
Chapter 08 Knocking on the Door

Translator: 549690339

Song Xi looked at the aggressive family before her, her already haggard face filled with annoyance.

"Haven't you caused enough trouble!"

As soon as Song Xi spoke, Wu Xiuhua and the others all turned to look at her.

Especially Wu Xiuhua, who was full of rage as she screamed at Song Xi.

"You little bitch, who are you yelling at!"

"Are you blind, can't you see Zirong covered in injuries?"

"If it weren't for you supporting that loser, would he dare to lay a finger on Zirong?"

"You little bitch, I'm warning you, if you don't give me a satisfactory explanation today, this isn't over!"

Song Haishan stood by with a dark expression, glaring at Song Xi.

"How dare you, what kind of attitude is this? Is this how you speak to your elders?"

"Do you even consider me your uncle?"

However, Song Xi faced the menacing gazes of Song Haishan and Wu Xiuhua with a cold sneer on her face.

"My attitude is bad, but yours is good?"

"You keep saying that I don't regard you as my uncle, but when has your family ever treated me as a family member?"

"Which uncle and aunt call their niece 'little bitch' or 'cheap girl' all the time?

When Song Xi reached this point, she couldn't help but turn her head and glare at Song Zirong.

"As soon as you stepped in, you said Ye Fei hit you!"

"Then I'll ask you, why would Ye Fei hit you?"

At these words, everyone looked at Song Zirong.

Even Song Haishan wore a puzzled expression.

Clearly, he also didn't know why Song Zirong had been hit.

He had just heard that Song Zirong was beaten by that loser in public and rushed over in a hurry to settle the score.

Wu Xiuhua knew the reason, seeing her son looking somewhat nervous, she immediately started spouting accusations.

"You little bitch, what do you mean by that?"

Song Xi, hearing these words, gave Wu Xiuhua a cold look and said, "Don't you know what I mean?"

Knowing Ye Fei as she did, Ye Fei was not one to stir up trouble or to hit someone first.

Otherwise, in these past three years, he wouldn't have been trampled on and humiliated, treated like a doormat and a loser.

Seeing Song Zirong's bruised face, Song Xi couldn't help but let out a cold laugh.

"Why are you not speaking? Or is it that you have a guilty conscience? You deserved to be hit!"

Zhao Meilan, who was also full of anger, sneered with ridicule upon hearing this, "Well said, maybe it's just that some people have loose tongues and deserve to be slapped!"

Song Haishan, with a somber face, glared at Song Xi and Zhao Meilan and said coldly, "Zirong, tell me why that loser hit you?"

Song Zirong was momentarily taken aback before instantly regaining his composure.

Looking defiantly into Song Xi's eyes, he said angrily, "You're the one with a guilty conscience!"

"That loser went to the company to deliver a package this morning and was stopped by the security guards at the gate. If I hadn't happened to be passing by, he might have even come to blows with the security."

Song Zirong's face grew even more indignant as he spoke.

"Although I can't stand the bastard, at the end of the day, he is Song Xi's husband, our Song Family's son-in-law. If it got out that the Song Family's son-in-law was stopped outside his own company by security, wouldn't that turn our entire Song Family into a joke!"

Song Haishan nodded and said, "Indeed, even if he's a loser of a son-in-law, as long as he hasn't left, as long as he's part of the Song Family, his every action affects our family's face!"

Hearing his father's words, Song Zirong felt even more confident and continued, "Yes, Dad, that's what I thought too!"

"So, I scolded that security guard on the spot and called all the security staff to come out, making them recognize Ye Fei. And I instructed them that if he ever comes to deliver a package again, no one is to stop him."

Song Zirong, with an angry face, continued, "But what I never expected was that at that moment, the loser suddenly went crazy, rushed up and started beating me mercilessly. If I hadn't run fast, I might have been beaten to death in public today!"

Song Haishan's gaze turned icy after hearing Song Zirong's words.

"You all heard it!"

"Zirong was acting out of kindness, but who would have thought that piece of trash would be so ungrateful, daring to strike at Zirong in public."

"If we do not punish that trash severely, where will the Song family's face be left? How will Zirong stand a chance in the Song Corporation in the future, let alone manage it!"

Wu Xiuhua was full of hatred as she glared at Song Xi, "You little witch, did you hear that!"

"If you don't give us a satisfactory explanation today, I'll take this matter to the old lady to seek justice for my son, even if it comes to that!"

Upon hearing Song Zirong's words, Song Xi couldn't help but frown.

However, facing Wu Xiuhua's aggressive approach, Song Xi's expression darkened as she looked straight at Song Zirong.

"Is what happened really as simple as you say?"

Hearing this, panic flashed in Song Zirong's eyes, but he quickly calmed down and retorted angrily, "What do you mean? Are you doubting my honesty?"

Song Xi, catching the flicker of panic in Song Zirong's eyes, grew even more convinced of her suspicions.

"Whether it's true or not, you know it in your heart. Right now, we're only hearing your side of the story. When Ye Fei returns, we can confront him. One question will reveal the truth."

"Of course, we can also call over all the security guards who were present today and ask them what happened at the scene!"

Upon hearing this, Wu Xiuhua instantly became furious, "You impertinent girl, what do you mean by that?"

"How dare you suspect our Zirong of lying?"

"What is Zirong's status? He would never wrongly accuse that freeloader!"

Containing her rage, Song Xi faced Wu Xiuhua and said coldly, "The truth will out when Ye Fei returns."

Hearing this, Wu Xiuhua's face broke into a scornful, cold smile, "Fine, I want to see what that trash will say when he comes back!"

In the corridor, Ye Fei's face turned ashen as he listened to the voices inside the room.

Clearly, he had not expected Song Zirong, that bastard, to twist the truth.

At that moment, Ye Fei couldn't bear it any longer. With a grim face, he pushed open the door and walked in.

"I'm back!"

With a creak, every one of the six people inside the room turned to look at Ye Fei.

The next moment, Wu Xiuhua's expression turned fierce as she began to curse at Ye Fei, pointing at his nose.

"You ungrateful trash! What gave you the nerve to hit my son!"

"Today, if I don't kill you, this door-crashing dog, my name isn't Wu!"

Just as Ye Fei walked in and heard Wu Xiuhua insulting his character, his expression instantly grew cold.

His gaze towards Wu Xiuhua turned icy in an instant.

However, to Ye Fei's surprise, a figure rushed in front of him, blocking the furious Wu Xiuhua.


"What do you think you're doing?"

When Wu Xiuhua saw Song Xi standing in front of her, her phoenix eyes immediately filled with anger.

"You little pest, get out of my way!"

"Believe it or not, I'll beat you along with him!"

Zhao Meilan, already seething with rage, turned an even deeper shade of green when she saw Song Xi protecting that useless Ye Fei.

She grabbed Song Xi and pulled her aside.

"You stupid girl, why are you defending him when he caused this mess?"

As Zhao Meilan spoke, her gaze towards Ye Fei was filled with indescribable hatred and rage. She gnashed her teeth and said with hate, "You good-for-nothing, why don't you just die!"

"All day long you do nothing right, just trouble for us. Having a worthless son-in-law like you, I've truly brought misfortune upon myself for eight lifetimes!"