
The Beast (The Fairytale Series)

She thought she was hopeless... He thought he could never find her... But when their paths cross, both their lives turn upside down and he just had to hope... For who could ever learn to love... THE BEAST?

shiningwaters4 · Fantasy
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10 Chs

When School Ends (2)

Once the clock in the restroom struck eleven thirty, I sneaked out of the restroom and hightailed it out of school.

I just wanted out of this living hell. I needed some time to breathe, to recollect my scrambled mind and heart. My thoughts were all too caught up in him that I almost thought myself mad. Had I gone and lost my mind all because those eyes were so blue that they felt so deep?

Please, just stop.

Then, I skidded into an abrupt halt when a thought crossed my mind.

My bag...

I almost groaned in annoyance and I slowly turned around to face the building again, just wanting to run to the hills and never look back.

As much as I hated school, I at least understood that the fastest way to get out of this place was to graduate. To do that, I need to pass all my assignments that happen to be within that bag. I had already missed some deadlines today, though I can just make up some excuse that I got sick and had to go home, at least for today.

I took a shaky breath before I silently made my way back to the front doors for the second time that day.

I strode to the first place where I was in the morning which was to the homeroom classroom. No class will be there for the day so I considered myself lucky. Most people were inside their classrooms which also made it easier, though I had to make it quick as lunch was in a few minutes.

I slid the door open, wincing at the loud screeching sound it made and gingerly peered in.

I squinted my eyes but no matter how much I looked around, my bag was nowhere to be found. But it couldn't have just grown legs and ran away. Confused and now very panicked, I searched all over the room to no avail.

By that point, I was full-blown panicking, my throat closing up on me as I struggled to breathe through the tears that formed in my eyes. All the stress from this morning and the effects of those sleepless nights were hitting me all at once.

I was feeling so helpless.

Someone got my bag...

My things...

I...I...What....What do I do?

I screwed my eyes shut and placed my head in my hands as I tried not to cry and bawl out my misery.

I didn't even understand why I was so upset at that point, but I just was and I couldn't stop the tears from coming.

How could I be so careless…

I don't know how long I sat on the floor, stomach churning, head spinning, hands shaking but after a while the lunch bell rang, ruining the silence that I was in. I could hear the people as they passed by the door, chattering as they headed to grab their lunches while I was here, wallowing in my own misery.

Realizing I had already lost so much time, I took a deep breath and gathered myself.

I shakily stood up, heading towards my empty seat, staring blankly at my wooden desk.

What do I do?

I slowly untied my braid and ran a hand through my hair trying to think of something, anything to get it back.

My hands stopped moving as I stared at my hair, hair the same color as my mother's. I used to love that little fact about me but now....

I wanted to look like some other person.

It reminded me of too much...

I didn't notice when the door slid open or when the figure strode over to tower over me.

Something heavy suddenly plopped down on my desk in front of me and my head snapped up to see my purple backpack, my eyes widening at the sight.

I slowly craned my head up to see an emotionless-looking Adrian as he stood over me, assessing me with a blank gaze.

I shrank into the seat at the sight of his tall and intimidating frame but I couldn't help the butterflies that fluttered around happily in my stomach. Why was it doing that? What was going on with me?

I put my gaze down, feeling quite tiny under his intense gaze and I murmured a tiny thank you, earning a small nod from him.

I quickly grabbed my bag and peered inside, releasing a breath of relief when I saw everything, neat and untouched. It meant he had not even opened it which I was actually thankful for. He didn't put anything nasty inside either.

I zipped my bag close, biting my lip as I lifted my gaze to look at him.

"Sorry for what happened earlier. I didn't mean to scare you." He suddenly spoke, voice low but I could hear the truth that laced his words. Well, I hoped it was true.

I jerked a tiny nod and stood up to leave, just wanting to go home and rest.

"Wait." He took my hand in his and I immediately stiffened. My small hand was dwarfed by his, but for a weird reason... I felt protected and the sparks where he was touching me was just confusing me even more.

"You were hiding this morning." He stated, voice hard as if he was mad at me for doing so yet he also sounded concerned at the same time.

"Did I scare you that much?" He asked and I craned my head to look at him in the eyes. Him being taller than me by a whole lot wasn't helping my neck at all.

When I saw his face, I almost fell flat due to my wobbly knees. His brows were drawn together and his lips turned into a slight frown that made me want to immediately fix it right away.

It just didn't look nice on his face.

I couldn't bring myself to say anything and if I could have, what would I say?

Yes you did scare me and even now, I wanna run to the hills, screaming my head off, I thought to myself but didn't have the guts to say it out loud.

He took my silence as some kind of answer and he stepped closer, making me take a step back but he just leaned down, placing his face just inches away from mine.

"Be honest with me." He demanded softly and for the first time, his eyes showed me something other than anger or nonchalance...


I gulped audibly, feeling rather suffocated with his face too close to mine for my comfort and I felt the sweat as it beaded on my forehead.

I hesitantly nodded, and lowered my eyes, suddenly interested in my sneakers.

Then he said the one thing I never thought he would. "I apologize. Can you forgive me?"

My eyes nearly bulged right out of my head at his apology, trying to assess his face for any sign of him joking or bluffing, but he looked so genuine.

And his eyes… those blue eyes…

He was begging me with those eyes of his and I couldn't help but wonder... was this really who the people called 'The Beast'?

He was. I knew he was.

When I hid in the restroom earlier, a group of girls came in, never noticing the curled-up ball in the corner which was me as they continued their chatter.

They were talking about him as they touched up their make-up. How he really was and what they heard about him. He was supposed to be cold, temperamental, emotionless....

But what was he doing?

He was begging for me to forgive him.

I blinked, staring at him properly. He looked awfully honest so I couldn't help but to nod.

I could forgive him as long as he doesn't hurt me or talk to me anymore. No one was supposed to be even noticing my existence.

He seemed pleased with the tiny nod and I could see the small smile that almost went unnoticed by me.

I could tell he didn't smile much and I had to blink again at the sight.

He slowly let my hand go, almost hesitantly and I almost scowled at the loss of the warmth he gave me.

I quickly snapped out of it and took that as a chance to get out and I immediately did, rushing out like the hounds of hell were after me.

Skip school.

Yes...a very good idea.

I just wanted to go home.

Forget about those blue eyes and welcome sleep… if it came.
