
Chapter 17 Money is no object, as long as you like it!

Translator: 549690339

Song Xi couldn't help but feel a tinge of sourness in her heart upon witnessing this scene.

There isn't a woman who doesn't like jewelry.

Especially when the woman in question was her own college classmate.

While the other woman's wedding involved purchasing a necklace that was nearly thirty-eight thousand eight hundred and eighty-eight, Song Xi had received nothing for hers!

Thinking of this, Song Xi involuntarily raised her head to glance at Ye Fei beside her, his expression indifferent, and suddenly an inexplicable anger surged within her.

"Relying on this useless guy, I'll probably never get to own such an expensive necklace in my entire life!"

Just then, Luu Weiwei, her face flushed with happiness, turned towards Song Xi with a cheerful look.

"Song Xi, what kind of jewelry did your husband buy you when you got married?"

Lin Junzhi, who had been looking troubled, suddenly brightened at this question, eyeing Song Xi and then Ye Fei with a playful smile.

"Seeing how your husband looks so nonchalant, I suppose what he gave you must be ten times more precious than what I got!"

Upon hearing this, a hint of anger flashed in Song Xi's beautiful eyes.

Clearly, she had not expected Luu Weiwei to be so odious, to not forget to show off and humiliate her at a time like this.

Thereupon, Song Xi spoke with a cold face, "I got nothing when I got married!"

Proudly defiant, as though she couldn't care less about such things!

However, anyone could hear the traces of anger and resentment in Song Xi's voice.

Specially since Song Xi was looking at Ye Fei as she said this.

Luu Weiwei couldn't help expressing surprise, "No way!"

"He didn't buy you any jewelry when you married?"

Luu Weiwei said this with an even more feigned surprise, turning to look at Ye Fei.

"As a man, how could you do this?"

"I truly feel sorry for Song Xi!"

Luu Weiwei's words seemed to chastise, mocking Ye Fei, but in reality, they were scoffing at Song Xi.

"What's the use of being beautiful? Look at the man you've chosen!"

"I might not be as pretty as you, but the man I found is way stronger than your pretty-boy!"

Lin Junzhi too feigned surprise, looking towards Ye Fei.

"Brother, as a man, you couldn't possibly be such a failure, could you?"

Song Xi, annoyed by the mocking duo, was about to pull Ye Fei away when, unexpectedly, Ye Fei suddenly began to speak with a smile.

"You are right in your accusations!"

"Indeed, I was negligent back then, and it was my fault,"

"How about this; today, you two happen to be here to witness this, and I hope Song Xi will give me a chance to make amends!"

On hearing this, Lin Junzhi couldn't help but laugh, "Is that so... well then, Weiwei and I will witness this today for you!"

Luu Weiwei, eager to watch the drama unfold, chimed in with excitement, "Wow... congratulations, Song Xi, to have such an unexpected surprise!"

As she spoke, Luu Weiwei turned to Ye Fei, "On behalf of Song Xi, I accept your offer to make amends, but the jewelry you present can't be any less extravagant than mine, or I'll be the first one to reject it!"

Ye Fei responded with a casual smile, "Money is not an issue, as long as Song Xi likes it, that's all that matters!"

Song Xi, already angry, saw Ye Fei bragging and immediately became furious.

She stepped forward and glared at Ye Fei fiercely.

"Where would you get the money?"

Then, Song Xi looked at Luu Weiwei with an embarrassed face and said, "Actually, Ye Fei did give me jewelry, it's just that I don't like wearing those things!"

However, no sooner had Song Xi finished speaking than Lin Junzhi let out a mocking, cold laugh.

"Miss Song, you are not worried your husband lacks money, are you?"

"Didn't you hear what he just said? Money isn't an issue, as long as you like it, he'll buy it for you no matter the cost!"

Luu Weiwei was intent on making Song Xi embarrassed today, nodding repeatedly, "Exactly!"

"Since your husband has already spoken, what are you worried about!"

Just then, a middle-aged man accompanied by two bodyguards, with a look of joy on his face, walked over carrying a briefcase.

The counter salesperson hurriedly bowed in greeting upon seeing the middle-aged man.

"Manager Zhou, you're here!"

Zhou Chen laughed heartily, "Little Ling, you're really lucky today to be the first to see Love of the Stars, freshly delivered from headquarters!"

The counter salesperson couldn't help but exclaim in shock upon hearing this.

"What, Love of the Stars?"

"How... how is that possible?"

Luu Weiwei was also full of disbelief, unable to restrain herself from exclaiming in astonishment.

"What, it's actually Love of the Stars?"

"It's said that Love of the Stars, created by the chief beauty master from Treasure Island, was globally released in a limited edition of one hundred and eight sets, each priced at three million nine hundred and ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine, symbolizing an everlasting love across lifetimes!"

"I can't believe that a small place like Jiangzhou actually got a set of Love of the Stars!"

Upon hearing Luu Weiwei's exclamation, Zhou Chen smiled slightly, "You're right!"

"The reason our counter got a set is all thanks to Feihuang Group's influence; a special allocation was made for us!"

As Zhou Chen spoke, he reached out and with a snap opened the briefcase.

Immediately revealed was a diamond necklace that twinkled like the stars.

The gems, like stars plucked from the heavens, were linked together by the masterful craftsmanship of Treasure Island's beauty master.

It exuded a charm that was elegant, noble, and pure.

"So beautiful!"

At that moment...

Whether it was Luu Weiwei, the female salesperson, or Song Xi standing by, they were all deeply captivated.

Especially Song Xi, upon seeing Love of the Stars in front of her, felt as though she was being irresistibly drawn in by a mysterious force, her gaze never leaving it.

As a woman, Song Xi had naturally paid attention to the advertisement for Love of the Stars.

The moment she first saw Love of the Stars in the advertisement, she had been deeply attracted.

However, after seeing its price tag, a wave of bitterness couldn't help but rise in her heart.

Even though Song Xi was a graduate of a prestigious university and the head of Song Corporation's sales department,

in reality, her salary was even less than that of her subordinates who performed well in sales.

Her net monthly salary was about fifteen thousand.

Each month, aside from keeping some pocket money, the rest was all handed over to her mother, Zhao Meilan.

Therefore, Song Xi truly had no money at hand.

The astronomical price of three million nine hundred and ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine was simply beyond her reach!

Yet, at that moment, a man's voice suddenly came from behind her.

"I'll buy it!"

As soon as these words were uttered, they immediately drew everyone's attention.

A luxury item close to four million, bought just like that!

Who the hell is so lavish?

For a moment, everyone couldn't help but turn their heads towards the person who had spoken.

However, the next moment...

They were all taken aback.

They would never have dreamed that the person offering to buy Love of the Stars would be a pauper dressed in street stall clothes.