
The Chest

After defeating Poseidon and putting our fight behind us, we stood facing each other. The intense emotions that fueled our battle had faded, leaving a sense of camaraderie between us. As we catch our breath, I realize how little I know about Zeus and I can't help but wonder what he has been telling others about me. "Poseidon, can you tell me more about Zeus?" In Greek mythology, Zeus, Hades, and Poseidon were brothers, so in this game, we should have a close bond or connection.

Poseidon paused, deep in thought. "Let's continue our discussion in my castle. I want to show you the purpose of that key." Without further ado, Poseidon leads the way towards the entrance of Atlantis and I follow closely behind. As we arrive at the entrance, I step through the colossal gates and gasp in amazement. The water has vanished, and as I turn to look back, it appears as though the water was some kind of portal separating the ocean from Atlantis.

As we strolled through the bustling streets of Atlantis, I couldn't help but marvel at the vibrant energy that filled the air. The city was teeming with life - more alive than even Olympus or the Underworld. Gods and goddesses had their homes in those realms, but here in Atlantis, there were all kinds of beings - both players and NPC - bustling about. It was a sight to behold.

As Poseidon and I made our way through the crowded streets, I couldn't help but feel a twinge of envy. It seemed that life in Atlantis was so much more vibrant and full of excitement than the other realms I had visited. I knew that this was just an illusion brought on by the game, but it was difficult not to be swept up in the moment.

We finally arrived at Poseidon's castle, a grand structure overlooking the sea. As we entered, I couldn't help but notice the sea creatures that were walking gracefully around the room, as if they were a part of the decor.

"Take a seat," Poseidon said, waving a hand at a magnificent throne made of coral and shells. The chair was both comfortable and stunning to behold.

Poseidon inquires, "How long have you been playing this game, Hades?"

I ponder for a moment before replying, "Honestly, I can't say for sure. It feels like only a few months, but many players were brought into this world before me and have been here longer." 

"I was among the first players to be sucked into this virtual world, along with Zeus. Levi and I used to be best friends back in middle school, but he moved away and we lost touch. So it was a surprise to see him in this game, now known as Zeus. But he wasn't the same person I remembered; he had changed. Despite that, he quickly took over Olympus and I followed suit, both of us determined to dominate our designated domains. However, there was a period when Levi disappeared and I thought he had found a way to escape the game without telling anyone else. But then he returned, and with his return came thousands of new players. It was a strange situation. Eventually, Levi came to visit me and warned me about you, Hades. He said you were the one who would bring downfall to this game and trap all of us here forever."

I tilt my head and mull over Poseidon's words. "Zeus came to me when I first woke up, asking for help in finding a player called Lilith. But it's clear to me that the real Zeus has other intentions, especially after he attempted to kill me. For him, this is all just a game, a competition. He doesn't care about being trapped here indefinitely; his main concern is winning and proving his superiority. To be honest, this whole game is still a mystery to me and I don't fully comprehend how it works. All I know is that I'm focused on completing my quest and advancing to the next level."

Poseidon's laughter rumbles through the air, his eyes gleaming with a mixture of amusement and something deeper. "Hades, my dear brother, your perception is clouded by your time spent in the underworld. This game is not simply a competition for us; it's a fight for our very survival and a desperate attempt to escape this twisted reality. Not all players are as oblivious as you seem to be. Some hold great power and those are mere pawns. If you are a pawn, then your best strategy is to survive at all costs. But if you are like me, a powerful player, your focus should not be on leveling up but on dominating your realm and having others do your bidding. And if we truly die in the real world, then it is even more crucial that we fight to survive here. If what you said about Zeus is true, then he knowns something that we don't and we are all his pawns."

I pause for a moment, taking in Poseidon's words. He has a point, and my naive perception of the game might be getting in the way of my goals. I suppose it's all just a matter of perspective.

"Your words have given me pause," I say, straightening up. "And while I still don't fully understand the rules of the game, I can see that the stakes are much higher than I initially thought. Perhaps it's time for me to reassess my strategy and start thinking more about dominating my realm, and less about leveling up."

Poseidon nods approvingly. "That's the spirit, Hades. Just remember that in this game, there are no rules and anything can happen. As you navigate through the levels and face challenges, keep an open mind and be prepared to think on your feet. You never know when you'll need to use all of your cunning and power to survive. I do have a question, who is Lilith? Zeus never mentioned her to me before."

My brow furrows in confusion as the name Lilith is mentioned. "Lilith? I'm not certain. I've only encountered her once, but she seems to possess an immense amount of power - even more so than Zeus. I believe that whoever she is, she holds the key to escaping this game. At least, that's what Zeus believes." I don't mention that she said that she was a co-creator.

There is a flicker of surprise in Poseidon's eyes as he takes in the information I just disclosed. "Fascinating," he mutters, pausing for a moment before shaking his head. "Allow me to reveal what that key you possess may have the power to unlock." Poseidon stands up and I follow suit, trailing behind him as he leads me through another corridor.

As we emerge from the narrow passageway, the chamber opens up before us, revealing its grand splendor. The walls are adorned with faded murals, their once-vibrant colors telling tales of epic battles and glorious triumphs. In the center of the chamber stands a pedestal, carved from solid marble and polished to a shine. On top rests a small yet intricately carved stone chest, its lid closed tightly.

Poseidon directs his attention towards me. He explains that the chest was sealed tight when he first encountered it in this game, and despite numerous attempts from other players to open or steal it, no one has been successful. However, he believes the key I have may be the solution.

My curiosity is immediately sparked as I take out the key I earned from defeating a dungeon and approach the chest. As I insert the key into the lock and turn it to the left, a clicking sound confirms that this is indeed the correct key.

Stepping back cautiously, I wait for the chest to reveal its contents. Suddenly, a strong gust of wind bursts out of the chest and slams into my body, causing me to stumble and fall backward.

At that moment, my head is flooded with unfamiliar images and memories, overwhelming me like a movie playing at high speed. The intense sensation causes me to scream in pain until I can't take it anymore and close my eyes while clutching my head in agony.

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