
Cracking the Game

As I survey the unfamiliar surroundings, my thoughts race to make sense of what's happening. I look at my attire, giving off an intimidating God of Underworld vibe. My hand brushes against a necklace hanging from my neck, and as I squeeze it curiously, a screen appears in front of me displaying my stats like a virtual reality game. My health level, power level, and current weapon - a sword - are all at my disposal. But before I delve into the mechanics of this world, I search for any clues or explanations that may be hidden within the game menu or rules.

There are a few things that confuse me. According to the demon, Levi (or Zeus, as he is now known) has control over all the heavens. This suggests that either he joined this game before anyone else or I entered the game later than the other students in the lecture hall. The fact that I am supposedly the reincarnation of Hades also comes with a lot of responsibility that I would rather not have. I wish I could be a lesser-known god, but unfortunately, that is not the case. As I browse through the menu options, I only see inventory slots and basic game functions. However, I do notice an option for friends and click on it, unsurprisingly finding that I have none.

As I navigate through the game menu, I realize that the task at hand is much more complex than I had expected. I've been thrown into this virtual world without any explanation, and it's up to me to uncover the truth. A blinking envelope icon catches my eye, and upon clicking it,

I see a mandatory quest request: "Your mission: Bring Lilith to your side."

I take a deep breath as I process this information. Isn't Lilith the witch aiding the rebel party trying to overthrow the Underworld? And now my first task is to bring her over to my side.

Despite my reluctance, I have no choice but to complete this quest if I want to understand what's truly going on in this game. The sooner I can figure out its workings, the better chance I have of staying hidden.

The upside of being Hades is that other gods won't willingly venture into the Underworld, allowing me to live here quietly once I eliminate the rebels and gain Lilith's allegiance.

However, I also need to complete any other required quests, as I'm not sure what consequences may arise for ignoring them.

One thing is certain: I have no desire to be the hero of this game. Just like in college, all I want is to be a background character who helps when needed but doesn't seek attention or glory.

With a swing of my hand, I close the game menu and gaze around the throne room. The walls are adorned with intricate gold designs, chandeliers hang from the ceiling, and a plush velvet carpet leads up to the throne. But there's something ominous about it all - the lighting is dim and casts shadows in every corner, giving off an eerie feeling.

I stand up from the throne and I walk down the plush carpet, I notice a figure lurking in the shadows. My heart races as I draw my sword that I took out of inventory, ready to strike. But as the figure steps into the light, I see that it's just a servant carrying a tray of food.

"Your Highness," she says, bowing low. "I bring you sustenance."

I nod, relaxing my grip on the sword. "Thank you," I say, taking the tray. "What's your name?"

"I am called Lysandra, Your Highness," she says, still bowing.

"Please, rise," I say. "You don't need to bow to me."

She stands up straight, meeting my gaze with a hint of surprise. "Thank you, Your Highness."

"Please, just call me Hades," I say, trying to make her feel at ease.

"Of course, Hades," she says, a small smile forming on her lips.

I look down at the tray of food and see a variety of fruits and bread. As I take a bite of the bread, the taste explodes in my mouth, and I realize just how hungry I am. Lysandra watches me eat with a small smile on her face, and I realize that her presence is comforting. It's nice to have someone around who doesn't see me as some sort of deity to be worshipped.

"Lysandra, do you know anything about the rebel party in the Underworld?" I ask, putting down the bread.

Her smile falters, and a look of fear crosses her face. "I-I'm sorry, Hades, I'm just a servant. I don't know anything about that sort of thing."

I nod, understanding her hesitation. "It's okay. I just wanted to know if you had heard anything. I need to understand the lay of the land."

She seems to relax a bit. "I haven't heard anything specific, but I do know that some of the servants have been approached by rebels, trying to recruit them. They promise a better life, with more freedom and less... servitude."

"Thank you for telling me," I say, my mind racing with possibilities. "If you hear anything else, please let me know."

"Of course, Hades," she says, bowing again before turning to leave.

As she exits the throne room, I can't help but wonder who else may have been approached by the rebels. I need to be careful who I trust - even among the servants.

I finish my meal and head back to the game menu, I wonder if there is a map that will be of use. My eyes scan the menu for any sign of a map, and after some searching, I finally find it under the "Game Guide" section. As I click on it, a holographic projection of the Underworld appears before me. The map is detailed enough to show various paths and locations throughout the realm, and as I zoom in, I notice that several hidden areas are not marked on the map.

This discovery intrigues me, and I immediately start planning on exploring these hidden areas. But before that, I need to gather more information about Lilith and the rebel party. I click on the quest tab and take a closer look at the task I've been given. It still seems too vague, but I know that I need to start somewhere.

As I ponder my next move, the screen flickers, and a message appears in bold letters:


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