

The home room teacher called a name "Hao Li, come on the stage to start your awakening process"

" Place your hand on the awakening crystal " Teacher instructed and soon a voice came out "F-class talent Splash"

Many students erupted "His family spent a lot to nurture him " another kid said "It was to be expected, both his parents were normal people and it is even nice to be a awakened "

Teacher called out another name "Lily" again as she walked to the stage "She is also another waste of a awakening almost F-class talent "

It was expected as both her parents were F- class talents and it would be even lucky for her to even awaken a talent at all as most of the F-class talent's children did not even have a talent.

Ye Fan encouraged her as she was his childhood friend.

"A-class talent Uni lock"the crystal said and everyone were shocked and someone spoke loud " Two F-class talents genes stacked together can give rise to a A-class talent? "

"Ye Fan" the teacher called out and he remembers everything about the life of this body.

He was from a family of A-class talents his Grandpa was the hero of city who led a army of beasts to defeat the beast tide of high level and after that tide his grandpa was carrying him and after which he set a engagement of him with the daughter of the City Lord at a age of 2 years.

At a age of 2 years he already had a wife, who was also a two year old.

The title of City lord 's son in law weighed on his shoulder.

With a support of such a great family background, along with his parents both being A-class talents,a lot of hope was on his shoulder.

Every one watched in extreme curiosity as he walked up the stage and to the podium.