
The Bad, the Ugly, and the Lost

Firstly, I do not fully own the cover picture. In case you were wondering, it's a chart of Shakespearean insults I edited. You can search up "chart of shakespearean insults" and buy one if you wish to. Now, let's move on. Thank you for coming. I'm just going to say, don't get your hopes up for reading an amazing novel. This is simply a collection of story ideas I have but can't create due to personal issues and limited time. Some are messy ideas for plots, some are short stories, and one is a poem. Edit: Now that I look back, I feel like this is more of "mood writing". WARNINGS: Possible triggers of insanity, obsessions, possessiveness, murder, depression, death, gore, twisted mental health issues, crappy philosophy, etc. Fun fact: I update the list of warnings almost every time I post a new chapter. Also, there's some cussing. Please do not read ANY further if you dislike profanities. I don't decide how mature people are; just acknowledge your own limits. I know a twelve year old who loves reading violence/vivid gore, and many elderly who prefer good ol' cartoons. Updates come whenever I have inspiration, so they may be slow. Please don't be pissed off if the speed doesn't fulfill your own needs. If you are, you can shove that up your ass and leave to find a better book. If you like one of my story ideas, feel free to write your own story around it. However, please contact me first through chapter comments. Really, though, the reason I'm publishing these ideas is because I want them to be used; I want these seeds to be nourished and grown into trees. Presently, I know I'm not the right person to do that. I'm simply requesting that you contact me and include me for credits inside the synopsis if you do indeed wish to use my stories. One last thing. Don't believe the labels used on this. Though it says male lead and urban and whatnot, that's not true. Sorry for the inaccuracy '_' Overall, have a great time. My warnings are not for show. Please don't complain. I hope you can inspire me. ~ Sobriquet

8kkkkkkkk · Urban
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18 Chs


Please listen to this song from YouTube to set the mood(it doesn't belong to me): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y4uFkcvpi3Y

Use your imagination to fill in the holes, and make it a better place to be. Enjoy.


There is so much ugliness in the world. People try to see the happiness, and that's good. However, it's undeniable that no matter what, there will always be something wrong. This story is about feeling lost, purpose, a black cat, and watching the rain fall on a bad day.


A poor girl has a black cat with golden eyes. She walks to a tiny apartment from her college every day in the rain and has a part time job. Her favorite thing to do is hold an umbrella, sit on the roof of her apartment with her cat, and watch the movement of life around her while it's raining. She majors in philosophy, and she analyzes questions in life she doesn't have answers to. It's quite rainy during this season.

As she walks home, the girl feels lost and empty. Every day she looks for answers to questions no one can answer, and the more she fails the more she loses her purpose. She forgets why she came to this city, why she lives, and why she majors in philosophy. Literally.

With every day grinding away at her and eroding her will, she loses her memories... one by one. She sits on the roof a lot. Her cat always accompanies her, its golden eyes unblinking as they watch her collapse in on herself. She tries to fill the emptiness caused by her memory loss as she watches the bustling life moving before her eyes. She is distanced, isolated, and sometimes it feels like she's watching her life move on through a glass wall. The cat watches her in turn.

One day, she comes home and her cat is gone. It's like it was never there. Her mind brushes it off - but her heart feels strange. She subconsciously misses the cat, but

life goes on.

She continues the mindless cycle of repetition, and she's gradually stopped trying to find the answers. The questions remain, but she feels so, so tired. She's worn out, and soon the clock will stop ticking. She doesn't know why she feels like this. The days get drearier without a companion. Not that she thinks she ever had one. Now, she watches the rain on the roof alone.

Sometimes she lets it soak her to the bone. Wash away her feelings, numb her soul, and carve out her heart. It works. The seasons roll past her, and things stay relatively similar.

She meets a young boy on the streets when coming home from college one day. It's raining, and his eyes are wet. He's looking for someone. The dark orbs seem to see right through her, as if she doesn't exist. Just for a moment, they pierce through the black abyss and reach her. She gives him her umbrella and walks away, to be greeted by the cold needles of rain.

She never sees him again.

Now, she and the rain are familiar. She walks in it every day on purpose now; reveling in the cold. The nostalgic sensation of companionship eventually disappears. By now, she's given herself to the rain. They are one and the same.

During her sleep, she occasionally dreams of lost pain. Jabs, flinches, red, and the sound of harsh impacts rippling in her mind. But it's okay, because she doesn't feel it any longer. It no longer causes her to suffer, because of the rain. It wept with her; helped her store away the pain and suppress it when no one else could - or would.

A watery, dark evening, she's dancing under the rain when she collapses. Like always, there's no one there. Nothing but the rain. The repeated beating of her heart in her chest and the rain on the ground accelerate, slow, then synchronize... until they both stop.

Her weary spirit rises under the bright sun.


They say that there's a kind rain spirit in the city. She's one of a kind. There used to be a lot of flooding in the area due to too much rain, but when the rain spirit appeared the rain would stop. Sometimes, lucky people would see a vague, feminine figure made of clear water twirling through the streets.

However, it's dangerous as well. It comforts you, soothes you, but can take your life away in one breath if you depend on it too much. Like a drug. There have been mysterious deaths before, where people were found frozen in the streets.


But what really attracted tourists were the mysterious black hairs constantly found around a tiny apartment - along with a pair of golden eyes that seemed to follow the rain spirit.

I was listening to the music above and felt inspired. It doesn't belong to me - please look to The Soul of the Wind on YouTube as the rightful owner. Thank you for coming. I felt like I was being burdened and released at the same time while I was writing this.

8kkkkkkkkcreators' thoughts