
Chapter 2 *the talk and search for Maple*

After I was done in the shower and getting dressed in the blue too pies set and done doing my makeup, hair and making myself smell like sakura blossoms. I went to find my best friend Maple, she went with me to this school. I went to the school office and asked the lady that worked there "Umm so where can I find Maple WaterLog's room." The women looked at me and said "she is in room 102 on the first floor." I thanked her for helping me and went looking for room 102. It took little time but I wound it eventually, I knocked on the door and waited til a girl that had really Long black hair with the darkest bags I have ever seen around her black coloured eyes and she was white as snow and smelt like Energy drinks and snacks like Echos brothers room, answered the door, then I asked "is Maple there???" The black hair answered "no she isn't here."| "Okey" was the respond I gave her then. And she shut the door in my face.

As she did that I thought {rude}, and I began the search for Maple and tried to find her sent but there where too many new smells so I had do find her the old fashion way. I started looking in the Library since Maple mite have gone there for a book to read since she was a book worm, but ain't at last not there. So I searched the halls ain't there, I at search everywhere and I couldn't find her, so I went to the garden that was in front of the school, there I saw a Caucasian female with strawberry blonde hair and I a mediately recognised her it was Maple. I screamed "Maple!!" Maple looked my way and ran to me and I smelt her beautiful smell of strawberries.

She said "hey Sakura nice seeing you." I answered "same to you love your hair like always", she smiled at me brightly, I smiled back at her. Then I said: "have you met your roommate?" "She looks like a ghost". She replied: "yeah I know she is not either the nicest person you can have as a roomie." Maple looked at me and said "have you met yours???" I blushed "yeah I have" I said looking down. When I looked up at her, her brilliant blue eyes where with stars in them and then she said "So is this guy your future Boyfriend?" She said "NO" I screamed. She started jumping up and down "he is, that reaction was some indication" I blushed as she said that {there is nothing going on} . "Hey have you seen Echo at all" I asked Maple. And why I asked is that I have never had a lock on her sent so she as been able to jump scare me and surprise me its actually fun too have someone that can surprise you like that. "No I haven't seen her at all since I got here" she said.

We heard someone from behind us say "Hey girls looking for me" We looked behind us and saw a Girl up to tree that had really tanned skin and had really short purple hair and had bright blue eyes and was In a white T-shirt and ripped jeans and a leather jacket with A red cloth tight around her neck, "Echo" we both screamed She smirked "Hey girls what is up" She said "Echo you got to stop that sneaking happed of yours" I said. She just smiled "Hey how long where you there?" Maple asked. "I was long enow to hear that that Sakura as a boy as her roommate"she said looking at me as she smirked. "Shut up you mischievous fox" I said angry but not kinda, they laughed as we walked to the dorms.

"Hey who's your roommate Echo?" I asked curiously "Yeah who's your roommate" Maple said exited like she is usually is "Ohh I met her she is interesting a nerd with Ashy blonde hair, honey coloured eyes, glasses her name is Ezra she is Also super shy its actually pretty cute" she said the full time with a straight face but the last part she blushed a little. Maple squealed like a fan girl seeing BTS it was really funny "OMG, COULD THIS BE A CRUSH, ECHO HAVING A CRUSH, OMG" she screamed it was really funny "NO, no way she is actually really straight she told me after she asked me what I was since I pretty much flirted every time I spoke" she said blushing. Thats when I realised {We never got to know Maples roommates name was} "Hey Maple we never got to know your roommates name" I said to her, she was calm now "Oh yeah, the Ghosts name is Himary". "Ghost?" Echo asked like a big question mark I laughed at her face and said "Himary apparently looks literally like a Ghost she is SO white" Echo smirked "Oh a computer type eh" {Omg she is such a Casanova}.