
The Silence of the sea.

"Goodbye, Eira!" said the man as he pushed a girl's body from his boat.

The silence of the sea that night immediately waved when the girl was falling. The cold water touching her back, it feels like a thousand swords stabbed as her body was hurled in. Slowly devouring it inside, the beautiful wedding dress was seen dancing with the waves.

She just stares at the man who also staring at her from aboard the boat. His cold face was even colder than the sea that was now embracing the girl. Without any compassion on his face, he just stared as if to confirm she had to die tonight. Enjoying the moments of her death.

The girl's tears mixed with the seawater. His heart shattered to pieces. Tonight, was her wedding night, but her husband wanted to get rid of her life.

A sinister smile spread across the man's face. A woman approached him who was immediately greeted with warm hugs and kisses for both of them as if deliberately giving the last spectacle to Eira. The man's eyes glanced at Eira's body which slowly disappeared in the dark seawater.

Eira still had time to see the man that look at her. The man mocking her and seemed satisfied with what had happened to her. The woman was the same. She just smiled mockingly. How could someone be so happy to see someone else die in front of them?

Eira did not rebel. It was as if his body had no soul and was immediately dragged deep into the ocean floor. Yes! his soul was dead, long before they even made his body die.

The girl was silent. resigned as the weight of the wedding dress she was wearing dragged her deeper, slowly towards the dark ocean floor.

People say that dying by drowning is a torturous way of dying, your brain will send a signal that you are in danger. You will start reaching towards the surface, trying to seek help. Then you will start to run out of breath due to the effect of the closing of the epiglottis suddenly. Suffocating yourself. Your lungs constrict forcing you to get air, but all you have is you are getting more and more tormented because only water fills it. It will be excruciating and you slowly lose consciousness.

However, for people who want to die, she just surrenders. Doesn't want to live anymore. His life has suffered enough. Can death come quickly and have a little compassion for him so that the pain of dying does not torture her too much? But still, even death tortured her. Is this the end of her life? Born and living in suffering, must die in solitude.

In his last breaths, the faces of the man and woman appeared. Their sinister smiles make her suddenly feel unwilling.

"Do I deserve to die? or the man who deserves to die?" Eira asked herself.

"Yes! That man deserved to die! him and his mistress! How will I die peacefully if I see him happy over my death? NO! I can't die, that's what he wants! If I die they'll be together and I'll just die in vain. I will exchange 1000 of my life to make them feel the pain of my life."

She opened her beautiful eyes, tried to hold her breath longer, and started to reach for whatever was there. But panic only made her lose a lot of breath and energy. She tried to save her life, her determination. She had to live to avenge all the pain that this man had inflicted!

"God let me live once again to avenge all this heartache! God let them feel what it feels like to be snatched away to be dumped." Eira prayed for the last time.

She swam as hard as he could to reach the surface. But the more she rebelled, the more exhausted she became and could no longer swim. Her wedding dress which just moments ago made her the Queen now seems to want to hasten her death. The ocean shows its power, there's not much else it can do.

Silence, in the ocean it was dark and still.