
The Beach In The Fantasy World

"Huh?" "Save the world?" "Help those in need?" "Why in God's name would I care about that if I won't get anything that I want in return?" "Go bother someone else, I have better things to do." "Now let me grind in peace or I'll destroy everyone and everything you love, weakling!" A beautiful, kind and pure soul from the modern world got transmigrated to another world of fantasy and magic set in the medieval era. Trapped and stranded in a new world, the beautiful, kind and pure soul decides to climb the ranks with the power of friendship and hopes to one day become an outstanding citizen who is loved and respected by all. ******************************** I don't know why I can't add the exact tags I want for female-lead novels so I'm just going to write them here • #genderswap • #transmigration • #weaktostrong • #overpoweredprotagonist • #villain • #ruthlessprotagonist • #evilprotagonist • #action • #fantasy • #mature • #sliceoflife • #slowburn ******************************** WebNovel - 3 chapters per week Patreon - at least 5 chapters per week https://www.patreon.com/Immortal_Shades https://twitter.com/copperpen1814

Immortal_Shades · Action
Not enough ratings
232 Chs

Chapter 6

Vivian used all of her speed and strength as she rushed towards the trunk monster with a dagger on her right hand.

There was no reaction from the monster.

She was attacking from behind, or at least that was what she thought it was based on her test earlier since it didn't have anything that resembled eyes, ears and a mouth.

Nevertheless, even if it means she was wrong, she was prepared to clash head-on because she plans to go all out.

In her head, it was basically a do-or-die situation.

When Vivian got within striking distance, the monster still didn't move or make any reaction and she took advantage of the situation without thinking twice.

She cast a [Dagger Stab] and aimed it on the base of the right branch or what would pass as something as a shoulder.


The right shoulder of the monster got shredded and the rest of the branc-like arm fell down. And due to the force of the attack, the monster also lost its balance, appearing like it would tumble down to the left and down to the ground.

But before the trunk monster could touch the ground, Vivian reached out for the other arm and held on to it tightly.

Thud, Thud!

Both Vivian and the monster fell to the ground.

The monster struggled and Vivian, who was still holding onto the other arm, got on top of the monster to pin it down and then started to chop like crazy.




The monster continued struggling and Vivian didn't stop chopping down.




The left branch was finally chopped off. However, in the process, the blade of Vivian's dagger also snapped into two.

Seeing that, perhaps it was anger, perhaps it was adrenaline rush or whatever it was, Vivian threw her broken dagger away, got up, grabbed the trunk monster in both ends and raised it above her head.


"FUCK YOU!!!" she roared before slamming the monster to the ground.

Unfortunately, the monster still wasn't dead and there were no cracks on its body. Instead, it was squirming on the ground and trying to get up. Having lost its arms, and given its trunk-like body and legs that were only about 6 inches long, it didn't have any means to stand up.

Vivian grabbed one of its legs and tried to break it -- she bent it, she pulled it by pushing its body with her feet, she twisted it, she wiggled it violently, but in the end, nothing worked.

Frustrated, she grabbed the monster once again, raised it to the sky and slammed it to the ground.



Even after that second body slam, it was still squirming.

She also finally noticed that it didn't scream or howled in pain. But Vivian was too caught up with her emotions and brushed it away.

She raised her foot and aimed at its body.



"FUCKING DIE ALREADY!!!" Vivian growled as she started stomping it.





The monster's body finally cracked open and Vivian's boot passed through.


A ringing bell suddenly rang inside her head and a quick message appeared in front of her before disappearing.

'Unlocked [Leg Mastery] - Level 1!'

Green gooey fluid was sticking on her boot as she pulled her feet up and then stepped away. She bent down and supported her upper body by resting her hands on her knees as she panted.

"Haaaaa… Haaaa… Haaa…" 


She raised her body and stared at the sky.

"Haaa… Haaa..."

"That was too much…! 

"Haaa... Haa...."

After calming down and recovering a bit of her stamina, she decided to check the insides of the trunk monster. 

There were the green gooey fluids and other things that she believed were supposed to be organs coming out. As for the trunk itself, it was indeed hollow inside as she expected, but the shell, outer layer, skin or whatever one wanted to call it, was as thick as 2-3 adult fingers.

She turned away and decided to open the Status Panel.


Name: Vivian

Class: Thief

Race: Human

Age: 24


• Poison - x1.4

• Fire - x1.2

• Dagger - x1.2


• Str - 11 (+4)

• Vit - 9 (+1)

• Agi - 12 (+4)

• Int - 8 (+1)

Mana: 8/18


• [Dagger Mastery] - Level 1 (x6.2) (Max/16) - Dagger Stab (10 mana points)

• [Dagger Mastery] - Level 2 (x6.2) (Max/81) - +2 Str, +1 Vit, +2 Agi, +1 Int

• [Dagger Mastery] - Level 3 (x6.2) (??/161)

• [Body Art Mastery] (Dagger Mastery) (x5) - Level 1 (Max/10) - +2 Str, +2 Agi

• [Body Art Mastery] (Dagger Mastery) (x5) - Level 2 (??/50)

• [Poison Mastery] - Level 1 (x6.4) (Max/16) - Poison Strike (20 mana points)

• [Poison Mastery] - Level 2 (x5) (x4.4) (??/78)

• [Leg Mastery] - Level 1 (x5) (Max/20) - Power Leg (10 mana points)

• [Leg Mastery] - Level 2 (x5) (??/100)


• Village Girl

• Adventurer

• Zhey/Zhem

• Otherworldly - Grants [Growth] - all affinity x5


Vivian simply stared at the new skill [Power Leg] before finally closing the Status Panel.

She let out a deep sigh.

She looked at her boot which was covered in green gooey fluid and wiped it against the ground.




There was still green gooey fluid on the side and top of her shoe so she grabbed a couple of leaves and started wiping it.

Once she was done, she searched for her dagger.

She found it near the corpse of the trunk monster and saw that half of its blade was separated.


Although she considered the dagger as cheap, ugly and smelly, she had to admit that it was useful. And now seeing it broken, she could only feel sad for the loss.

She massaged her temples.


I don't have a weapon... 

I don't know anyone... 

I don't know where I am...

I don't know anything about this world that's filled with monsters and magic…"

And I'm also poor...

"All I can say is, I'm really fucked, like really royally fucked!"

"Oh, and to add a cherry on top, I'm also inside a woman's body!"

"Like great! Thank you so much! And FUCK YOU!!!"

After venting and resting for a minute, she decided to review her options.

The only thing I have right now is leveling up…

At least, the stronger I get, the more I can defend myself…

She glanced at her boots and then at her hands.

No choice…

I need a passive power skill or more stats...

An idea suddenly popped inside her head.

If I use a stick, would I learn something like [Club Mastery]...?

However, after a few more ideas came rushing, she shook her head.

"Even if I could find a stick, it's not like it's strong enough to last that long," she said and then glanced at the trunk monster, "Especially against this type of enemy."

She let out a deep sigh.

"Well, at least I now have [Power Leg]. But I'll be saving that for stronger enemies or emergencies only."

She picked up her broken dagger and the other half of its blade and then searched for her satchel. And once she found her satchel she placed them inside it before walking away.

As she was walking, she took out the water pouch and shook it.


About 50% remaining... 

From hereon, I need to conserve water...

She opened the lid and drank a few sips.



She closed the lid and returned the water pouch inside the satchel before stopping and looking around her surroundings.

"I wonder if there's any coconuts here."

A smile appeared on her face and she shook her head.

I'm not even sure if it's safe to drink…

I mean, it would be nice if I died right away... 

But if I get poisoned and die a long and agonizing death...?

She looked around her surroundings once again.


Come to think of it... 

Although there's a city a few miles away, I have yet to meet any people or see other human settlements, like villages and farms...

Vivian then realized something. 

I also can't see any trace of paths that humans would use...

Although Vivian wasn't the outdoorsy type, she at least knew that regardless if it was a forest, jungle or whatever, if there were people nearby, there were bound to be some paths laid out on the ground from people constantly using it.

Or maybe I can't apply my world's logic to this world because there's something I haven't considered...?

Assuming of course that I'm not really dreaming or in some kind of virtual reality and I've actually been transported to another world...

She took a deep breath.

"In any case, time to level up my legs!"