

September 1st, 1980

"We have not come to attack, Armand." The King of Mephis said,calmly. "How do I know you have not come to ruin the peace in Meric, just like your father did,fifty years ago!" Shouted Armand from his golden throne. A great amount of people had gathered around to see what was going on,"We have come, with a deal." . The King ,surprisingly, was fascinated with this 'deal'. "And what may this deal be, Arnold" Armand said putting air quotes on deal. "Well if you sign right..." Arnold said pointing to the bottom of the page before continuing, "here, we will stay away from Meric, for two-hundred years", Arnold announced, Armand, on the other hand was just staring into one of his many mirrors. Let's just say the silence was LOUD. "OH! You're not joking, very well then, guard! Bring the paper." Everyone in the kingdom was wondering if this was real. As Armand signed the paper, Arnold bowed as a sign of respect and as a thank you "Well we should be on our way!" And with that, all of Arnolds men, and him of course, left the spot where a very important part in history took place.

203 words :)