
Chapter 21

 She couldn't move and she badly wanted to scream but Rosemond clung to her legs, crying.

The knock continued and Jennifer noticed it wasn't sounding like a human knock and her fear rose then she began crying too.

They were both stuck to the spot as none of them could move.

"Help" Jennifer screamed loudly.

"Help us please" Rosemond screamed in tears and soon, they heard footsteps at the door to Rosemond's room opened.

"What happened?" George asked rushing in.

"A ghost was knocking at my my window" Rosemond cried and

George was so alarmed to see Jennifer in tears too.

"A ghost?" He asked and they both nodded as he moved to the window and truly heard a knocking sound then he sighed before pulling the curtain.

Jennifer and Rosemond screamed, clinging to each other like their lives depended on it and George suddenly started laughing hard.

There's no ghost knocking anywhere. It's just the midnight breeze that made a tree branch hit the window.

Rosemond and Jennifer stopped screaming when they realised it wasn't a ghost. Their eyes widened in disbelief and they both started laughing hard with tears still on their faces.

Bodyguards already filed the room in dozens with their guns cocked and one of them switched on the light.

"It's nothing guys" George told them and there was still laughter in his eyes. He sat on Rosemond's bed watching the both of them laugh as they look so beautiful. Seeing them in tears earlier had almost broken his heart but watching them laugh now made him smile.

He found his eyes trailing down Jennifer's body. He has never seen her in her nightwear but he must admit she looks so sexy on her almost transparent gown. He looked at his bodyguards and saw their lustful gazes on her body but Jennifer was unaware of the situation and kept laughing with Rosemond.

George quickly handed her his robe and sent his bodyguards a hard glare and they stared down at their feet knowing he had caught them and they knew they were going to be reprimanded in the morning.

"Ohh thanks" Jennifer said embarrassed as she took the robe from George. Her brother had helped her pack else she wouldn't have chosen this nightwear so she made up her mind to return it when she goes home.

"You guys can leave now" George said to his bodyguards and they turned and left the room and Jennifer tightened the robe around her body muttering thanks to George again.

"It's fine, i still have my shorts anyway" George said and Jennifer found her gaze on his breathtaking body.

She swallowed hard, admiring his masculine chest laced with black curly hair which travelled narrowly down his flat stomach and then into his shorts. She had seen him shirtless on the night they spent together but she didn't cast a good look at him.

She glanced up at his face and saw his black curly hair looked messy, his eyes were also red like he cried. No, she's the one who cried and had almost gone crazy because a tree branch was hitting the window.

"You told me you were brave enough Miss Jenny" Rosemond said mockingly.

"I thought i was" Jennifer said and George laughed.

"Like seriously? You both cried because of a ghost that wasn't even there" George laughed harder and Jennifer bit her lips in embarrassment.

She must really stop this act of crying like a baby and she must have looked so funny while crying and screaming at the same time.

"The tree has overgrown, I'll make sure the branches are mended by the gardener tomorrow" George said.

"I can't believe it was just a tree branch" Jennifer laughed and Rosemond joined her as well. They were still finding the whole thing funny and the way they had behaved showed they would have probably fainted if it was a real ghost. 

"Okay, now that we know it's just a tree branch,can we all go back to sleep" George said even though he wasn't feeling sleepy yet because he had been thinking of Madam Stephanie when he heard the scream the second time.

"I'm not feeling sleepy" Rosemond pouted.

"Me too" Jennifer said, loving the feel of George's robe on her body, it feels so warm against her skin like she was in his arms.

If his robe made her feel this way, how will his bare body make her feel? What the hell is wrong with her, she couldn't believe she's thinking this way.

"I think I'm not sleepy too, what do we do?" George asked.

"Anything, I'm fine with anything as long as I'm with you both. I can't spend the rest of the night alone" Rosemond said.

"Why don't we" Jennifer paused as both George and Rosemond gazed at her.

"Why don't we what?" George ask.

"Why don't we all sit in front of the fireplace" Jennifer suggested.

"Good idea" Rosemond said.

"Okay you both should lead the way, i have to go put on something" George said. 

"Okay dad let's go Miss Jenny" Rosemond said.

George was so surprised at how fast Rosemond was getting used to Jennifer and he wondered what was involved because Rosemond doesn't just get along with her nannies. 

He shrugged as he walked out after them.

"I'll join you guys soon" he said as he made for his room.

"Okay" Jennifer and Rosemond chorused.

Jennifer arranged the woods in the fireplace and then lit it.

"Why don't we get some cakes and juice in the kitchen while the woods burn" Rosemond suggested.

"Will your dad be fine with it?" Jennifer asked.

"Of course" Rosemond said.

They both walked out of the library and then into the kitchen.

Jennifer switched on the light and almost screamed when she saw Jean seated with her head placed on the table and it looks like she's asleep.

"Oh, no Jean fell asleep in the kitchen again" Rosemond said.

This isn't the first time she'll do that. Jean do place her head on the kitchen table after dinner and end up sleeping off but

George had made it a duty to always check the kitchen before he sleeps but he was so disturbed that he didn't even check on Rosemond.

"Does she sleep in the kitchen?" Jennifer asked.

"No. I'm sure she slept off while resting" Rosemond said.

"Ohh" Jennifer said.

"My dad do check the kitchen every night to make sure she's in her room but i wonder what went wrong" Rosemond said.

"What's going on? I thought you guys would be in the library" George was saying as he walked into the kitchen but stopped when he saw Jean.

"Why didn't you check on Jean before going to bed? now her neck would hurt from sleeping that way" Rosemond said, feeling sorry for Jean and a bit upset at her Dad.

"I'm so sorry about that, i was quite disturbed" George said walking towards Jean to wake her up.

"Disturbed? Does that means he truly cried like she suspected" Jennifer thought.

"By the way, i thought you would be in the library" George said.

"I wanted some cake and juice so we came to get it. Miss Jenny lit the firewoods already" Rosemond said.

"Yeah, i saw that" George said, tapping Jean gently on her shoulder.

She yawned, obviously awake as she raised up her head and looked at every one of them but was about placing her head back on the table when George quickly held her.

He made her stand on her feet and then started leading her to the door. She looks more like a drunk person.

"I'll take her to her room," George said and Jennifer nodded

opening the fridge and saw the cakes on display.

"I want the Vanilla flavor, cut a slice of chocolate flavor for my dad and i hope there's strawberry flavor there for you" Rosemond said.

"Yes" Jennifer smiled as Rosemond picked out three dishes and handed it to Jennifer.

"Ohh thank you" Jennifer said picking a knife that was already beside the cakes.

She cut out a slice each from the three flavors.

"I want two slices" Rosemond said.

"Okay" Jennifer said and cut one more slice for Rosemond.

She brought out a pack of juice afterwards with three glass cups.

"Dad will take wine" Rosemond said.

"Alright, which of them?" Jennifer asked.

"Pure heaven" Rosemond said and Jennifer was impressed that she knows her father's favorite wine.

"It's always in the freezer though, not the fridge" Rosemond said placing the glass cups in a tray.

"Ohh okay" Jennifer said as she closed the fridge and moved to the freezer.

Jennifer and Rosemond sat in front of the fireplace waiting for George. The cakes, juice, wine and glass cups were placed in front of them and Jennifer smiled enjoying the beautiful view of the fireplace.

"Do you enjoy staring at the fireplace that much?" Rosemond asked her.

"Yes I do"

"But why?" Rosemond asked.

"I just love it. Doesn't it look magical to you?" Jennifer asked.

"No, it's just a normal burning fire to me" Rosemond said.

"Sorry for keeping you guys waiting" George finally said as walked in, making his presence known. He had stood by the door for minutes watching the back view of his daughter and her nanny although he had concentrated more on Jennifer's back because he loved how his robe looked on her even if it trailed behind her like a wedding gown, it still looked so good on her.

"Finally you're here" Rosemond said.

"Wow" George exclaimed, sighting the cake and his favorite wine. He quickly sat down on the left side of Rosemond and Jennifer was on the right.

"I had to make sure Jean was asleep, you know she can just get up and go back to the kitchen to continue her sleep" George said.

"That's true" Rosemond said laughing and cutting her cake with a fork while George poured himself some wine before eating the cake.

They ate and drank in silence, all staring at the fireplace and by the time they were done eating Rosemond and Jennifer were already feeling sleepy and George returned the dishes to the kitchen and washed them.

when he returned to the library, he found them laying beside each other, asleep and the way Jennifer held Rosemond in her arms while they sleep, one would think she was protecting her daughter. She would be so perfect as a mother. She's not one yet but anyone would think she is whenever she's with Rosemond.

George walked into his room and picked his blanket from his bed and covered them both with it. He added more woods in the fire and then staring at them and smiled, 

"These two are just so beautiful and adorable even in their sleep" George complimented but was he still going to deny the fact that he really admire Jennifer?

In the Morning Jennifer woke Rosemond up to prepare her for school

 "Rosemond get up It's late already" Jennifer said, staring at the wall clock in the library as she tapped Rosemond gently.

Hence they both fell asleep here, she wondered where George was and why he didn't wake them.

Rosemond stirred awake, yawning loudly

"Get up Rosemond let's go get you ready for school. There's no much time left" Jennifer said getting up on her feet as she pulled Ivory with her and they both walked out of the library.

Charles was prepared for school so he went to bid his Aunt farewell after he finished preparing her breakfast with lunch and he made sure everything she'll be needing was close to her.

"Bye mum" Charles said and pecked her. 

"Bye Charlie" Mrs Simon smiled and he waved before walking out of her room and gently closed the door behind him.

He rushed to the bus station and luckily for him, he caught a bus but all eyes were in him when he walked in and most of the passengers were students with just few were from his school.

The girls stylishly cleared the seat beside them for him to seat while the guys stare daggers at him but it wasn't surprising to him as he's used to always getting that reaction.

He took an empty seat behind and then stared out of the window as the bus moved. He missed Jennifer a lot and he can't wait for weekend to come because he was  already saving chocolates for her then he smiled knowing she'll be so excited.

"Hi" he heard a feminine voice said and he responded to her greeting

"Hi" He said turning to the girl who was pretty with soft brown eyes,bhigh cheekbones, a pointer nose, asher blonde hair fell down her shoulders and her small lips were in a smile.

 From her uniform one he could tell she wasn't a student of their school.

"I'm Jessy" she said.

"Charles" He said licking his lips and the girl almost went crazy.

"Can i touch you?" She asked and Charles smiled.

 "Oh my God, your smile is making my broken heart come back together" The girl said and Charles laughed.

"Please make me yours already" Jessy said, falling completely for him and Charles was not surprised because it happens all the time.

"Jessy!" A guy suddenly shouted and he wore the same uniform as Jessy. He approached the both of them at the back seat with tightened fist and  Everyone turned to them expectantly.

"She's my girlfriend so stay away from her or i will make your face a punching bag" The guy threatened.

"You're not my boyfriend Smith, we broke up already" Jessy shouted.

"You broke up with me just now because this thing entered the bus? If he doesn't get up beside you now, i swear I'll beat him up" The guy said angrily.

"You'll beat me up?" Charles asked laughing.

"I swear I'll make you lick your ass" Charles said calmly, winning the girls heart more.

"Ohh Really? You this nincompoop?" Smith said.

"Just shut up already I'm not to blame that you share resemblance with a gorilla" Charles said and stood up, leaving Smith speechless as laughter erupted in the bus and Charles walked to the door. because he was going to alight at the next bus stop.

When Charles walked into his class, gazes fall on him as usual.

 and Sometimes he just get fed up with the whole thing.

He replied to the "hi's" and "hey's" from the girls as he walked to his seat and sat down opening his bag and locker as well

but letters poured out.

"Not again!" Charles complained.

When it was lunch time, lots of girls offered to buy him lunch, others offered themselves freely to him while some just pleaded for a kiss.

He had no male friend and the guys in the school hated him becausecause he has the girls attention the most. Sometimes, he wished all the attention he's always getting would just stop and sometimes he'll wish it never stops.