
The Journey Of New Life

Calypso looked around puzzled, she saw many people at the beach, some were playing handball, children were running around, she wondered if this kind of world truly existed or if she was imagining. 

Calypso looked around puzzled, she saw many people at the beach, some were playing handball, children were running around, she wondered if this kind of world truly existed or if she was imagining.  She became more terrified as she looked at the eyes piercing all over her; she hurriedly walked to avoid anyone but ended up bumping into a lady in her early thirties.

"I'm sorry ma, I didn't mean to hit you, please forgive me," Calypso said quickly.

"It's fine," she said calmly.

"Thank you," Calypso said as she attempted to flee.

"Wait," she said as she drew back.

"What's your name? Where are you from?" Calypso looked around, some people were now minding their own business, only a few of them still looked at her.

"Well, I don't know who you are, and I can't reveal my identity to strangers," Calypso explained calmly.

"I know I'm an outsider, but I know your secret." She stated quietly.

"Seriously? Do you believe I'll fall for it?" Calypso inquired.

"I know you won't, which is why I'm relieved," she said calmly. Calypso looked at her, puzzled, what did she know about her? She isn't a human in any case; she arrived in this world last night and made sure no one saw her.

"You killed some people on this beach last night, I saw you," she said quietly as Calypso became more dumbfounded; she had no idea someone had survived.

"That's not all I know about you; I know a lot more." "Calypso held her hand softly but with a slight pain, which Mrs. Kelly felt terribly.

"Can you tell me anything else about me?" Calypso inquired as she tightened her grip, causing Kelly to cry out in pain.

"Nothing, I'm sorry, please let go of my hand," she said quietly, tears streaming down her cheeks.

"Let's go somewhere to talk more; I believe I will need your assistance." Calypso said calmly as she let go of her hands, while Kelly held her hand in pain and examined it.

"Don't worry about the pain; I've already taken care of it." Calypso spoke slowly, which surprised her, and she looked at her hand, realizing the pain had gone away.

"Come on, take me to a quiet place, you better not misbehave or else I will do something strange, thank goodness you already know me," she said quietly as Kelly led her to her house.

They went to her house because she suggested it's safer than anywhere else, because no one will listen in on their conversations.

"Welcome to my home; it is small, but please feel at ease." Calypso smiled calmly as she looked around, amazed at everything. They were strange, but she liked them.

"Sit on the couch, it's better than that single chair, you'll be more comfortable here than there," she said calmly.

"To be honest, I wish all of these things were in my kingdom," Calypso said calmly, walking to the couch and sitting down while still looking around.

"Your kingdom? How does it look like?" k elly inquired quietly.

"Do you know anything else about me?" Calypso inquired quietly.

"I know you have magic; you used it to kill those people," Kelly said calmly.

Calypso inquired, "Is that all you know?"

"Yes, but I have a question," she said.

"Ask me," Calypso replied.

"How come you killed them?" she inquired calmly.

Calypso said, "I'll tell you if you tell me about yourself."

"That is not difficult for me to do, I don't have anything special to talk about, my name is Kelly Han, I am twenty-nine years old, I am a single mother with an eight-year-old daughter, I think that's all I have to say, I don't like telling people about myself because I don't have anything to tell them." She lamented.

"That's pitiful; what about her father?  What became of him?" Calypso inquired.

"He abandoned us, he ran away with another woman because she has money," she lamented.

"Sorry about that," Calypso said quietly.

"It's all right, tell me about yourself; I need to know you before you can stay here." Calypso smiled as she spoke.

"My name is Calypso, I am from the Mer Kingdom, I am a mermaid, and I...

"I knew you were the one who caused the sea explosion, but I never imagined mermaids existed," she said quietly. Calypso looked at her, stunned. She didn't see any explosions that day, but she remembered everything.

The seer had given her the pearl, which she tied around her neck like a necklace, she swim to the beam of the sea before combining her magic with the seer's and reincarnating to the world, she caused an explosion due to the presence of high magic, which killed some people at the sea side, then the time was 8pm, she came out as a mermaid before turning to a human, the few people around were very shocked to see her, she killed everyone and threw them into the sea to protect herself and her identity. Kelly was there, she saw everything in her hideout, she ran for safety when the sea exploded, and luckily for her, Calypso didn't see her.

"That"s why I killed them to protect myself; to be honest, I never wanted to hurt anyone, and I felt bad after doing so," Calypso continued calmly.

"Don't worry, I understand, when my husband left me, I wanted to kill him and Susan, I wanted to ruin their lives the way they ruined mine.

"Don't worry, I understand, when my husband left me, I wanted to kill him and Susan, I wanted to ruin their lives the way they ruined mine.

"It's fine, you don't need a traitor like him in your life, and he doesn't even deserve you," Calypso said calmly.

"Thank you," she said quietly.

"But you know I can't leave you, you know my identity and even saw me, I can't spare you, I have to protect myself," Calypso explained slowly.

"Please, please, please don't hurt me; I promise not to tell anyone; please save me." She pleaded.

"That's the issue, I can't kill you, I can't even hurt you," Calypso explained calmly.

"Thank you very much," she said quietly.

"Please let me stay here. I also need your assistance" Calypso explained calmly.

"Of course, you are welcome to stay here, and I will assist you with anything," she said.

"All right, thank you." Calypso explained calmly.

"Thank you," she said.

"I need to find my sister, she's here somewhere, she came here because of me, it's all my fault, so I have to find her," Calypso lamented.

"What happened?" she inquired gradually.

"It was a shell I picked up on the floor, it has the power to do and undo things depending on the wish you command, my sister didn't know anything about it, even, I didn't realize it could bring someone here, she just read the magic words on it and then she reincarnated to this world, my duty now is to take her home and I must do that." Calypso said sadly, tears streaming down her cheeks.

"I promise to assist you in any way I can," she reassured her.

"Thank you very much, I will greatly appreciate it," Calypso said, smiling.

"We will begin our search for your sister tomorrow; let's eat something now, I'm sure you're hungry," she said as she stood up.

"I will be back, I promise it will be delicious," she said again and went to the kitchen, Calypso smiled, she was happy to find someone who could help her, someone who could direct her, but she still had to use her powers to learn things, especially their language, she understands none of it but with magic, she was able to communicate, she looked around the room as the names of everything ran through her head, she needed to know them, she opened her book and looked at it. She had read through it last night but she must abide by everything in there in other to survive and conquer. she wished her sister hasn't gone against anyone of them.

A little girl walked in and looked at Calypso, she wondered who the beautiful lady was.

Ava said slowly, "Good afternoon, aunt."

"How are you doing?" Calypso asked, still perplexed as to who she was.

"I'm fine; how about you?" Ava inquired calmly.

"I'm fine too," Calypso replied.

"My name is Ava, and are you here to see my mother?" she inquired calmly.

"Waoooo! Ava, what a lovely name" Calypso said with a smile.

"Thank you, aunt; do you want to see my mother?" she asked, smiling.

"Yes, I...

"She's in the kitchen, I'll go and call her," she said happily, and Calypso pulled her back as she was about to leave.

"I know she's in the kitchen; I've seen her; are you her daughter?"  Calypso inquired calmly.

"Yes, I am; who are you?" Ava inquired calmly.

"My name is Calypso, and I'll be staying with you for a while," she said calmly.

"Calypso? That name is unusual; I've never heard it before." Ava spoke calmly.

"I know, even I am strange, so don't worry about it," Calypso said calmly.

"You're strange? What makes you strange?" Ava inquired calmly.