
The bay of black dolphins

Not many knew, that before Victoria disappeared out of public sight and from newspaper front titles, she used to keep a rigorous diary. Detectives found it in the basement of the residence of Pierrot - the infamous terrorist, who vanished at the same time as his girlfriend in crime. The diary started with the first mentioning of Victoria's promising career ambitions as a psychologist, and also of her beloved brother, who was kidnapped soon after his wedding. As it turned out - and it helped to understand next step of a few key participants of the case - Victoria soon quitted her job and joined the criminal world not out of her professional interest to psychopaths, but because it was her plan to become one of them in order to find her brother, from the start.

Linda_Tint · Urban
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13 Chs

Gilbert the victim

I had no idea how much time has passed since I found myself locked in the dark room without windows.

Could be days, or weeks.

The door has opened, and Daniel walked in.

He had a different costume on, and his hair were, as usual, styled perfectly.

Fear in me changed at something similar to dark humour lately. Professionally, there was no difference to me in working with a psychopath in my office or in his.

- Stand up, - Dan ordered. I made an attempt, vainly. I realized that I was poisoned with some sort of weakening neuroleptic. I began thinking how physically weak I became. As I recalled a wedding dress for my ceremony with Pierrot that I bought recently, I realized that it would look like an empty bag on me now.

Dan's face was gloomy.

There, behind the walls of the building, where I was, something was going on. It was something that worried Dan. He was tiredly spinning his worried thoughts, there and back again.

- Pierrot is gonna kill you, - I said indifferently.

- What's happened to you? - Dan asked, piercing me with his stare. - You become…Even more crazy than you were. I wonder, will you go totally insane, if you will be kept here for a few months more? Just like your little brother did?

I felt rush of blood to my face. I clenched my fists.

Dan observed my reaction and added quietly:

- By the way, he is dead.

His words, spoken calmly, sounded like a loudest scream to me.

I tried another time to tear the ropes tightening my hands.

- Who is dead? - I asked, not wishing to hear the answer.

- Your brother is, - Dan repeated, as if talking about the food he brought from supermarket, - my people found Gilbert yesterday at the other continent. And they killed him. He wasn't willing to tell us something about your childhood, but at least we destroyed him... A pity thing, that Gilbert. Was born to be a victim.

- Ghosty, - I said quietly, and closed my eyes trying to sense him. Somehow, I didn't feel his absence. It was like I realized that he still was here, in the world.

- You are blackmailing me, idiot, - I said, losing my firm face of psychotherapeut.

- How about that, baby Vicky?

He threw me something, and as I got closer on my knees i saw a photograph. It was a the last picture of me and Gilbert together, made at his engagement party. Not long before Eve disappeared. He looked so familiar, so dear at me from the photography, in his black suit and with perfectly done scorched hair, that I couldn't repress a tear in my eye.

- You don't know a thing about me, Daniel, - I said, raising up my stare at the blonde guy, who was watching me with a ssadistic concentration.

- It was me who turned on false siren in the hospital building, to lead the guards to the wrong wing, when Pierrot escaped, - I said. - And it was me who poured somnolent to hospital attendants.

Blue eyes of Daniel rounded, as he nodded. engouraging me to continue.

- I sacrificed my career and common sense for the sake of my feelings to him, - I said slowly, - to Happy Pierrot. This way I became strong and free. My liberation came to me by cost of my values, work and family. That was similar to 25-years escape from prison.

After 25 years, I guess, I can stand another month in another cell.

Dan read my thoughts in my eyes.

- How dramatic, - he said.

Suddenly, the light in the camera faded.

I heard a knock, and then a tall blonde guy with perfectly styled hair sprawled at the stone floor, where I used to sleep.

A maniacal smile and huge, as if layed out of its orbits, light blue eyes appeared from the darkness.

- Pierrot!

- We need to hurry, baby, - my former patient said. A knife flashed in the air, and the ropes tightening my wrists eased. Out of not being used to movement, I crashed down on the floor and plunged into fainting fit.