
The Beautiful Mermaid

In an underwater kingdom, Beauty, a very pretty mermaid, falls in love with Bertrand, a young fisherman. To be with Betrand, Beauty seeks the help of a mermaid wizard, sacrificing her magic and memories. With Bertrand's love, she remembers her past and their bond grows stronger. They got married and welcome set of twins, born of both worlds (half human, half mermaid). Together, they bridge the divide between land and sea, proving that love transforms all boundaries. Their love story becomes an evidence for unconditional love.

Abu_Muniru · Teen
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2 Chs

The Beginning of Two Hearts

In the heart of an oceanic wonderland, where sky blue water kissed the sandy ground, there lived a young pretty mermaid named Beauty. The underwater kingdom was her home, a world of marine invertebrates and mystical creatures. But amidst the mag​nif​i​cence of her aquatic abode, Beauty often found herself gazing longingly towards the surface of the ocean, where the shining stars painted the night sky.

Beauty had a quenchless curiosity about the world above, especially about the humans who roamed the land, unaware of the en​chanting life beneath underwater. She desired to unravel the mysteries of the world above, the world where her heart secretly hoped to adventure.

Every evening, as the sun sets in west, casting a golden hue upon the ocean's surface, Beauty would swim to the river surface that flowed from the land to the sea. It was there that she would sit upon a smooth rock, her tail gracefully hung in the flowing water, and look towards the sky with starry eyes.

Little did Beauty know that her bewitching presence had caught the attention of a young fisherman named Bertrand. He was an energetic individual with a pure heart as he ocean itself, and each day, he would go to the river to cast his net and capture the ocean's treasures.

Unknown to Beauty, Bertrand's heart awakened with an indescribable feeling whenever he spotted her sitting by the river's edge. He found himself attracted to the mysterious pretty mermaid, her beauty emulating the most brilliant precious stones in the sea. Every glimpse of her agile form filled him with an unexplainable longing, a yearning to know more about the heavenly creature who seemed to have captured his heart ❤️.

One evening, as the sky transformed into a textile of rich purples and pinks, Bertrand decided to approach the captivating figure by the riverside. His heart pounded against his chest like the thundering sound, but he could not resist the magnetic pull he felt towards the mysterious mermaid.

Approaching with vigilant steps, Bertrand found himself enchanted by Beauty's presence. He gazed at her glowing eyes, the color of the ocean's deepest secrets, and the way her hair streamed like strands of sunlight twinkling through the water. Her voice, like a melody carried on the ocean breeze, echoed through his mind.

"Hello pretty", Betrand said with a soft voice.

Beauty turned towards the sound of his warm voice, her heart beat increased. "Good evening," she replied, her voice as soft as a gentle current, sending shivers down his spine.

Bertrand couldn't help but feel an incomprehensible connection to the beautiful mermaid in front of him. There was something about her, a sense of familiarity as though they were two halves of a lost story waiting to be rejoined.

As the evening developed into night, Beauty and Bertrand shared stories of their worlds, she, of the mesmerizing depths of the ocean, and he, of the enormous area of the land. Each tale wove a fabric of wonder and fascination, stitching together two worlds that had been separated by the bounds of nature.

In that brief period, beneath the watchful gaze of a crescent moon, Beauty and Bertrand realized that their hearts had interconnected but they don't know how. There, by the river's edge, they found in each other's eyes a reflection of the dreams they had held in their hearts for a long time now.

And so,a sudden bond was born between the mermaid and the fisherman, a love that surpassed the depths of the ocean and the heights of the stars above. Their hearts had found peace in each other's company, a feeling as old as time and as infinite as the immense ocean itself.

Little did they know that their meeting by fate would set the course for a love story that would disobey the laws of both land and sea, and their destinies would become intertwined in a tale of love, adventure, and the steadfast power of unity. The amazing encounter by the river would be just the beginning of a love that would echo through the ages, forever imprinted in the heart of the ocean and the memories of the stars above.