
Chapter 09 The Wicked Need the Wicked to Grind Them

Translator: 549690339

Song Xi was unexpectedly pushed aside by Zhao Meilan, and couldn't help but let out a piercing scream.

"Mom, what on earth are you trying to do?"

"If Ye Fei was really beaten to death, what do you think others would think of me, and of all of us?"

Zhao Meilan said with a face full of hatred, "I don't care how others see it, the trouble today was caused by that piece of trash himself, and it has nothing to do with me. I won't allow you to interfere!"

Wu Xiuhua, with a face full of anger, saw Song Xi being pulled over by Zhao Meilan and immediately rushed up, slapping Ye Fei across the face.

"You worthless whatever, I'll show you for hitting my son!"

Song Zirong watched the scene with a hint of mocking laughter flashing in his eyes.

"Damn it, you dare hit me. Today, I really want to see how you manage to end this!"

However, to everyone's surprise, just as Wu Xiuhua's right hand was about to strike Ye Fei, it was suddenly grabbed.

"You…" Wu Xiuhua hadn't had time to react.

A surge of great force then pushed her away, causing her to fall to the ground.


Following this was the sound of Wu Xiuhua's painful screams.

"Ow… my butt!"

"You waste, you dare to push me!"

"I'm going to fight you with all I've got!"

Wu Xiuhua, who fell to the ground with her face full of rage, stood up and pounced towards Ye Fei with her claws outstretched.

Song Zirong, seeing his mother fall to the ground before his very eyes, also saw red and, roaring with fury, charged at Ye Fei.

"You motherf****r… you dare hit my mom, I'll kill you!"

Ye Fei, with a face full of rage, watched as Song Zirong and Wu Xiuhua rushed at him, his eyes flashing coldly before he stepped forward and struck out with two slaps.

Suddenly, everyone was stunned.

Slap slap...

Wu Xiuhua and Song Zirong, one after another, let out a scream and tumbled to the ground.

Ye Fei glared in fury at the two who had fallen to the ground, his gaze finally falling on Song Zirong.

"Did I not hit you hard enough earlier, that you still had the energy to come here and make trouble!"

Lying on the ground, Song Ziwen screamed, his hand covering his bleeding mouth, glaring resentfully at Ye Fei.

Yet when he felt the chilling coldness in Ye Fei's eyes, he couldn't help feeling scared.

However, at that moment, Song Haishan, who was nearby, reacted and rushed forward to stand in front of Ye Fei, glaring at him with a face ashen with anger.

"You little beast, you dare to hit my wife and son!"

"Who gave you the guts? Today I'll teach you a lesson you dead dog, with the help of my third son!"

Song Haishan cursed through his clenched teeth, swinging a hand to slap Ye Fei across the face.

However, just as Song Haishan's hand was about to hit Ye Fei's cheek, Ye Fei captured his wrist with a cold expression.


Just as Ye Fei was about to hit him again, an angry rebuke came from Song Xi.

"Ye Fei, have you lost your mind? Who allowed you to hit people!"

Following this, Song Xi rushed over in a panic and stretched out her hand to help Wu Xiuhua, who had fallen.

But what Song Xi never could have dreamed was that Wu Xiuhua, furious, saw Song Xi approaching and actually swung her hand in a slap.

"You shameless girl, get out of my way!"

"If it wasn't for you, always protecting this trash, he wouldn't dare to hit me!"

Wu Xiuhua, her face full of rage, stood up from the ground and looked at Song Xi with eyes full of hatred.

Song Xi, suddenly hit by a slap, was completely stunned. Clearly, she had not expected Wu Xiuhua to really hit her.

At that moment, an angry curse was heard.

"Wu, you dare to hit my daughter, I'll fight you!"

The next moment, Zhao Meilan was seen lunging at Wu Xiuhua with bared teeth and claws.

Wu Xiuhua, with her face full of fury, saw Zhao Meilan come at her and, unafraid, met her head-on.

"I'm not scared of you!"

Suddenly, the two entangled and fought each other.

The living room instantly became a mess!

"Stop it!"

"Stop hitting, stop hitting!"

"Mom, please stop!"

Song Xi looked at the two people fighting and couldn't help but become anxious.

However, Song Haifeng, seeing his own wife and elder sister-in-law in a scuffle, merely stood by helplessly sighing, neither stepping forward to mediate nor intervening to break it up.

Song Zirong, seeing his own mother and Zhao Meilan come to blows, couldn't help but flash a cold, mocking smile.

"Go ahead, the fiercer the better!"

"When the old lady gets alarmed, she will definitely take our side!"

Thinking this, Song Zirong's gaze filled with a venomous cold smirk as he looked at Ye Fei.

"It'd be best to take this opportunity to force this good-for-nothing and this whore to divorce, and kick him out of the Song Family!"

Song Haishan, seeing his own wife and Zhao Meilan becoming increasingly volatile, his entire face turned ashen.

"Everyone stop!"

However, before he could finish speaking, a severe pain transmitted from his right wrist.


Suddenly, a scream like that of a slaughtered pig emanated from the living room.

The abrupt scream drew everyone's attention.

That included Wu Xiuhua and Zhao Meilan, who were still entangled in a fight.

"You scum, how dare you hit my husband!"

Seeing Ye Fei twisting Song Haifeng's wrist, Wu Xiuhua immediately reacted and, leaving Zhao Meilan, lunged toward Ye Fei.

Song Zirong, seeing Ye Fei daring to strike his father, was enraged as well.

"You good-for-nothing, how dare you hit my father, I'll tell the old lady right now!"

Song Haifeng, with a face full of pain, clenched his teeth and bore the agony from his right hand, glaring hatefully at Ye Fei.

"You beast, try hitting me if you dare!"

"Stop..." Song Xi, seeing Ye Fei making a move against Song Haifeng, also became frantic and hurried over.

Zhao Meilan, looking at Song Haifeng screaming in pain, displayed a few traces of schadenfreude on her indignant face.

It was as though she couldn't wait for Ye Fei to give Song Haifeng a thorough beating.

Ye Fei, with a chilling face and hearing Song Xi's shouts, angrily pushed Song Haifeng away, who then collided with the approaching Wu Xiuhua.

Both of them immediately slammed into each other and fell to the ground.

Once more, screams of pain filled the living room.

"Dad, Mom..."

Song Zirong, seeing his parents fall to the ground, hurriedly rushed over.

However, just as Song Zirong was about to reach them, Ye Fei stomped on him, pinning him to the ground.

He lay there like a "Dead Dog."


"Bastard, you actually dare to hit me!"

Song Haishan and Wu Xiuhua, who had fallen to the side, seeing Ye Fei stepping on Song Zirong, couldn't help but become enraged.

"You bastard, you good-for-nothing, what do you think you're doing?"

"You little beast, you dare to hit my son, I won't let this go!"

The next moment, Song Haishan and Wu Xiuhua quickly got up and pounced toward Ye Fei.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, Ye Fei suddenly reached for a fruit knife on the nearby coffee table, his face filled with ruthlessness.

"You good-for-nothing, what are you doing?"

"You jerk, put the knife down!"

"You good-for-nothing, are you trying to rebel?"

"Ye Fei, have you lost your mind?"

The sudden turn of events terrified everyone present.

Especially Song Haishan and Wu Xiuhua, who were nearly paralyzed with fear on the spot.

Zhao Meilan, who had previously taken pleasure in the misfortune, seeing Ye Fei suddenly with a knife, also broke into a cold sweat and urgently rushed over.

Fearing that in a fit of rage, Ye Fei might plunge the knife into Song Zirong.