all make mistakes at times Boss, and as you know everyone needs a second chance, because we are not perfect."

"Thanks, I am going to make an extra effort not to be a disappointment to those that depend on me, especially Diandra, I have to find a way to entreat her."

As the week progress slowly, Alex tries to focus all his attention on his work and not the dinner. But then the dream started coming stronger and stronger, until I began praying instead of sleeping.

Thinking, 'Being in the house seeing all the work she had done is causing his mind to be restless, and that is why the dreams is coming so regular and strongly.'

Deciding a few days before the dinner, to stay in his room adjourning to his office.

With the sleepless night Alex work late and it was easier to stay in the office to complete the pile up of work.

Rising early to finish some contracts then leave notes on each file for Melissa to have ready before attending his appointment.

The moment Melissa enters his office noticing the dark circle around his eyes. Having no choice Melissa interrupt him to give him his coffee.

Realizing he didn't go to his home because the van hasn't move since yesterday. He seems to keep himself busy so he won't think about the Madam.