
The bald Saiyan

0 = 1. Seems insane, and many mathematical professors would strange the student for claiming such a fact, yet it is a reality out MC has had to deal with for a "long time" now. Finally, by forces unseen, he awakes, in a body familiar to him, yet not and a power known to him yet strange in many ways. Feeling sensations again, emotions thumping in him, yet detached from it all is he. Memories clash as he tries to mend them, succeeds in a way, in devouring, not joining. Unknown is the future, maybe death will claim him once more, bring him to the doorstep of nothing, or he will fight it out, become "something" yet again. Fate is a fickle thing, so are human hearts, one can only hope they turn in one's favour.

The_Zombie_Lad · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

The end

Blackness, infinite darkness is all he can muster to see, to experience.

It is something, he remarks. It is not nothing, a thankful fact. His mind feels sluggish, hard to move and think as it should. Unable to rationalize what has happened.

He remembers it all, his memory shall never leave him, but he can not comprehend it. He sees shapes and shadows, figures and emotions, yet he can not place them, like a giant jigsaw puzzle. He knows what it looks like, what the final image is supposed to represent, but can't piece it together.

Strenght has left him completely, although he tries his greatest to sum it up, it all seems to be for naught. Once more, it seems he has found himself just existing, but truly this time, not the faux existence of nothingness.

It all begins to bleed, mix, and coagulate into one gray mass. His actions and his feelings. The emotions feel empty, the way of the procedure irrelevant, actions hollow and meaningless.

Why? Why did he laugh like that, when standing over the prince? Why didn't he just squash him? Why did he rebel? Why escape the service, at such great cost too, and to consider it a triumph to boot. His newfound pleasure of war would have made a life under the tyrant ideal. So why? Why is all of this happening? Why is he here? Why does he exist? Eventually, death shall claim him too, so why not end the waiting game and just pass on.

And then he wakes up.

"Hum!" Slight shock is what greets him first, his one eyes widening, before it all flashes back, and reality drags him in.

'Where am I?' His first question is immediate location. My last memory is that of darkness eating at him from a high altitude, the location is now unknown.

His head cranes around. Walls, domed and white, surround him. A steel-gray tiled floor, and a bead which according to his memories is incredibly soft. Blue mattress with white sheets and a white pillow.

A window rests above his head, two more next to that, all of them closed and letting natural sunlight in.

He sees no sign of danger, it all appears to be normal, standard. Just a house of this world, hostile intent undetected.

In fact, it is on the contrary.

Feeling his body he can sense tight wrapping all around as if he is candy in a wrapper. His hand lifted, he can see bandages going across his various wounds.

His mouth twitched, tongue going over all that has happened, locating all the missing teeth and injuries, yet now it is in much better shape. Most wounds are covered with some paste of sort, with a citrus-like taste, and some teeth have been plastered with something hard, giving them more length and shape, although a few are still missing.

The sheets fly off, a grimace graces Nappa's face as he looks at his legs. Beaten and torn up, they are broken into multiple places. Still, whoever did this job gave it their all, his legs have become mostly usable now.

The same can't be said for his left arm. The appendage is still as useless as before, unable to summon any strength below the elbow. A glance back told him all he needed to know, the arm is heavily bandaged and even seems to have some metal sticking out of it, with plaster too and again some sort of cream.

Primitive, especially when compared to the healing pods of the tyrant, yet sufficient.

A hand grips the wall, his two fingers digging a few centimeters into the concrete. It was less an act of standing up on his own feet than it was a pull-up from his hand.

Yet still, with involuntary wobbling legs and a grunt, he managed it.

Pain coursed thru his body, pain which he ignored.

Instead, using his legs in a very rudimentary and cobbled manner he began to shamble over to the only door he sees in this place.

His clothes too, have been changed, a slight note he makes along the way.

Reaching the door after a minute or two of shambling, his hand grips for the door handle, leveraging it down and opening the door.

Immediately an odor strikes him. It is strange, faint, his nose still broken and unable to function completely he can only barely pick up on the traces of smell coming over to him.

Yet what he can smell smells appealing, inviting. Some sort of meat definitely, seasoned greatly. It makes his stomach rumble and a deep instinctual part of his brain begins to make itself known.

He makes his way thru the hallways, warily observing his surroundings. There are many pictures, most of them containing a short old man, and a tall blonde woman. Although some of them contained children too.

'Most likely grandfather and daughter,' He remarked in his mind. 'with her children too.' He added as he passed by another picture with the children.

It seemed familiar, yet his mind is too dazed right now, memories flaring but unable to connect it all, he continued to move along.

Finally, he arrives at the end of the corridor, having passed by several other doors, he has come to the door with the scent.

For a moment he hesitates, the distinct possibility of danger still ringing around him, yet beaten back by logic, for if they wanted to harm him they already would, and an instinct to feed, they pushed him forward.

His palm gripped the handle, resting in it for a moment, before opening up.

Within a second his one eye adjusted to the room, scanning it all, intaking all information, and processing it all.

It's the kitchen of the house, with a table and cooking station, on the table a giant pot filled with meat and potatoes. At the table, the same man and woman he has been seeing in the pictures so far are sitting.

There is a moment of stunned silence between them, neither party knowing how to respond before the woman breaks it up.

"Ah, you're finally awake!" Her words provoke a memory within Nappa's mind, a blond man and a wooden carriage, yet he can't connect it to anything, though for later.

She immediately got up, incredibly springy and flexible, she hurried over to him with a smile on her face.

Nappa tensed for a second, half expecting her to attack him, yet all she did is grab his arm and pull him to the table.

"Come! Come! There is enough for all of us! I made sure to prepare as much as possible, knowing how Goku eats." Her voice is like honey, thick, sweet, and charming, while the words are gracious too.

'The monkey? How do they relate me to him? How did they know I would wake up today? What is their intention?' A bouquet of questions floated around, many of them solved thru rationalization and hypothesis, yet the others shall be solved by observing.

She dragged his arm along, and he followed. Needing to duck underneath the doorway, and turn to his side as his shoulders wouldn't fit, he came into the kitchen.

He was quickly seated by the woman, a plate with utensils at his side, and a grand pile of meat on his plate, potatoes added in for good measure.

"There, now eat up." The woman said while still smiling sweetly at him, her eyes sparkled with expectation as she observed him.

'What?' Nappa couldn't quite understand what was happening, all logic going contradictory to what is happening.

Assuming that he landed on their property, why isn't he in the custody of the police? Or chased out in the streets?

If they wanted to help him, why isn't he in a hospital? If they know who he is, why haven't they killed him already?

This blend of circumstances is simply too bizarre, too irrational for him to comprehend, or possibly his information is lacking too much.

"Hmm? Why aren't you touching your food? My, I couldn't have possibly made bad food! Oh dear, oh, dear!" The woman began to panic as she saw that he wasn't eating, fussing slightly at him.

The man just observed him intently, there is something akin to grandfatherly gentleness on his face, yet a guarded wariness too.

Nappa looked down at the meal and decided to dig in. If they haven't killed him already, then that means that they are most likely not hostile to him.

The food went expertly and quickly into his mouth. Quite delicious, might he add in between the pain of eating. What with his broken teeth and lacerations all across his mouth, the gel-like substance helped, but it was still not the most pleasant experience.

Something which having only two fingers only added on, as the fork suddenly became a rather complicated instrument to wield.

Despite the obstructions, the meal was still wolfed down in record time, a bit small for Nappa's liking, but it was good. The couple having eaten only one plate as he ate the rest.

"My, I am happy you found it good!" The woman exclaimed, clearly happy at his gusto for the food. "I'll do the dishes, leave you two to talk a bit." She added on, kissing the old man on the cheek and calling him affectionately honey.

Thus, only the two men were left seated at the table. The smoking old man observed Nappa fiercely, just as Nappa observed him in return.

Upon closer inspection, the man doesn't seem that old. Small, frail, and not particularly appealing, but not old. If Nappa would hazard to guess, he'd say the man is in his fifties.

Younger than Nappa.

The silence stretched for several minutes until the man put out his cigarette and spoke up.

"So, you are one of the Saiyans sonny?" The man asked, eyebrows quirked before he quickly blustered slightly. "Oh, un, sorry for that. Didn't exactly catch your name."

It bothered not Nappa how he is called, his eye just observes the man with a cold, calculating glare.

"Nappa is my name. Yes, I am one of those Saiyans." The truth is ultimately the best move, should the worst come to pass, he can always slaughter them, for they seem to be nothing more than ordinary humans. Not a preferred option, at least not until he is fully healed, but available.

The silence stretched for a bit longer there, before the old man sighed.

"You gave us quite a shock you know? When you fell thru our roof like that." A sort of joviality came to his face as he said that. "We were quite shaken up."

"But then we saw the wounds on you. There was a film crew at the battle. We saw how you turned to defend the earth in the last snippet." The man began to explain. "We don't know what happened after Goku arrived, yet Bulma told us that they were fine. With you injured like that, it seems you valiantly defended our home planet from your kin." Gravity has found itself firmly in his voice. "For that, I am eternally grateful."

Once more, silence came. It answered many questions, yet many more lay open.

"We didn't take you to the hospital. The camera caught your face, you gave the whole world quite a scare. You are a celebrity ho ho ho." A laugh couldn't help but escape his lips at that. "If the reporters found out about you, they would hound you fiercely. Or the government, no, better to keep you here. Our machines are quite advanced, they fixed you up real quick." A cigarette bud got flinched away, and another put in his mouth, smoking away quickly.

"If you want, you can stay as long as you need. It's the least we can do for the savior of Earth, we have enough food and we will give you the guest room." Another jovial laugh followed, and smoke billowed out.

Nappa just sat, waiting, thinking. Various ideas swung around and for a moment a brief struggle between instinct, emotion, and logic came forth before he nodded.

"Yes, that is most appreciated of you." And as such the conversation ended, Nappa now being a guest at the Brief's household.


Read this you mofos!

So, hey people. Sorry for not updating. I got sick, again. To cut a long story short, I went wood splitting on our farm, we did it for 7 hours straight, no food water or anything. The farm is on a windy hilltop, we were wearing only short sleeves. Yeee me and my stepdad both got sick. So I was knock out of comission for a week. The other week? Exams, hoooo boy, the exams. 3 big ones, and I failed 1, as I found out yesterday. Shit. I got another part time job too, so, that's fun. So, please, excuse me for my absence.

Finally, here is the big one. I'm stopping, discontinuing this ff. To be honest, it just isn't getting the tractions I expected. Simply chalk it up to me being a glory hound, or karma bitch, whatever. But the FF just isn't pulling in enough views. It's probably my fault, my way of writing is very bloated and it's hard for me to narrow it down as much as I do, chalk it up to experience I guess, just too many useless details. Also, that intro? Yea, not doing me any favors. As such, I am loathed to inform you all that this FF is offictialy dead in the water.

With that said, for those that stuck around till this part, my writing career is not over yet. I still seek to gain recognition, fame, and fortune! Mostly fortune, damn, I love money. As such, I will probably push out another FF soon (relatively soon, within a month or so). So, uh, which fandoms do you guys want to see more of?

I have a few ideas for a Avatar FF.

MHA is a bit overdone but still great, plenty of potential in that one.

A song of ice and fire and GOT are possible, although I'd rather not touch those. Too many possibilities in that one, it would drive me nuts. Scratch that, it IS driving me nuts. So I could, but I'd rather not.

Definitely will not do Naruto, I have a passionate dislike for that one, some might even call it hate. Also, it's way overdone, there are plenty better works of it out there.

Also a hard no for Highschool DXD. Same as Naruto, passionate hate for that one, hell, maybe even more so than Naruto. The only reason I even remotely like it is because of the pretty women, other than that? 99% of that is, in my opinion, worthless.

Harry Potter, put it under maybe. I don't hate it like Naruto, but definitely has been exploited to hell and back, so it's basically a mix of Asoiaf and Naruto.

One piece I'd rather not touch. To be honest, and spoiler alert, I am one of those people that is rather miffed at finding out Luffy has a Mythical zoam devil fruit instead of the Gum Gum fruid, it just cheepens the whole affair to me. So I'm particularly grumpy at that one now.

Fallout is a big contender, since I consider NV the GOAT, it's hands down my favorite game, probably in the top 10 of greatest games in history, and I am willing to die on this hill.

Then there is the various other ones, like a Peaky Blinder, The Godfather, X files, James bond, Tomb raider, Call of duty, GTA, Skyrim etc. Mostly miscalanious, but they are a possibility.

I'll probably go for a ATLA ff, since I have planned for a long time to make an FF about that, not many of them around. Probably something easier before diving fully into the insanity, but please, do leave suggestions, I am always open for new ideas.

With that, your favorite zombie says good night, and have a wonderful sleep.