
Her Bad Influence

I'm not sure what he was planning, but I burst out laughing. I turned around to go to him, but he was already there.

Ben: Allow me to make amends to you.

 "Forget it." I said. I'll just pick my flower and return back to the house. Mr. Chef I started laughing again, but then I realized he was still sad and his mood was not good.

"Okay, then. Am so sorry for laughing over this." I said.

Ben: Allow me to make amends. Return and dress nicely. We'll go out to eat. When it comes to eating out, I'm easily duped, especially by people who mean a lot to me.

Me: Okay. So long as you stop putting on a bad face. And you're not going to be awkward while we're doing it. Is it agreed that it will be more of a romantic date? I asked.

Ben: I'll do anything for her Majesty. Please come dressed to impress. While we're there, I want us to be the center of attention.

"Hmmmm, I thought. So give me thirty minutes." I responded.

Ben: Okay, your majesty. I laughed, picked my flower, and walked away. I'll tell him how I felt about Joseph and ask him to assist me in reuniting us. Only Ben would do something like that for me because he is the only one who understands.

We arrived at the Toskana Hotel just after 8 p.m. Even before I sat down, eyes were drawn to Ben and me, and I was embarrassed. I had decided to dress sexily tonight in order to show some flesh, get drunk, and sleep away my worries.

I was dressed in a mini gown that showed off a lot of cleavages and had a v-cut from the shoulders to the top of my behind.

My make-up was heavy, and I wore my gown with a pink boot and no purse. I didn't even bring my phone because I didn't intend to be myself before returning home. Ben had stared at me with an open mouth as I walked out of the house, but I just laughed it off, but this small crowd got me embarrassed.  

We sat down in a secluded part and placed our orders, I made sure wine comes first and clearly enough, Ben was surprised. 

Ben: You would have simply ordered for food. 

Me: I know. We're not going out now, are we? 

Ben: Nope. 

Me: I want to enjoy tonight. Don't spoil it. He smiled and brought out his phone. He typed something and quickly dropped the phone. 

Me: So tell me what you were trying to make back there. He chuckled and I smiled at his triability to be a teenager (don't argue that word. I know it doesn't exist but I figured it's the best for now). 

Ben: I'll tell you later tonight.  

Me: Looks like you were just trying to make shit. He laughed, throwing his head back and just then, our wine came in a bucket of ice. I helped myself out immediately downing a glass of the fairly hot drink which I knew would be doing wonders soon. 

Ben: Do you want to tell me anything? 

Me: Yes. But that'll be on our way home. 

Ben: Is that why you're drinking? 

Me: Nope. 

Ben: Jessica, you just show up new abilities everyday. Never knew you drink. 

Me: But mum knows. You don't live in same house with me. 

Ben: Strange girl. You won't stop amazing me. 

Me: I'm a wonder woman then. We both laughed. Our food came and we both left ourselves to the mercy of the fried rice and chicken.  

Me: So, any chance you're getting back with Dera? He paused and looked at me. 

Me: I'm sorry if the question upsets you. 

Ben: It's alright. I was expecting that question anyways. 

Me: Okay 

Ben: Dera is a nice girl. She really is but was influenced by her mother. I was upset with her for being an aid to whatever you went through. But seeing her in this her present condition, I realized that she was a pawn and every blame I had on her washed away. 

Me: So? 

Ben: I loved her. She's my first love and always will be but I can't be with her anymore. I'm loving someone else already. 

Me: Wow. Interesting.  

Ben: You see, I like you a lot. I even made the mistake of falling in love with you. I dropped my cutleries and looked up at him. 

Ben: Let me finish. I fell for you because you have a very simple nature, you've got a big heart and you have a forgiving spirit. You're beautiful, well end owned and intelligent. What more can a man want from a woman. 

I fell so madly that I had to start distancing myself from you because there are some things that are not meant to be. Coming to you when I know I have a brother who's also crazy about you will be a blow to our family. I had to let go and the very day I made that decision was the day I met the one who I'm loving now. 

I fought to find my voice. Where was it? I raised my fork to see if it was there but no. I cleared my throat and yes, I found it. 

Me: Uhm....I'm surprised. He took a sip of his drink and nodded. 

Ben: I knew you would be. But it's best that I told you, now, let's enjoy the meal before it gets cold. I felt like I was in a strange place. Ben was a perfect gentleman. 

Why didn't I read the writing on the wall all this time? At least, I would have seen if I will feel the same thing for him. Wait! Am I alright at all? What did he just say now? Yes. It's wrong to date two brothers. I can't even see myself doing that. Mum would be so disappointed. I smiled at Ben for his intelligence and continued with my meal. 

Few minutes later, we were done and using a serviette. 

Ben: I'll be back in a minute. I need to shake hands with a friend of mine that's being calling. I laughed, audible enough to attract people and he joined me. 

Me: Your friend indeed. 

Ben: What was I supposed to say?  He stood up and walked around to where I was. He gave me a peck on my forehead and we smiled 

Ben: Better don't touch that your drink again. 

Me: Ah! But we'll pay for it so I need to finish it. 

Ben; I'm serious here now. Stop taking it. I'll get you one good for you when I'm back I nodded and he walked away, going to shake whatever friend he has down there.


Ben: Joseph, we all were angry with you, I still am anyways. The girl in question was my girlfriend. You were kpanshing my babe when you have my sister as a girlfriend. Is that not simply wickedness? If you wanted to cheat, why not go for someone else? 

You're just like a rat, you'll be biting and blowing us so we won't feel the pain. Don't think I'll forgive you because you did me wrong big time. Even if she was the one coming to you, you would have at least, told Jessica or myself but you did not. 

Joseph: I'm sorry bro. I was trying to protect our relationships. 

Ben: Pro what? If Jessica hadn't seen you both that day, you two will still be frolicking together. I just did this because of my sister not for anything else. Jessica, I'll be in the car. 

Me: Wait!.  He looked at me and I saw sadness in his eyes. He wasn't happy. 

Me: How can you expect me to be happy if you aren't? Why bring us back together if you're angry with him? Why can't we be like we used to be? Let's put everything aside and get on with it. You know how much I adore him and how much I adore you; being angry with him will not improve his relationship with me.

Please, Ben, forgive him for my sake, for this love you have for me.

Ben: How about Stephanie?

"Ben, I think you're a wise man." I said. Without batting an eyelid, you know who is at fault here and how to proceed. But, given my rage, do you think I'll be brave enough to date someone who my brother dislikes? I asked.

I'm not sure if Joseph's head was bent out of shame, guilt, or anger the entire time. Ben sighed and grinned at me.

Ben: It's fine. You know I'll go to any length for you. I cracked a smile.

Ben: Joseph? When Joseph looked up, I noticed tears at the corners of his eyes.

"I'm sorry, Ben. I'm so embarrassed by myself." Joseph said.

Ben: It's fine. Let's head home.

"Thank you, Ben." Joseph said.

Me: Thank you.

Ben: I'm starting to feel special now. We three stood up, Ben placed some money on the table, and we all smiled as we walked out. Was I fortunate? Of course I am, and not even you, yes, you, can be half as lucky as I am these days. We arrived at the house and entered Ben's apartment.