
Groom Hunt

A crowd welcomed Calista as soon as she stepped out of the carriage. She removed her floppy hat while standing still, waiting for Lola to come over to her side to hold the parasol for her. Calista's knight did a good job by dismissing the crowd almost immediately, which put her in a better mood. She hated crowded places, but ironically, the crowd kept following her everywhere she went.

"Nice dress. I was worried you wouldn't doll up today when we're having a very important meeting," Calista complimented her maid, barely moving her lips as she spoke. "Well, never mind." 

"Thank you, my lady. I gave a good thought when picking this one. Since you want me to look glamorous, I tried my best." Lola smiled with her eyes twinkling at hearing Calista's compliment.

"Nice try, but you're far from glamorous to me, Lola." Calista halted and faced her maid. "If you have thought of wearing some pieces of jewelry that match the dress, then maybe you'll only need to spend a couple of decades to learn to be as fabulous as me right now," she said and rolled her eyes.

"You should have worn a better pair of heels, too. Your dress is the only nice thing you put on. Next time, don't hesitate to use anything you need from the closet. They're in there for a reason and definitely not just for display."

"But my lady, those are your things, I can't just—"

"Lola," Calista called in a low voice. "Do I need to repeat myself?"

The maid shook her head in haste. "No, my lady. I'm sorry. I will make sure to try harder next time."

Satisfied by her maid's reply, Calista walked to the entrance of the coffee shop where she was meeting someone. "Lola, you should get going now."

"Huh?" Lola turned to her lady with a clueless expression. "What do you mean by that, my lady?"

Calista looked at her smugly. "You need to change your outfit. Get someone to take care of your hair and choose a better get-up, okay? Troy is here to keep me company so you can leave now," Calista said and took a step forward when she remembered to add something.

"You said you'll try your best next time. Then you should hurry. Now is your next time."

"Eh? But my lady…" Lola looked rejected as she watched her lady's back.

"Just go home, Lola. You should be thankful that she's looking out for you. If it's another maid, she would fire her instantly," Troy, Calista's knight, said.

Lola had no better choice but to follow her lady's order. "Alright. Just make sure to take care of the lady, Troy. Otherwise, I'll make your brother's life a living hell," Lola said, threatening the man who was bigger than her. Anyone who heard what she said would laugh at her remarks, only because they weren't aware of what she was capable of, despite being small.

Troy shook his head with a blank expression spread all over his face. He learned to hide his emotions ever since he became Calista's bodyguard. The lady he served was very particular about her servants' appearance, including their image in public, and Troy could only keep the job because Calista took a liking to how he maintained a calm face in times of crisis.

"You can beat Peter all you want," Troy told Lola and shrugged. "Just remember that nobody could take care of the lady's engagement party better than him in a short time," he added, taking his little brother's side. "Ah! You're becoming more like the lady, Lola."

"Whatever," Lola sniggered at Troy's comment. She went back to the carriage, where the coachman was waiting. "Let's go back. The lady wanted me to get change. Hurry or I won't be able to stay by her side today," Lola told the driver, who quietly followed her instruction.

Meanwhile, Calista became the center of everyone's attention in Blue Paradise—a famous cafe where nobles hang out. As soon as she walked in, wearing the latest piece by the Imperial family's designer, Calista knew she was yet again the main character. People were both admiring her beauty and fashion sense as she walked to the table in the corner where a man was waiting.

"You're here." A gentleman with blond hair stood up to offer a seat to Calista. "I'm glad you came," he added, flashing his sweet smile as he pulled out the seat for the lady.

Calista nodded her head, indifferent to how charming the young man was in front of her. "Let's not waste each other's time, Lord Hayes," she said, crossing her legs together as she looked straight into his eyes. "I'm sure you have already received my letter. I came here to hear your reply, so let's get this over with."

If Calista was the most beautiful woman on the continent, Edmund Hayes was the most handsome man in the empire. Everyone couldn't help rooting for the two to end up together, and so, to make the rumors come true, Calista proposed the two to get married. She had dozens of reasons why she shouldn't have proposed, but ‌she also had a list of reasons why she had to do it herself instead of waiting.

Edmund took a deep breath before facing the lady. "I am honored to be your groom candidate, but everything is so sudden and I don't think I'm going to bear the weight of being the lady's husband—"

"Are you trying to reject me?" Calista cut him off. Her eyes squinted as she gazed at him in displeasure. "You're getting ahead of yourself, Lord Hayes. If you think I sent you the letter because I'm desperately in love with you like any other lady, then you're wrong," she continued.

Edmund looked surprised by what he heard but chose not to say a word. He couldn't afford to go against her. The young man knew very well how Calista always got what she wanted. If she ordered him to be her husband, he wouldn't be able to refuse it. His words were insignificant in front of Calista La Forte.

"What's the reason?" Calista asked afterward. She seemed calmer than when she noticed his attempt to turn down her wedding proposal.

"That…My apologies, Lady La Forte. The reason I couldn't accept your proposal is because I already have a lover," Edmund confessed.

Just like any other young man, Edmund had found the woman he wanted to marry. And she was certainly not Calista La Forte.

"You love her?" Calista couldn't hide the annoyance in her voice. She always thought people, especially men, would kneel and bow to her. But Edmund Hayes, a mere Count's son, ruined her fantasy. Nobody ever dared to reject her before, not even the Emperor and the Empress.

Edmund was taken aback by her sudden question, but he managed to answer. "Yes. I only want to marry her." His eyes sparkled just like anyone else when thinking about the love of their life.

"Suit yourself," Calista mumbled and stood up. She shot daggers at him before turning around. "I don't even want to marry a Count's son. You only have your face to be proud of," Calista commented as she faced her back at him.

"Troy, let's get out of here. This is such a wasted trip," the lady told her knight and walked out of the coffee shop.

"Yes, my lady."

A fancy carriage was waiting for Calista outside the shop. She groaned after recognizing the crest drawn on it.

"What does the Empress want from me now?" She grumbled but went ahead to get inside the carriage, anyway.

"What's with that funny face, Callie?"

Calista held her head to see the Imperial princess waiting for her in the carriage. Of all the people she didn't want to see at the moment, Princess Paloma was one of them.

"Greetings to you, Your Highness," Calista mumbled with a straight face. "It's a surprise to see you coming to get me in person," she added, cocking her head to the side as she leaned her back on the seat.

"Oh, Callie. I miss you too!" Princess Paloma squealed before throwing herself at the lady. "The Empress is inviting you to a tea party. That's why I'm here to get you."

"Uh-huh. And here I thought the Imperial family was being considerate to send me a carriage after getting dumped," Calista said nonchalantly, slipping her tongue.

Princess Paloma's face turned grim. She was several years younger than Calista, but always talked and thought like an adult, except when she was with her beloved cousin, Calista.

"Who in the right mind dumped you?" The princess gritted her teeth like a wild beast as she grabbed her skirt tightly. "Tell me his name and I'll send my brother to deal with him!"

'Ah. There she goes,' Calista thought with a bored face. She often witnessed the princess' dark side, and she already had enough of it.

"Never mind. His name isn't even worth mentioning," Calista said quietly. She needed to show she didn't care to avoid any further issues. "Actually, I don't think I can go meet the Empress today. Do you mind giving me a ride home instead?"

"Understood. I guess I'll be joining the Empress alone then," Princess Paloma agreed.

The two spent the rest of the ride with the Princess babbling about the things that happened so far in the Palace, while Calista quietly listened and would sometimes make faces when the other said something silly.

"Please take care of yourself, Callie." Princess Paloma waved her hand after sending Calista to her home.

Calista bobbed her head. "You too. See you at my engagement party on Sunday," she said, waving the back of her hand as she turned her heels to leave.

"What?! What engagement are you talking about, Callie?"

Calista halted when she realized the invitations hadn't been sent yet. "Oops. I'll send your invitation by today or tomorrow. See you!" 

Despite not getting the groom she wanted, Calista would have her engagement as scheduled, no matter what.


Does anybody want to recommend a groom for Calista? Let’s see what other crazy things she’s going to do in the next chapter~

Now, who hates Calista?

Who likes her?

Let me know in the comment section~

PS. The weather’s getting cold. Keep warm everyone!

Wrapped in a blanket while waiting for your comments,


jane_au23creators' thoughts
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