
Chapter 07 Why did I hit you?

Translator: 549690339

Song Zirong saw Ye Fei looking at him with cold indifference, completely unfazed.

Instead of being upset, he felt exceptionally pleased, laughing loudly, "Right, brother-in-law, what are you doing here? Did you come to deliver takeout?"

"If that's the case, you should hurry inside and not delay your delivery. If it's late and the customer leaves a bad review, that would be a big loss for you."

As Song Zirong said this, he turned to the security guards in front of him and smiled, "What are you all standing there for, not moving? Make way for Minister Song's husband immediately."

Upon hearing this, the crowd instantly parted, creating a clear path.

Ye Fei's expression grew colder as he witnessed this scene.

Originally, Ye Fei hadn't wanted to cause a scene in front of the Song Corporation building.

But now, not only had Song Zirong humiliated him in public, but he also involved Song Xi; naturally, Ye Fei could no longer hold back.

With a cold face, he stepped forward, his eyes emitting an icy chill, glaring furiously at Song Zirong.

"Is it funny?"

"Does it feel good?"

Song Zirong, feeling a flash of cold severity from Ye Fei's eyes, inexplicably felt a chill in his heart.

"What do you mean?"

"I was doing you a favor. The security guards all know you now. In the future, no one will stop you when you come here. Shouldn't you be thanking me?"

However, before he could finish speaking, Ye Fei suddenly reached out and slapped him across the face.

"Thank you!"

"Fuck your thanks!"

"Do you think I don't know that you deliberately tried to humiliate me in front of everyone, to humiliate Song Xi?"

Taken completely off guard, Song Zirong received a slap and couldn't help but let out a scream.

"You... you fucking dare to hit me!"

"You son of a bitch, you dare to hit me!"

Before he could finish his sentence, Ye Fei slapped him again.

"I fucking hit you, so what!"

"Is humiliating me in public funny to you?"

"You brainless fool, if you dare to humiliate me or Song Xi again, I'll make you regret being born!"

As Ye Fei spoke, he kicked Song Zirong, sending him sprawling to the ground.

The security guards, who had been spectating until now, were all struck with shock on their faces.

Clearly, they had not expected Ye Fei to physically attack Song Zirong in public.

"Ah... bastard..."

"You piece of trash, how dare you hit me! I'm going to kill you."

"Are you all blind, not able to see? Don't just stand there, kill this son of a bitch for me."

An enraged Song Zirong scrambled to his feet and, with a fierce look, pointed at Ye Fei shouting angrily.

Before he could finish speaking, Ye Fei slapped him again.

"Try saying that one more time?"

With a crisp smack!

Song Zirong, who had just gotten up, let out a scream, staggered, and fell to the ground once again.

Ye Fei looked coldly at the few security guards who were itching to move, scoffing disdainfully.

"Do you guys want to have a go?"

The few guards who had been about to intervene, upon locking eyes with Ye Fei's piercing gaze, felt a chill from the depths of their souls, just as if a venomous snake had its sights on them, subconsciously retracting their aggressive stance.

Seeing this, Ye Fei scoffed disdainfully once more and walked through the crowd into the company.

Behind him, Song Zirong's wails of agony continued.

"Bastard... you fucking piece of trash dared to hit me!"

"I'll never let this go!"

"Just you wait!"

A disheveled Song Zirong, filled with rage and hatred, hastily drove away.

The incident at the front gate soon spread throughout the entire company.

Everyone learned of the humiliating event where Song Xi's good-for-nothing husband publicly hit the HR manager, Song Zirong.

For a moment, both Ye Fei and Song Zirong became the laughingstocks of the entire company.

Of course, Song Xi was also subject to people's gossip.

What good is beauty then!

It's all because she married a loser!

A food delivery guy, what prospects could he possibly have?

She deserves to be humiliated!

When Ye Fei hurriedly arrived at the sales department, he was surprised to find that Song Xi was not at the company.

Looking at the locked office door, Ye Fei sighed helplessly and took out his phone to dial Song Xi's number.

However, the phone had only rung a few times when Song Xi hung up!

He called again, and the same thing happened!

Listening to the busy signal, a wry smile of helplessness appeared on Ye Fei's face.

"It seems you still don't trust me, huh!"

After leaving the company, Ye Fei, looking at the hurried passersby, couldn't help but sigh.

However, just as he was about to ride his electric scooter home, his phone rang.

Seeing it was a call from Song Xi, Ye Fei was overjoyed, hurriedly answered the phone, and said eagerly, "Song Xi, listen to me..."

However, before he could finish his sentence, an almost roaring angry shout from Song Xi came through.

"Ye Fei, what on earth are you trying to do?"

"I've already been humiliated because of you, can't you just stay out of trouble for once?!"

Ye Fei, feeling Song Xi's deep disappointment over the phone, became anxious.

"Song Xi..."

Yet, Song Xi interrupted him once again, angrily demanding without room for doubt, "I don't want to hear your explanations, get back home right now!"

"My uncle's family is causing a scene at my house with Song Zirong, and if my parents get even a scratch, I'll never forgive you!"

Dut, dut...

At those words, Ye Fei immediately understood the situation.

The reason Song Xi was so furious was that Song Zirong, that bastard, had run back to tattle, bringing Song Haishan's family over to pick a fight.

Damn it, looks like I went too easy on him earlier.

Thinking of how Song Haishan's family usually treated him and Song Xi's family, Ye Fei felt a surge of nameless rage boiling inside him.

He hopped on his electric scooter and sped toward home.

On the way, Ye Fei received another call bursting with his mother-in-law's furious scolding.

By the time Ye Fei rode back to the Song Family's place, the living room of barely thirty square meters was in complete chaos.

Stepping out of the elevator, he could hear the piercing and harsh scolding of his aunt-in-law Wu Xiuhua echoing through the hallway.

"Zhao Meilan, if you don't give my son a proper explanation today, you and I are not finished!"

"The world's turned upside down, a mere mongrel that came into our family now dares to hit my son."

"Who gave him the nerve!"

Song Haishan was also seething with rage, glaring furiously at Song Haifeng's family with an ashen face.

"Elder brother, your family must give us an explanation for today's incident!"

"Beating Zirong in front of all the company's security guards, you've not only slapped Zirong's face but also my reputation, and the Song Family's respectability!"

"Now, thanks to this, the entire company and even all of Jiangzhou know that the Song Family's future heir has been publically hit by the Song Family's good-for-nothing son-in-law!"

"Think about the consequences if I tell mother about this incident today!"

Song Zirong, with his face swollen, stood by angrily glaring at Song Xi.

"Song Xi, don't blame me for not showing you respect, it's that loser who's too arrogant!"

"I won't make it hard for you; just agree to make that loser kneel at the company's front gate for a day, and that will be enough!"

Before Song Zirong had even finished speaking, Wu Xiuhua began to scold dissatisfiedly.

"Shut up!"

"This matter is not over today!"

"You think beating my son can be settled so easily, no way is it that cheap to get off!"

"In addition to making him kneel and apologize, your family must compensate my son with one hundred thousand for medical expenses and emotional damages."

"Otherwise, even if it means complaining to the elder, I will get justice for my son!"

Zhao Meilan, with her face full of rage, turned even paler with anger at the thought of having to compensate Wu Xiuhua with one hundred thousand.

Asking her for money might as well be like asking for her life.

"In your dreams!"

"Wu Xiuhua, don't think I don't know what you're scheming, expecting me to cough up the money, no way."

"My son wasn't hit by me. If you want money, go ask that loser for it."