
The Beach In The Fantasy World

"Huh?" "Save the world?" "Help those in need?" "Why in God's name would I care about that if I won't get anything that I want in return?" "Go bother someone else, I have better things to do." "Now let me grind in peace or I'll destroy everyone and everything you love, weakling!" A beautiful, kind and pure soul from the modern world got transmigrated to another world of fantasy and magic set in the medieval era. Trapped and stranded in a new world, the beautiful, kind and pure soul decides to climb the ranks with the power of friendship and hopes to one day become an outstanding citizen who is loved and respected by all. ******************************** I don't know why I can't add the exact tags I want for female-lead novels so I'm just going to write them here • #genderswap • #transmigration • #weaktostrong • #overpoweredprotagonist • #villain • #ruthlessprotagonist • #evilprotagonist • #action • #fantasy • #mature • #sliceoflife • #slowburn ******************************** WebNovel - 3 chapters per week Patreon - at least 5 chapters per week https://www.patreon.com/Immortal_Shades https://twitter.com/copperpen1814

Immortal_Shades · Action
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232 Chs

Magic Art Training (2)

"Sister Vivian?" a male voice called out from outside the door.


Vivian whipped her head around to the door and her eyes were bloodshot.


"WHAT?!!!" she growled, her voice crackly from the dryness of her throat.


The lock of the door clicked and the door slowly opened. Standing outside were Isaac, Criselle, Marie and Samuel.


When Vivian saw them, her face relaxed a bit but the annoyed expression from being disturbed was still all present on her face.


Isaac stepped forward.


"Sister Vivian, how are you?"


"I'm fine."


His eyes looked around the room and noticed the bloodstains on the floor and on her pants. He also couldn't help but notice her disheveled look and sunken cheeks.


"Sister, do you know how long have you been here?"


Vivian thought about it for a moment.


"Two days?"


"No, 4 days."


Vivian eyes became wide.


"Everyone's been worried about you," said Isaac.


Vivian covered her face with her hand.


'I've been here for 4 days…?'


"Sister Vivian…" Marie said and then bit her lower lip, her face painted with a worried expression.


Vivian put down her hand and looked at them.


"Sorry, I didn't notice the time. I was just so busy."


Everyone looked at her with a dumbfounded expression.


Vivian tried to get up but her legs suddenly gave up halfway.


Isaac caught her arm before she could fall to the ground.


"Be careful, sister," he said and then looked at Criselle and Marie.


Both of the women nodded at him and then quickly rushed to Vivian's side in the blink of an eye, holding her to help her stand up.


"Careful, sister," said Marie.


"I'm okay. I just need a few seconds to rest and I'll be able to walk," said Vivian.


Criselle, on the other hand, let out an exasperated sigh.

"I should've known you were this type when you asked to take on 2 ceremonies in one go."


Vivian let out a wry smile.


Criselle turned her head to Isaac.


"Brother, we'll take her to the infirmary." 


"Just call me in case you need anything, sister."


"Some food would help."


"You got it," he said and then left.


She then turned to Samuel.


"Brother Samuel, thank you," she said and bowed respectfully.


Samuel didn't say anything and just gave her a nod.


As the two women led Vivian to the infirmary, Samuel stared at Vivian with interest and began to ponder to himself.


"Looks like there's another member that I have to watch out for in this facility…"


"How long has it been since I've seen such intensity...?"


Numerous faces flashed before his eyes.


And among them were Grana, Criselle and Isaac.




At the infirmary.


Vivian sat on the bed.


"Sister, we'll have to strip you down completely and wash you. You're covered with blood and sweat," said Criselle.


"I'm sorry for smelling bad…"


"I'll get the partition," said Marie.


"No, I'll get it. You prepare hot water and a cloth," said Criselle.


"What about her clothes?"


"There should be some patient gowns around here. I'll find it."


The two women left.


Alone, Vivian noticed that she left her left fingerless glove and her water pouch back in the training room.






She raised her hands and examined them, doing open and close motions.




'I do feel weak…'


Vivian recalled what Criselle told her.


'Healing magic helps a person recover the blood they lost, huh...?'




'To think that I've been there for 4 days -- assuming that they were telling the truth -- is already quite impressive…'


As an aspiring fitness influencer back in her previous world who stays 10-12% body fat all year round, she knows first-hand what hunger and discipline feel like.


'Does this mean the stronger I get, the longer I can survive without eating…?'


'Would this also prolong my lifespan…?'


'I'm 24 years old after all…'


'I'm too old…'


Her eyes landed on her forearms.


'I've lost some weight…'


She couldn't help but notice that her forearms became thinner, not just because she lost body fat, but also muscle tissue.


'I guess healing magic doesn't recover fat and muscle...'


Criselle returned.


She was carrying a patient gown on her hand and placed them on the bed.


"How are you feeling?"


"I'm a little thirsty, to be honest."


"Brother Isaac will bring some food later. I'm guessing it would be hot soup in order to not shock your stomach after not eating for days."


Vivian nodded.


Criselle went to the side to get the partition.


When she came back, she sat down beside Vivian.


"Sister, I don't mean to sound preachy, but let me give you some advice as someone who has been part of this Temple for a long time."


Vivian stared at her and didn't say anything.


"This healing magic that we possess, although it's no doubt extremely helpful, please don't forget that it doesn't cure psychological wounds. I've seen so many of our brothers and sisters rely on it too much that they just become numb from pain and would go to extreme lengths just to feel something."




"Have you ever seen how a group of powerful Priests really fights and why they're called Zombies?"


Vivian thought about her battle with Marie.


But after remembering that Marie was younger than her and was only a White Cloak, she dropped the idea.




"Powerful Priests are at the very least equipped with full-plated adamantite armor and would dive into battle without a care in the world because they have [Heal], [Greater Heal] and other spells. On top of that, they also rely on the [Resurrection] magic of their brothers and sisters. As long as 50% of their body still remains, they can be revived and healed to go back into right fighting as if nothing happened."


An image of a group of Priests constantly getting up in front of enemies flashed inside Vivian's mind.


"So my point here is, although it's important to train, don't overdo it. If you'll ever get a chance to see how a group of powerful Priests fights, especially if there are Gold, Red and Gray Cloaks involved, you'll understand."


Vivian stared at the floor for a moment before finally shaking her head mentally.




'I'm not like them…'


'I'll never be…'


'I know what hard work and discipline is…'


'I also have this x5 power and don't have anyone in this world that I can fully trust and rely on…'


'I have no choice but to become so powerful…'


'And once I'm powerful, that's when I can take it easy…'


'For now, I just have to bite the bullet…'




'So [Resurrection] needs at least 50% of the remaining body, huh...'


'I wonder if there's a memory-reading magic here...'


'Should I ask them...?'


'Or would that be too suspicious...?'




'I miss the internet...!'


Vivian returned her gaze to Criselle.


"Sister, are there healing potions here that can help recover mana?"


Criselle stared at Vivian with a blank expression, but there was a hint of disappointment in them.


"There are mana potions. However, let me warn you that the more mana potions you take, the less effective they become and could even be harmful to your body. So you will need to take a break from it which could last for days, weeks or months, depending on how many mana potions you drank before it will become effective once again."


"I see. What about items? Are there items that can help recover mana?"


"There are magic items that boost mana recovery. However, you can't equip 2 items that have the same effect, just like you can't have 2 magic abilities with the same effect."


"So I can only have [Halo] and an item that can boost my mana recovery?"




"Sister, how does one learn [Halo]? Or I mean, what's the quickest way to learn [Halo]?"


"By helping people."


Marie suddenly arrived and was carrying a bucket of hot water and a piece of damped cloth.


"I met Brother Isaac in the kitchen. He left the food there before leaving. He didn't come here in case Sister Vivian was naked."


Criselle turned to Vivian.


"Sister, let us help you remove your clothes and wash you."




But after remembering that it had been 4 days since they last washed her, she stopped resisting.