
5 - Stars

My second day was much like the last, but today my mind was wondering. Thoughts about my employers, my family back home, and the letter in my room that I still hadn't read, filled my mind all day. At dinner, we brought trays to Master Carlin's study, and Derdre's room just as we had before. both encounters went about the same as well. By the time I returned to my room that night I was exhausted.

I was used to helping run a household, but this job was an entirely different beast, and I hadn't even started learning my assistant duties yet. Annie assured me though, that I would have no problem learning the ropes. I was a quick study she said.

I laid awake in my bed, once again staring at the ceiling, unable to force myself to sleep, no matter how tired I was. I decided to put my robe on, and sneak downstairs, looking for something, anything that could put my mind at ease in this cold, intimidating place.

I found myself outside, walking through the maze that Annie and I had chatted in when I first arrived. It was chilly and dark, but my feet kept carrying me deeper into the heart of the maze, until I reached its center. I stopped and looked up at the array of stars above me in the black sky.

The moon was just a crescent, and you could see every constilation imaginable from here. I found myself laying down on the cold dew covered grass, just staring in wonder. This place and the people in it may be confusing, but I always felt like I knew where I was in the world by looking up at night.

My eyes had started drifting closed when I heard a deep, quiet voice in my ear say: "Do you know the constilations?" I shot upright, and standing a few feet away was Master Carlin.

He was leaning against a nude statue of a woman, one of many in the gardens of the estate I had noticed. I could only really see his outline in the dark, but he didn't seem surprised to find me here, like this.

I quickly moved to close my robe tighter around me out of instinct and stared unable to speak. Would he fire me? Would I be punished for my strange behavior? I had no clue. He sauntered towards me slowly, and I saw his figure reach a hand out to help me to my feet.

"Mine is Draco." I accepted his hand, and rose, finding myself so close to Master Carlin that I could smell his musky aroma again. A slight chill went through me, and I tried my best to hide it. I couldn't even see his face, just the little bit of moonlight touching his features on one side.

Neither of us pulled away immediately, and my heart was almost beating out of my chest. "That's my favorite constilation." He broke the silence, and I had forgotten all about what he had said before. Draco was his favorite constilation, that's what it was. "that means dragon doesn't it?" I asked in a hushed tone.

I had never been so close to a man before the other night, it made my stomach do flips and my breath catch. "Yes." He studied my face for a moment, and my skin almost burned from his hand still being on mine, hanging at our sides. He was gripping it tightly, but it didn't hurt. "Here, you must be cold." He finally broke contact and took off his jacket, before wrapping it around my shoulders.

Why was he being so kind to me when I had been acting so... strange? "Thank you." Was all I managed. He held out and arm for me to take. "Come, It's late and it would be on my conscience if I didn't make sure you made it to your room safely. There will always be other nights for star gazing." I grinned at him and took his arm as he led me expertly through the maze towards the house.

I wondered during our walk how often he came out here in the middle of the night. He had the entire Manor, why be out here in the cold? "I've been keeping an eye on you since you arrived here Miss Clark. You seem to be adjusting quite well I hope?" He had been watching me? "Yes sir, this place is amazing." I glanced back up at the sky as we walked.

"I'm glad you approve." His voice was low like mine, and we walked leisurely. I could feel the muscles in his arm bulge through the thin shirt he was wearing. They weren't huge, but instead seemed to suit him perfectly. "I will let you in on a secret before all your time is spent in mine and my sisters company. We are not an ordinary family. There are things you may hear about us, and our past. I want you to know now that nothing you hear is as it seems. For better or worse."

He kind of trailed off then, deep in thought. "Nothing is ever as it appears on the surface. I understand that Master. But I promise you I won't intrude. I know my place, and where I belong in this place." I measured my words carefully. I wanted him to know I was trustworthy.

"And what about you Susana, are you what you seem to be?" He asked quizzically. We were nearing the end of the maze now. "I can't control what others think of me if thats what you're asking. I suppose I'm an open book for the most part. But we all have our secrets sir." I could make out a grin crossing his lips as we ascended the steps to the manor.

"I suppose that's true." He held the door open for me to enter, then closed it behind me. I turned and removed his jacket, handing it back to him. " I'm sorry about all of that. I just couldn't sleep and..."

"You have no reason to apologize. Imagine my luck, walking along and I find a fairy in my garden, laying there with a broken wing. If anything, I should be thanking you." He pushed a strand of hair away from my eyes, and tucked it behind my ear. My cheeks were on fire. I shouldn't be here alone with him like this, it's inappropriate. We could be seen, he is my employer.

As if sensing my discomfort, he took the jacket from my arms and bowed deeply. "Thank you for your company tonight Miss Clark." I bowed my head in return. "Thank you for the escort Master Carlin." I could see his brow furrow slightly in the candlelight of the house.

"Susana when we are alone, feel free to call me Carlin. That won't work in front of others of course, but we will be spending alot of time together. I want you to feel comfortable with me." He was a couple feet away, but it still felt so close. I could still feel the heat emanating from him.

"Yes sir... Carlin." He nodded approvingly. "Goodnight Miss Clark." He turned, and disappeared into the darkness of the house. I stared after him for a moment, touching the place on my cheek where he had removed the hair. I had never had that sensation, one of needing to be touched like that. I didn't even know it existed. The ghost of the touch remained, but that was all. I went back to my room before anyone caught me standing there in the dark like some sort of demon lurking in the shadows. Or some kind of madwoman. Maybe I was mad, maybe I wasn't right for this job after all. Maybe I was too inexperienced to handle all of this. Maybe. Maybe.