

Alex what you don't understand is my life is simple and I like it, I have made my friends so I will be returning to my simple life, this glamorous setting is not for me.

But I must truly say, this was good while it lasted but as you know nothing good last for ever.

And Alex, what Christina died I owe her a debt of gratitude, I cannot repay you or her, and this favor I am doing here is just a drop in the bucket comparing to what she has invested into my life.

I can't begin to count it, and it is too numerous a blessing to ignore, And Alex I know what she did is all because she loved me. I am truly glad I get this opportunity to help out as a thank you."

The rest of the evening was very quiet, together, we place everything in the library knowing one room is complete.

When Diandra did speak she said, "Alex, I hope you know I didn't select any curtain for the rooms?"

"Diandra, will you stop worry about it, I told Mr. Alvin to select something, he is the one I have given this job to so relax."

"Alex, they have really done well, we should treat them Friday with a nice lunch and give them something extra in an envelope."

"Diandra, I am paying big money to do this job."

"I understand, but they put in some extra work, the tiles that were not estimated, the front door was change, the cushions on all the couches and the chairs were made.

Alex all these things have to be taken into consideration, and Johnny had to get and extra crew?"

"Okay, you don't have to worry I will do as you suggested. Now can I ask you something?"

"Okay, shoot," watching the way she slumps down on the couch, she looks overworked and exhausted when she said, "Thank God this is done."

Alex, sits next to her then closes his eyes saying, "Diandra will you stay in my room with me? We are still married and I love you very much."

Feeling the impression as she sits upright, From the tone of her voice he was scared to even open his eyes.

He know though matter how tired she was, now she was fully awake when she snapped, "Are you mad, didn't you hear anything I said earlier?

I am returning home Saturday Alex, I am asking you to please don't disrupt my life?"

Opening his eyes only to see she was crying, when she stood up and turn to look at him, "Now if you will excuse me, tomorrow will be a very hard and busy day and I need to get some rest?"

Alex leave the study quietly, knowing what she said was right, but he cannot give up so easily.

Knowing if he behave like the last time, she will definitely leave the house and this time she won't return.

The place was already dark. so he check all the doors to ensure it was secure then he slowly ascend the stairs.

Alex tries to figure out a plan how he could get her to change her mind. Nothing he did so far seems to be working.

Monday morning while organizing for work his phone ring. Having to hurry to one of the location. the day was so hectic he only send word for Melissa to order lunch and send for Diandra.

Reaching home after eight he was so tired he just bathe and lie down.

Tuesday morning his phone gives him a reminder, checking to see what it was about he just thank God and get about his task for the day.

Tuesday was very hectic, but Diandra was able to get a lot of her own work done. When Alex returns from work she avoided him by locking the study door.

Diandra wanted to avoid any confrontation about what he wanted. What he fails to realize is, she has made a life for herself.

Wednesday Alex leaves for work early, knowing the week is in the half mark, and he hasn't made any progress.

And he knows that Diandra was determined to leave and he have to do something?

Recalling his reminder he decided what he was going to do so he hurried and made a list then call Melissa in his office, as she enters he gave her the list telling her to attend to theses things immediately.

Alex then settle down with the pile up of files on his desk, ignoring all the calls that came in.


Half eleven Diandra woke up and open the door. Going first and took a shower and also washing her hair.

Johnny observed she was very quiet and it seem as though she was crying. 'She is always so energetic and happy. Why is she so despondent, has something happen between them again?'

Noticing she went and fix herself a meal then return to the study., Could it be that the boss asks her to not meddle with the work we are doing?

Is that why she is so secluded today, But I like her ideas and her behavior yesterday had the men on their toes, which I was able to get some extra work done?

Calling the Boss only getting voice mail, leaving a message then started to work again but he kept his eyes on her

Half one hearing the radio comes on, thinking, 'All this time she was asleep?' Checking on her only to see around her eyes were swollen and she was still crying.

Johnny knew that something was definitely wrong, realizing the time was going and Boss hasn't call or came.

Calling his number again this tine he get through, explaining what he observed then continue with his work.

Johnny notices Diandra lies down on the couch listening to the radio, as it continue to play. Johnny hearing it a school broadcast program?

Smiling as the broadcast was about to begin thinking she does so much of childish things, yet she also does mature and very responsible things.

Sorry everyone but I will try to keep up, I trust that you are well and keeping safe.

My friends, I am not like the other authors who have attained a degree or higher education. I wasn't that fortunate,I had stop school at the age of fourteen years. I never had a Secondary education. But I graduated from Bible School with Honors.

Make a comment and vote if you are enjoying my stories. Thank you and God blessing over your life.

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