

When Champ get on the bed saying, "Mummy, we go for ice-cream?"

"Champ, we will go tomorrow and get some, mummy is tired"

"Diandra, it has in the refrigerator."

" Thank you, come on Champ, let me give you some."

"Diandra, I already feed and bath him, he will soil his clothes."

"It is Saturday, he always has ice-cream, don't worry, I will put a napkin on him so he won't soil his clothes. And where did these clothes come from, I didn't bought those?"

"Mummy, Papa!"

"Alex, did you went shopping?"

"Yes, I bought a few things."

"Thanks, it is lovely, Alex, now, I am going downstairs, will you like anything in particular to eat and by chance it has any popcorn?"

"I don't think so, but as soon as this scenario is over, we will go to the supermarket."

"I hope so, because I want to make sure it has everything before Maria and Sam comes. And talking about that, I didn't hear anything from Ken or Maria to know how Sam is feeling?"

"I forget to tell you, Maria called earlier saying that Sam is all right, it was just a gas pain."

"Thanks Alex, come Champ let us go and speak with grandpa."

Seeing him sprint of the bed and meet her by the door, "Yep!"

When they leave the room, Alex was going to shift the bed, forgetting the steel by the window when he stumbles almost falling.

Holding the window ledge for support, looking out seeing the men outside becomes alerted, as they held the gun up. Alex dips his head realizing they mean business.

If only I have an idea what I have done for them to use such drastic measure, to want me dead.'

Kneeling beside his bed Alex pray asking, "Almighty God, You, are my Father and Friend.

You, are my Protector and my Savior, please keep me and my family safe from every attack that awaits us.

Lord I know Diandra has concocted a plan, so I ask that you give her the creativity that it will be just as she said, and work a miracle just as David and Goliath. I cover my home and family with Your blood in Jesus' name, amen."

Going to the bathroom Alex shower then went downstairs, entering the kitchen smelling the fry saltfish and seeing the fry bake.

She was pouring the tea into cups, smelling the coco. "Diandra, is that coco tea you make?"


Hearing him laugh, as he claps his hand, saying, "I am going to have a feast."

"If I recall clearly, you like this and this is a fast cook."

When she rests the bake and saltfish on top of the table then the cups of tea.

Alex hug her lifting her up kissing her lips. "I see you never forgot what mom used to fix for me."

"How could I, when Christine would keep pounding what you like in my head every day."

"Honey, so why you didn't prepared this for me when Mom died?"

"If you recalled clearly, everything I used to do for you, you always find something to quarrel about and make fault, so I stop.

You were always so angry, and anything I did for you was never good enough though matter what I tried.

At that time, I thought well it doesn't matter because I was hurting, but I knew you was venting out your hurt on me."

Hugging her, "I am so sorry I have hurt you so much, and I never seem to realized most of the time I was the faulted one.

Will you forgive me for all my misconduct and short temperedness, I was such a brute."

"Oh, that you were."

"You didn't have to agree so quickly, but honey, I never take into consideration that you were also missing mom and was hurting as well."

"Well, it is the pass now, and we have crossed those hurdles. Now we have to face this other battle head on, but we are together and God is on our side."

"You are right, now let us enjoy our dinner, and honey you know I was only thinking today. If you have a drivers permit, you could pick up Joash, because he will be starting school soon?"

"Why do you always give me those difficult questions?"

"Honey, that is not difficult, it is either yes or know to having a drivers permit?"

Before she could respond to him, they heard Champ clapping.

Looking at him Alex wonders, 'How is it he knows which station to see his mother on, he is only three years?'

Diandra laugh seeing the frown on his face. "I know what you are thinking and it is yes, He knows every station the interview is shown, and the time."

"You said something today and I was a bit confused."

"And what have I said that is so confusing?"

"You said it is Saturday, and he always want ice-cream, on Saturday's, but how?"

"Well, my dearest husband, during the week he has to sleep early, but on Saturdays, we have ice-cream and popcorn and watch tv late."

"Diandra, he is only three years how is that possible?"

"Hello, he is very smart, he understands more that you think. He knows the days of the week. He could read the time and he know when he doesn't have school. Beside that he knows many little things, we do together."

"Okay, okay I get the drift, I will just have to learn as we go along."

"I am glad to hear that, because he is very proud of his mummy and another thing he knows when it Friday to remind the buss driver it's snack day, and he loves Miss kay snacks.

My concern when he starts school here is if he will adjust to the new teachers, because the ones in Longfield love him a lot."

As they eat their dinner, Diandra remember her phone battery was dead, "Alex, by chance you see my phone charger anywhere?"

"Yes, it is in the study."
