

"Ah, Ethan!" she greeted, trying to keep her voice steady despite the nervousness bubbling within her.

"When did you get here?" she inquired, feigning innocence, but her mind was racing with worry. When did he get here? Did he saw her punch that man?

Her thoughts churned with concern. Maintaining the facade of an innocent wife was crucial to protecting her hidden identity. She couldn't let Ethan see through her act, as it might jeopardize the delicate balance they had established.

Did he suspect that her frail demeanor was merely an act?

Ruth's heart raced as she saw Ethan approach, her instinctual response forcing her to maintain the facade of an innocent, naive wife. Her smile widened, hoping to convey authenticity through the crinkles at the corners of her eyes.

Her mind raced through possible explanations, trying to concoct a plausible reason for her recent encounter with the man. But under Ethan's intense gaze, she felt her composure waver. It was as if he could see through the layers of disguise, peering directly into her soul.

"Just now." he replied, and she somehow knew that he saw her punch that man. But he was not saying anything About it, as if he was intrigued and want to figure her out. But that will not happen.

If he would not broach the subject then she would also not do it.

Ethan looked out of place in the vibrant market, standing tall and composed in his elegant suit. His confident aura contrasted with the bustling crowd around them, and Ruth couldn't help but admire him. as he is the most handsome man she had seen.

Despite the complexities of their fake marriage and the web of lies they were entangled in; he exuded an air of authority and strength.

"What are you doing here, shouldn't you be in your office?" ruth asked, narrowing her eyes on Ethan.

"I came here to meet you," he replied

"What?" she asked, caught completely off guard by his unexpected response.

"How did you know I was here?" she asked her voice calm, but there was anger burning inside her.

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