
Chapter 57 You Might Be Doomed!

Translator: 549690339

Song Xi couldn't stand hearing this.

"He went to Rongsheng Club to promote liquor and beer!"

"Ye Fei has finally found a sales job at Feihuang Liquor Factory, and I hope you won't call him useless every day and make him come back to cook for you!"

Zhao Meilan immediately became angry upon hearing this.

"You little wretch, what do you mean by that?"

"If that waste doesn't cook, who will cook? Do you plan to starve your mother to death?"

Song Xi suddenly stood up with a jolt.

"Do you think a man who stays at home every day to be a househusband will amount to anything?"

"It's not that Ye Fei lacks ambition, but you've never given him a chance to progress, forcing him everyday to do housework at home, don't you have any idea?"

Song Xi said, angrily grabbing her handbag and storming out.

"You wretched girl, that waste eats my food, drinks my drinks, what's wrong with him doing some household chores?"