
The Beast (The Fairytale Series)

She thought she was hopeless... He thought he could never find her... But when their paths cross, both their lives turn upside down and he just had to hope... For who could ever learn to love... THE BEAST?

shiningwaters4 · Fantasy
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10 Chs

For Someone to Care (5)

The rest of the day passed by slowly, and the only thing that probably allowed me to keep my patience was the fact that I knew I'd be going home by the end of the whole thing.

Adrian stuck with me all throughout the day. He was with me in the halls and even in each and every one of my classes which was peculiar if you ask me, but I didn't voice my confusion out. I was honestly too scared to at that point.

Most especially, I was beyond frazzled at what was going on.

It was as if being with me at all times was a habit of his that he couldn't dare break.

By the end of the day, I could honestly say that I almost got used to his presence which I shouldn't have been.

He was silent though, only gracing me with his presence as if he was happy enough just to be beside me, and I caught him glancing at me quite a few times that made my stomach feel funny.

The dismissal bell finally rang, interrupting me from my thoughts. The teacher was trying to tell people an important assignment but everyone was already leaving before she could even finish.

I sighed under my breath and gathered my things from my desk which really was only a simple notebook, my history book, and a mechanical pencil that I've had since I started high school. I tended to treasure my belongings because I found that I might become a hassle to my aunt if I kept asking for things.

Most of my clothes and even my school supplies were old... very old.

Snapping me out of my thoughts once again, Adrian let out his own sigh.

I watched from the corner of my eye as he stood up beside me and held a hand out. I turned my head to him and furrowed my brows.

"Your things. I'll carry them for you." His blue eyes twinkled with something I couldn't recognize before it disappeared almost immediately.

I wasn't even able to open my mouth to say something before my things were gently pulled out of my hands and placed into his which didn't even seem to burden him even a just little. He then gave me a look.

"Umm... but..."

"Let me help you, Raine." He cut me off before he took my tiny hand in his and my cheeks flamed a bright red at the unexpected contact.

I decided to say nothing and let him be a gentleman, but I knew deep inside that I actually like the fact that he was holding my hand. It made me feel safe, safer than I've ever felt in years.

But as much as it made me feel safe, it also put me in an uneasy state. Why did it make me feel safe? Why was he doing all this for me?

People shot weird looks at our entwined hands when we stepped out onto the hall and like I usually do, I half-hid behind his back which he didn't seem to mind. That or maybe he was just keeping silent about it.

Sometimes, I had the feeling that maybe he wanted me to open up to him more but he was just respecting my boundaries. Maybe he was being patient with me.

I peered up at his face.

At this point, I would believe anything.

From being complete strangers to holding hands in not even three days, things were at an all-time peak of being weird for me.

We made a quick stop at both our lockers. He even took my bag and carried it for me before giving me an almost invisible smile at my shocked face.

The heat of the sun beat down on us heavily, and Adrian squinted his eyes slightly to see better. I took that as a chance to escape and quickly yanked my hand away from his hold and backed away slightly.

"I have to go. Bye." I rushed out, giving him an awkward wave before I grabbed my bag from his hands and turned my back to him.

A hand clasped onto my upper arm and tugged me back.

"I'm going with you." He stated firmly in a tone that held no room for argument.

I immediately, though fearfully, nodded, knowing full well that he wouldn't leave me alone even if I were to huff about it.

He took my bag from me again and slung it over his shoulder almost carelessly, taking my hand in his yet again before he started walking, tugging me along with him.

I tried to keep up with him but found myself stumbling often, though he thankfully noticed after a while and slow down even further.

At least he was thoughtful, I mused to myself. I didn't know what else to think about him anymore.

Once I matched his pace and had less difficulty in catching up with him, I took the opportunity to really look at him properly.

His face was set into an emotionless mask, something he wore often, but I didn't mind. I wouldn't like it if he was overflowing with emotions. I probably looked the same anyway other than my constant expressions of fear and confusion.

His dark hair was long enough to slightly cover his ears and looked so silky that sometimes, my hand would start itching to run through it to see how smooth it really was.

He had long lashes that hid a pair of blue eyes that were cold and emotionless. If he closed his eyes just enough, they looked as if they held the turbulent sky within them, the kind of sky that foretold of an oncoming storm looming in the distance.

If you looked closely, you could even see a slight bend in his nose as if it was broken before.

His right ear was lined with piercings along with the one on his lower lip.

He had high cheekbones which gave him an air of elegance. I wouldn't be surprised if he suddenly said that he came from a family of royalty.

His long legs made him able to walk faster than I did, but I knew he was holding back and slowing down for me.

For me...

Why was he even doing this anyway?


The question swam to the forefront of my head once more.

This is getting bad. I had to get him to go away or else I would become attached and it isn't going to be difficult judging by the fact that he was a handsome guy and that I had this sort of attraction to him. He just made me feel drawn to him and there was nothing I could do.


"Why are you doing this?" I found myself asking softly before I could think twice, and my eyes widened.

"Doing what?" He continued walking but tilted his head to look at me.

"This. It's like...like you actually care for me. Do we know each other? Do you even know me?" I answered, burying my hands in my pockets as I looked anywhere but him. The pitch of my voice had gone higher with each word, betraying my wavering heart.

An old woman passed by us and she glanced at our hands before she scuttled away, desperately trying to get as far away as possible.

He abruptly stopped in his tracks, making me have no other choice but to stop with him. He turned to face me.

"I do care about you," was all he replied, purposefully evading my last two questions.

At that point, something in me just....snapped. His calmness about this whole thing was getting on my nerves, and it made me feel like I was so out of my loop. The fact that he came into my life, ruining the comfortable silence that I've drowned and drenched myself in since I was younger just made me feel like I was losing myself and all sense of sanity.

Maybe it was just the stress that finally caught up to me or maybe it was the fact that I liked to be near him too much...but I...

I yelled at him.

"Well don't! I'm not a kid Adrian! I can take care of myself! No one cares about me anyway. Why should you?! Who- who are you to even storm into my life this way?!" My new-found attitude scared me to the point that I wanted to hide from myself but I mustered up whatever courage I had left to stop myself from having a heart attack and to wrench my hand from his grasp before I continued down the sidewalk at a quickened pace without looking back at him once.

I pushed down my fear and wrung my hands together, worried about what was going to happen.

How could I just snap at him?!

Suddenly, I was yanked back and was turned around slowly to face him. He wrapped an arm around my waist and held me still as I trembled in fear.

He didn't look happy...

His eyes were dark and he was slightly shaking from the anger so I did what I always do, I shrank back in fear.

"Don't say that!" He snapped angrily and took a deep breath, shutting his eyes.

I was too scared to do anything but watch fearfully with wide eyes as he tried to calm himself down. I held my breath as I waited for what was coming.

He gritted his teeth before he snapped his eyes open again, his eyes still a dark color but he looked calmer now.

"Don't...say that." He repeated softly, staring at me intently. I swallowed audibly.

"People do care about you Raine." He slowly pulled his arm from my waist but still stayed close to me. So close that I could feel his warmth as it wrapped itself around me.

"I care about you."

I bit my lip and looked away, feeling conflicted. My heart wanted to believe him but my head wanted me to stay away from him. He could hurt me...

I could-

"I don't expect you to open up to me immediately but I want you to trust me. Just....trust me. I will reveal all to you in time."

I almost melted at the pleading look he was giving me and I took a step back, feeling even more confused with what to do.

"I know I have a bad temper but I'll never hurt you. I could never hurt you." He stated, looking prepared to go down on his knees and beg and took a step back, giving me enough space to breathe.

I took deep breaths and tried to calm my beating heart, keeping my gaze on the floor beneath me as I clutched my shaky hands to my chest.

Do I trust him?

Do I ignore him?

What do I do?

"I...Adrian...I-I..." I stopped myself from my stuttering and I saw him shuffle just a bit closer to me.

"I can't. Not right now. I can't." He nodded stiffly, his eyes darkening slightly.

"I understand." He held his hand out.

"Let's take you home."

I looked at his hand hesitantly and peered at his face. He looked expectant and that look made me want to melt right away.

Slowly, I placed my hand in his and he gave me one of his almost invisible smiles again before we started walking.

He didn't know it but he was already making me start to trust him.

Though it scared me, it felt so right and I knew that I wouldn't be able to help it. Someday, I will be able to trust him.

But when that time comes...

Will he keep true to his word? That he would never hurt me?

Or will he tear me apart and watch as I crumble even more?