
The Band Boys

Jadis is a normal school girl. Not popular, not so smart, not friendly, not sociable. Most of the time, she likes to stay quiet in the corner, headphones on, and a sheet of paper to draw. She doesn't like talking about rumors or gossiping about other people. Karlee is one hell of a pain in the ass. A problem child. He always gets into trouble and super badass. Jaz is a very creative and fun-loving type of guy. Happy-go-lucky, having more money and luxury in life, he doesn't care much about other people. Quite popular with girls. When all three of them meet, what will Jadis do to get along with two clashing bad boys? How will they become a group of musicians loving the same thing at the same time? Or loving the same person at the same time? .....

Kei_Kei_ · Teen
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28 Chs

For Real?

"I quit!" I told my friends about it. I never want to be part of the girls giving him gifts, he is so annoying.

"Why? I think it's working, he talked to me awhile ago in our class. Please don't give up now."

Chloe pleaded.

"Yeah, plus, I think he likes it when you give the gifts from us," Heleina said.

"Huh?! Why me? I don't have any crush on that arrogant bastard. Plus he made me have to kick the door and got the detention slip signed by my parents... Aaarrrggghhhh... No more, girls. I am done!" I put stress on the last word.

"Jadis, please " Heleina pleaded.

"I am so tired. Being around him is so tiring." I gasped as if I have never gasped before.

"We understand, Jade. But you are doing this for us, not for him. Until we properly confessed to him, please do this for us." Chloe said while putting both her hands together like praying.

" So when do you plan on confessing to him, anyway?" I asked. I am so curious about how they would confess to him. He always agrees to a date, multiple girls. Not to mention the hardcore ones who would kill any girl around him.

"Well, we plan on doing it after the Freshmen's Welcome Party." both of them looked at each other causing them to blush at the same time.

UGH! I can't stand this.

"That's like 3 months from now. Are you kidding me?!"

"No. We need to gather up the courage to say all the thing we mean to say." Chloe said.

"So you will do it at the same time?"

"Well, we haven't thought of who will go first but, I guess, let the situation do the decision of whoever confesses first," Heleina added.

" Yeah, I agree". Chloe concluded.

SERIOUSLY?! That guy needs some beating for making all these girls crazy over her.

"Anyway, Jadis, you still haven't joined any club activities, "

"Cause I don't intend to. I wanna go home and sleep. Taekwondo is the only thing that I can do out of school and our house." I said trying to ignore my friends.

"That's sad."

"No, I prefer it to be that way"

This day in school went well for me today. No other unfortunate events happened.

I lay down on my bed trying to get a quick nap before going out for my usual jogging in preparation for the Taekwondo tournament. after a while, I prepared for my jogging exercise.

"Woah, it's you again."

This familiar voice, the most annoying voice I've ever heard.

"Ford. Don't start. I'm busy. "

"Busy? Jogging? What is this for? Getting fit so I will notice you?" he laughed as if he just said something funny.

" No. Never. " then I sprinted away from him. I need my peace and concentration.

I turned my iPod on and listen to some of my chemical romance songs while jogging.

After satisfying myself from the jog, I plan to go straight home but around the corner there he is again, waving at me. As if we're friends.

"Hi! Are you done?" he asked with his grin.

"None of your business" monkey I whispered the last word.

"Oh. Anyways, can I invite you for a bite or coffee...or tea?" he was smiling at me with meaning.

It's as if I would say yes.

"No." one hard no.

"Ouch. I got rejected, you're the first" there he goes again with that fucking smile..

"Yeah, so don't bother me anymore," I said. I tried to walk past him but he started to talk again and grabbed my arm and locked the handcuffs.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?!" I exclaimed.

"Handcuffs" there he goes again, with his sarcastic answers.

"I know, jerk! Take it off. Give me the keys!" I was trying to pull my arm away from him.

"Don't resist. It'll hurt more. Just join me for coffee" He winked at me


This is not a date!

"what the fu---" he cut me off

"Oopsie, enough cursing! " he opened the door of the cafeteria, he gestured his finger and a guy came to take our orders.

"I don't want anything to do with you. Leave me alone! " I almost shouted at his face but he is still showing that smile... That annoying smile he has.

"You really like being with me, huh?" He was teasing me.

Jerk, jerk, jerk!!!

" Oh, don't flatter yourself. I am not so enjoying your presence " I rolled my eyes at him.

"That's cute." He smirked.


" Alright, enough with this already. Release these cuffs off me. Or I will shout in this cafeteria. I will call you...rapist or kidnapper or... Gay!"

Threatening him should work. Besides, guys like him are very concerned about their status in school.

"Suit yourself. "

I really want to rip that grin off his damn face.

Food came and he treated me like his shadow, he was just eating and I'm his shadow. I didn't resist, trying to save my energy from him.

After he is done eating, he looked at me for a moment, from my shoes up to my face.

"You know, if you would fix your hair a bit and wear nice clothes, you'll look perfect." putting a thumb beside the corner of his mouth.

"I don't care about a word you're saying so let me go, you bastard!"

He reached for the keys in his pocket and winked at me.

"Thank you for accompanying me for coffee, I hope this ---" I cut him off.

"WON'T EVER HAPPEN AGAIN!!! If you do this to me again, I will report you to the police!" I am at my limit. I can't control my anger anymore.

Before I break his face, I walked fast out of the coffee shop. I don't want to see him any longer.

I went back to the room where I left my other stuff before heading home.

I was about to go out when I saw the other guy last time, sitting under the tree with headphones on. He seems calm now, unlike the other day.

I watched him from afar. Whatever he's listening to right now makes him calm.

He is handsome when he's like that.

I decided to leave him there and went home.

As I was going to get in the car, I felt a hand grabbed my other arm.

"You were looking at me awhile ago right? " His voice was cold.

" Maybe, let go of my arm. "

I used a cold tone, too.

" Why? " He released my arm and looked at me with stern eyes.

"Why do you ask?" I asked back.

He is starting to get to my nerves.

"Cause I want to know!" He stepped closer

"I can't tell you anything cause there's really nothing."

He moved closer to me, his face getting closer to mine making me move backward.

"Don't get near me, ever..." I went in my car and drove away. I can see him from my side mirror, still looking in my direction.

That sent shivers down my spine...Scary!

This guy is really something.

He is mysterious.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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