

"Very good, then here is your medication, go ahead and take it before we leave."

Seeing she had a plate with his breakfast as she sits, Alex join her and eat his breakfast. She had only put on her sandal on her right foot, but the damaged foot seems to still be in some pain.

Taking her sandal after he had eaten and stoop down, slipping it into her foot, just buckling it so it won't slip out.

Passing his hand over her head, seeing how slack she plait her hair, and she didn't band it, she just ties a scarf on her head.

'The drive was rejuvenating after being in the house for two weeks,' Diandra thought.

Smiling as she inhale the fresh air and seeing the many new buildings that has been constructed.

When they visit the job site, only Alex come out especially in the town. Diandra enjoy these out of the areas route, it was just so beautiful and very refreshing.

Taking in the sight thinking this was a good idea, instead of her just sitting in the house and it is a bit of a distraction from what had happened last night.

Seeing the smile Alex knew she had a nice time, it so happened that the day turns out pretty enjoyable.

She was happy to meet some of the Sergeants, the Corporals, Estate Constables, and some new Recruit.

When it was half one we stop by a burger shed and had lunch. While eating the burger there wasn't much talking?

Thinking about it now, 'It was really nice spending the morning with him, meeting the people he works with.

They all seem to respect him a lot, not out of fear as their boss, but as a friend and they seek the Company's interest.

Well, it was more like camaraderie, hearing how they speaks with him. Although the new recruit was a bit reserved the others work as a team, and it seems as though they look forward to his visit.

They all seem connected like a unit, which she like, knowing it has people he could depend upon and who is watching each other back.'

Smiling as she think how they all came to meet her by the van, while he signs the station diary and pocket diary.

He didn't seem to have any objections, when they came to the van to meet the pretty lady the boss has driving around with him.

Alex on the other hand seems to enjoy telling the men, that the pretty lady was his friend and those who were at the home said nothing to enlighten the others, which pleases her very much.

Glimpsing at her, Alex thought, 'She seems please, God knows I didn't want to agitate her especially the way she was cold this morning. It was good seeing her smile and hearing the men conversed with her.

No one would think she is illiterate the way she communicated with them about the economy and the business sector.

Even a few political questions came up, and not once he had to intervene. She confuses me at times and the way she responds.

If he didn't know better, he will believe she is highly educated. Listening to her, Alex knows she is aware and well-informed of what has been happening around her.

Satisfied spending the day in her company and not once she had a complaint, and she also seems to be enjoying the fresh air.'

Half four we drive into the garage, when I open the door she slowly enters the house and went up straight to the room.

Feeling the pain and heaviness in her foot after the long day, Diandra decided to go straight to the bathroom, afraid if she sits down she might fall asleep right there because of tiredness.

Pulling on a house dress and lie down, as the exhaustion overtakes her body. Only placing the wounded foot on top of a pillow seeing how it had swollen.

Diandra, took the bible resting it on top of her chest. Whispering, "Alex wanted to go to dinner but right now I just want to get some rest."

Waiting for twenty minutes wondering, 'What was taking her so long?'

Hurrying up the stairs anxious to know, 'What time to make the reservation for their dinner.' Thinking, 'She could wear the dress I bought for her birthday.'

Entering the room seeing she was sound asleep, and her foot was swollen. The bible was on top of the bed next to her. Her hands were clasped together just as if she was praying with her knees bent.

Looking at her reminds him so much of the child in Pre-School. 'I must see to gather whatever information I can on him.'

Returning downstairs to get the bag with the bandage, then sit at the foot of the bed and attended to her foot. The way the foot was swollen the sandal strap leaves a deep impression.

Alex knew the reason the foot being swollen so much, is that it was hanging down for too long, but not once had she complain.

Seeing how comfortable she was sleeping Alex wasn't disappointed a bit. With her foot swollen the shoes wouldn't fit and she looks so worn out.

Recalling how she was conversing with the men, saying to himself, 'I don't believe she is illiterate any longer, but she has always been able to fool others, it is only those that are very close to her would know the difference.'

At that moment memories flashback of when we used to go to dinners, 'Why didn't she mingle with my friends, was it because she never likes the crowd I mingle with?

Is that why she always used to cry and never care to converse with anyone? Or was it because she wanted my attention?

Oh God, she confused me then and she still does up to this day. I could never read her out neither understand what her next move was going to be, she is so unpredictable.

Taking the liniment he uses to massage his foot, and massages her foot a little then went and shower.

Lying next to her having the desire to take her in his arms but instead, he turns his back towards her.