
prologue 2

"Come on guys we've done this at least a hundred times!" James laughed. For close to five years now he and his three best friends had been hunting down "myths" to disprove them. It all started with the four of them in their dorm taking a break from packing after their final year in college. One of them turned the tv on and they spent hours watching the history channel making fun of the phoney shows.

Suddenly half drunk James stands up and announces "I'm tired of this crap! We could do so much better than them!" He huffed. Also a little typsy his friends Tom, Bradley, and Jacob raise their beers and cheer in agreement. And that night for no other reason than they felt they could live forever, and each after years of school hated the careers their parents had chosen for them, they decided to hunt down these myths and debunk them.

The first couple were rather hard to do because they only had limited funding after they sold their belongings to buy a boat, for they had decided to take the myths of these water beast all over the world. But in complete irony they managed to sell there recordings to the history channel and signed a contract that allowed them much more ease and freedom with their adventures.

Back to present

After doing a little research online they decided to debunk the greatest one of all, Nessie. The Loch Ness monster. They headed to Scotland and were hanging out in a rather seedy looking bar when they were speaking to the locals and for some reason everyone to them to speak to "The old sailor" pointing them to an old man in a secluded corner of the bar.

After introducing themselves to the friendly old man James took the lead as always. "So had a the deal friend, my friends and I have been traveling the world proving these myths aren't real. The thing is every time we mention dear old Nessie eveyone tells us to talk to you. So... we gotta know what's up with that?" Suddenly the old man seemed grim and small. They sat in silence for a few minutes sharing glances with one another. Finaly when they were about to ask again the old man started muttering under his breath. "What was that friend?" Bradley asked in a softer voice. He had always been the gentle introvert that got adopted into his rowdy band of extroverts. The old man some a little louder, barely more than a whisper, "Don't go looking for her. She gets angry when she's hunted." The man shuddered and continued. " My brother and I thought to catch her when we were young. She snatched him right off the bow and disappeared with him in the water. They laugh and make fun of me. Some even accuse me of killing my brother, but I know what I saw that day. That damned black beast is in those waters and she just wants to be left alone with her young."

"Young?" questioned Jacob a tall man with thick curly hair and a clean shaven face. "Aye, young there were smaller one with her that day. I think we drove straight into her nesting area that day." The old man bargain to sob. "DON'T GO LOOKING!! SHE'LL KILL YOU ALL LIKE SHE DID LITTLE JAMMIE! DON'T LOOK FOR HER!" The old man kept screaming the bar completely quit as a couple of the town's folk half dragged half carried the man home.

They were all spooked so James comforted them " Come on guys we've done this at least a hundred times!" he chucked "That old man just grew up with the story's we are going to get rid of the fear this town has of the water, and help them all!" and with that they all steeled themselves to the fear in their hearts and headed to the boat.