
The Floor is Ru's

I am Ru. My main goal is to be a rock star... Maybe just to be... or not to be. But that's not possible. Would you happen to know why? Because of these... For example, girls. Oh no, I meant my daughters. There are about a thousand little girls in my brain. And they all call me "Dad." I went crazy with the chatter of these little girls with bat wings and red eyes. Ah, if only I had gone crazy because of them. There are also demons. Ash-colored demons have been chasing me for as long as I can remember. And those demons call me "Padre." What does this mean? I don't look like a priest. What's their problem?

"My Goddess! I'm talking to myself again. You don't exist. Or do you exist?"

I'm having a moment of self-reflection and introspection. I find it interesting that I am once again conversing with myself. It's as if I'm reaching out to an entity that doesn't exist. However, there's a glimmer of uncertainty - is there a presence after all? I say, "Baby, are you there?" and part of me believes that indeed you are. In this solitude, I realize that the entity I am addressing is none other than myself. Surprisingly, this realization doesn't leave me feeling lonely.

Look, honey, I'm going to die anyway. It's inevitable. But unlike everyone else, it doesn't mean the end for me. Apparently, I die and somehow get reborn. It seems like reincarnation, but my teacher and these daughters keep saying that. The daughters are probably figments of my imagination, but the teacher, well, he's real. At least, that's what the shrink – I mean, doctor – says. Whatever. The point is, I'm confused. Deeply confused.

But that doesn't mean I'm giving up. On the contrary, I'm incredibly assertive. I chase what I want, no matter the path – dark or light. The only thing that matters is the outcome. Results. That's what I focus on: The victories. I won't tell you what I might lose along the way. Because honey, I like to win.

By the way, you are stunning! Would you be interested in grabbing dinner sometime? I'm sorry, I haven't been able to find a catch with a big wallet lately, so I'm going to ask you to pay for the meal. Let me tell you from the beginning.

You guessed it right. Besides being a professional musician, I also steal. I can commit crimes because I am an orphan. Because I'm an orphan, I feel like I can do anything and break all prohibitions. I don't know if I would do this if I were given things like super strength and hybrid blood.

All I'm given are demons and a thousand little girls. Oh, and of course there's the purple-haired young lady. There was also a ginger guy with yellow eyes, he was nice too. Ahem! Anyway, forget about the guy now. Even though I don't know who she is, I think I fell in love with the purple-haired girl and even composed a song for her. My music was very liked.

This is how my band got somewhere. Of course, my old step-brother Vaelan, who I injured with scissors when I was little, thinking he was a demon, is another member of my group.

Vaelan is a good guy. If you get to know him, you'll love him, I'm sure. But please don't love him more than me. I'm a jealous person, remember, honey.

Oh, I've talked too much. I think I'm going to die or I'm already dead. I'm in a place like Purgatory again. Now all I have to do is wait for a message from the system and then...

Ta-dam! My happy rebirth!