
Chapter 16 The Gap Between You and Me

Translator: 549690339

Lin Junzhi looked at Ye Fei, whose expression was cool, and a hint of anger flashed through his eyes.

Especially when thinking of the man before him, who was nothing but a doormat ridiculed by everyone, he felt an inexplicable rage welling up inside.

What the hell, how could a useless son-in-law like him manage to marry such a first-rate wife?

The heavens must be blind as a dog!

Seeing that the useless man in front of him was ignoring him, Lin Junzhi felt as if he had suffered a great humiliation.

He couldn't help but scoff coldly.

"Overestimating yourself!"

Luu Weiwei, seeing that a mere useless son-in-law dared to act arrogant in front of her, couldn't help a flash of anger in her eyes.

Looking at Song Xi, she couldn't help but mock, "Song Xi, your husband seems to have an extraordinary demeanor and must have a decent job, right? May I ask where your husband works?"

"My Junzhi is currently a sales manager in a subsidiary of the Feihuang Group, earning a salary and bonuses amounting to nearly three hundred thousand a year!"

Upon hearing this, how could Song Xi not know that Luu Weiwei was trying to embarrass her?

She immediately said displeased, "Ye Fei is helping out at the Song Corporation!"

Hearing this, Lin Junzhi couldn't help but sneer with mockery, "So he really is just a gigolo!"

"Weiwei, let's go look at jewelry!"

Luu Weiwei's eyes flashed shrewdly, and she looked at Song Xi with a mischievous expression.

"Song Xi, as Miss Song of the Song family, your taste is higher than ours. Today, you must help me inspect and pick out a good set of jewelry for my wedding!"

Song Xi, upon hearing these words, was just about to decline Luu Weiwei's invitation.

Unexpectedly, Ye Fei agreed on behalf of Song Xi.

"Of course, that's no problem!"

"Song Xi's taste is absolutely unquestionable!"

"Besides, you two are friends. Later on, you both should discuss together and choose a set of beautiful jewelry!"

Song Xi looked startled and glared at Ye Fei fiercely, then told the sales clerk, "Pack up this set!"

"You go change your clothes first."

Ye Fei smiled slightly at these words and quickly returned to the fitting room.

When Luu Weiwei and Lin Junzhi saw Song Xi using her card to pay, they looked on with disdain.

Ye Fei turned out to be a gigolo through and through!

Yet Ye Fei was holding the suit Song Xi bought for him, full of joy and excitement, following the three of them to the jewelry department on the second floor.

As soon as they arrived on the second floor, Song Xi was dragged by Luu Weiwei to look at various jewelry pieces.

Lin Junzhi watched Luu Weiwei and Song Xi shuttle between the counters, his face revealing a hint of pride.

From the corner of his eye, he glanced at Ye Fei beside him.

With an arrogant tone, Lin Junzhi pointed at Luu Weiwei and said to Ye Fei, "See, a real man doesn't live off a woman, he provides for his woman!"

"Whatever she likes, that's all that matters!"

"You, having to rely on a woman to pay for a suit, that's the difference between you and me."

Faced with Lin Junzhi's ridicule, Ye Fei smiled indifferently.

"What are you trying to say?"

Seeing Ye Fei's nonchalant look, Lin Junzhi couldn't help but sneer.

"I want to tell you that if I were you, I would definitely take the initiative to divorce Song Xi and set her free. Because a fine woman like Song Xi is simply out of your league!"

Just then, Luu Weiwei's excited and surprised shouts came from ahead.

"Junzhi, Junzhi come over here!"

Upon hearing Luu Weiwei's calls, Lin Junzhi cast a sidelong glance at Ye Fei and walked over.

Ye Fei couldn't help but show a hint of displeasure in his eyes, and even more so, a few traces of a mocking sneer spilled from the depths of his gaze.

He followed and walked over.

At the moment, in front of a high-end jewelry counter, Luu Weiwei looked at a diamond necklace with a face full of excitement and eagerness, her eyes sparkling brightly.

Beside her, Song Xi, too, was looking at the Deep Blue gemstone necklace with a face full of surprise.

Luu Weiwei couldn't control her excitement as she pointed at the necklace behind the glass case and exclaimed excitedly, "This one, it's so beautiful, I want this one!"

"Junzhi, look at this piece. It's a copy of the Heart of the Ocean, it's so gorgeous!"

The sales associate nodded with a smile, "Beauty, you have great taste. This one is indeed a replica of the Heart of the Ocean pendant!"

"Although it's not the Heart of the Ocean, it is still a very precious necklace. And most importantly, it matches your temperament so well!"

Luu Weiwei was even more thrilled upon hearing this.

"Can I take it out to try it on?"

The sales associate nodded, "Of course!"

Then he carefully took out the necklace.

Luu Weiwei excitedly put on the necklace, instantly adding a touch of nobility to her whole persona.

"It looks good!"

"It's too perfect!"

Standing in front of the mirror, Luu Weiwei was exceptionally excited as she admired her reflection.

"Junzhi, this is the one!"

Lin Junzhi looked at Luu Weiwei, and his face was also filled with amazement.

It seemed he had not expected this necklace to match Luu Weiwei so well.

Hearing Luu Weiwei's shout, Lin Junzhi quickly came to his senses and said, "If you like it, then let's buy it; it's not worth much anyway!"

When Luu Weiwei heard this, she excitedly turned around and threw her arms around Lin Junzhi's neck, giving him a passionate kiss.

"Darling, you're just too good to me!"

Lin Junzhi held Luu Weiwei with both hands but his gaze was on Song Xi, whose expression was slightly dismal, and he proudly said, "You're my wife, if I don't treat you well, who will I treat well!"

Lin Junzhi then told the saleswoman nearby, "How much? Write up the bill!"

Upon hearing this, the saleswoman's face brightened as she said, "Sir, the price of this necklace is three hundred eighty-eight thousand eight hundred eighty-eight. Will you be paying with a card or by check?"


"How much?"

Lin Junzhi, who had a confident smile on his face just a moment ago, instantly stiffened.

It seemed he couldn't quite believe what he'd heard.

The saleswoman repeated, "Sir, the total is three hundred eighty-eight thousand eight hundred eighty-eight!"

Lin Junzhi was sure he hadn't misheard, and his smile turned awkward.

Although he worked for a company under Feihuang Group, with an annual income close to three hundred thousand,

he had spent most of it in the past few years on buying a house, decorating, buying a car, and preparing for a wedding, leaving him with not much left.

If he spent it all on this necklace, he'd likely have to face the north wind tomorrow without anything to eat.

Therefore, upon hearing the price, Lin Junzhi couldn't help but feel embarrassed.

Seeing Lin Junzhi's reaction, an excited Luu Weiwei immediately cajoled him, "Darling, honey... I really like this necklace, if you buy it for me, I'll do whatever you say from now on!"

Lin Junzhi, with his face full of embarrassment, heard Luu Weiwei's coquettish plea, and also saw both Song Xi and Ye Fei looking at him.

Biting the bullet, he took out his credit card and said to the saleswoman, "Buy it, charge it to the card!"

"Wow... Darling, I love you to death!" Luu Weiwei suddenly screamed.

Kisses rained down like droplets on Lin Junzhi's face.