

Alex hurried out taking the van keys, driving down to the Church where mom's used to go. Feeling his heart beating faster knowing that Diandra bag was packed.

When the voice in his head said, "Alex will you please calm down, you are overthinking."

Whispering to himself, "I don't think I will ever be ready for her to leave, especially the way I feel about her now."

Hearing the voice again, 'You could be jumping to conclusion without hearing what she has to say about her bag?' "Maybe!" he respond reaching by the Church.

It only took him about five minutes to reach the Church, but with her walking it will take her more than forty-five minutes, with her foot being damage.

Reaching when the service was finished seeing Pastor Alvin still shaking the member's hand.

Parking up hoping she was still inside waiting to shake Pastor's hand, seeing it was just a few more members again and she wasn't among them.

Wanting to speak with Pastor to know if she had attended church. Alex stands aside waiting until Pastor finishes, then went and shakes his hand, "Alexander, good to see you Son."

"Same here Pastor Alvin, I came to collect Diandra is she still here?"

"She was here Alexander, it was truly amazing to see how beautiful she has gotten, and to see her here in church this morning.

I believe Diandra left already, she was the first one I shake hands with, but was she expecting you to collect her?"

"No Pastor, I went to work and came home a bit late."

"Are you two back together Alexander?"

"We are getting there Pastor."

"That is wonderful news Alexander, if Christina were here today she would have been very happy."

"I know Pastor, but it was my fault and I am trying to amend my ways."

"I am glad to hear that Alexander."

"Pastor, do you know if anyone gives her a ride home?"

"I can't say but if they did then she must be home already."

"I supposed you are right, and Pastor you must come and say a word of prayer in the house, I repainted, so here is my card I am mostly home on weekends."

"Then I will call you before I visit."

Shaking his hand once more then said, "Thank you Pastor, and it was nice seeing you."

As Alex drive deciding to get a few things at the supermarket as he was out already. Looking for a vacant spot in the car park ,but the entire car park was full.

Having to wait Alex observed Diandra at a distance with a bag and she was giving the very same two-person that he had given the breakfast the few hours ago.

Then she returns inside the supermarket. Not taking his eyes away from the two person as they slowly walk to the exit then cross the street.

Seeing a vehicle driving out making a space available for him to park. It didn't take him more than two minutes. Alex park up and hurried to the exit and look in the direction they went, but the same thing happens as the morning.

Wanting to know what was happening, 'How could something like this happen twice in the same day. Am I overworked?

Boy, I am losing my mind, well I might as well get the few things then return home and get some rest, I already didn't get much sleep last night?"

Entering the supermarket seeing her by the cashier, with her palm open so the cashier could take the amount the items cost

Advancing towards her seeing the cashier about an take an extra twenty, he said, "Honey, did you get everything?"

Seeing the smile as the cashier turn and look at him just as Diandra did, asking again, "Did you get everything you need?"

Hearing her ask the cashier, "Ma'am, can we leave these bags here?"

"Yes, it's not a problem."

"Thank you."

Taking a trolley Alex pushes it alongside her as we walk through the lanes. Diandra seeing the chocolate ice cream, took up a one-liter.

When she walks to the bakery section, seeing the doughnuts it's likes she becomes alive, asking the young lady to put six doughnuts with the chocolate icing in a box.

Alex notices how she passed her tongue over her lips as her face lit up and her eyes were sparkling.

Realizing he has never seen this side of her and there is so much more to know so if she leaves now he will be missing out on learning about her likes and dislikes.

After we went to the drinks section she took a six-pack children juice cherry flavor. Throwing in a few other items as we stroll through the lanes adding a few snacks so we can nibble on.

Standing to cash Alex observed how the cashier was glaring at Diandra, becoming angry he ask in a roughish manner, "Is something the matter with my wife?"

"No, Sir, I am a bit puzzled, earlier she was having a difficult time taking out the correct amount the bill came up."

"Maybe, but if I didn't come when I did you were going to take an extra twenty dollars?"

"No Sir, that's not true."

Diandra looks at her directly in her eyes, letting her know she was lying when she dipped her head a bit, feeling embarrassed.

"You are doing a job and are required to be honest so that the customer will feel safe shopping here."

"Yes Sir."

Knowing if the boss hears of this incident she might lose her job. Looking at them leave as he held her hand after placing the few bags in the trolley and leave.

'That woman is smart, why was she behaving as though she cannot count her money. And another thing, why were she lingering to take out the money?

Did she wanted her husband to see she couldn't count her money. Who is she, did someone made a report and she is a Police?

She is not stupid but did he really see I was going to snitch the extra twenty?

Boy how stupid can I be at times, I got away a few times but today is my warning and what he said is right. If I want to keep my job I better keep my head together and do the people work.'